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allodb: An R package for biomass estimation at globally distributed extratropical forest plots
Erika Gonzalez‐Akre, Camille Piponiot, Mauro Lepore, Valentine Herrmann, James A. Lutz, Jennifer L. Baltzer, Christopher W. Dick, Gregory S. Gilbert, Fangliang He, Michael Heym, Alejandra I. Huerta, Patrick A. Jansen, Daniel J. Johnson, Nikolai Knapp, Kamil Král, Dunmei Lin, Yadvinder Malhi, Sean M. McMahon, Jonathan A. Myers, David Orwig, Diego I. Rodríguez‐Hernández, Sabrina E. Russo, Jessica Shue, Xugao Wang, Amy Wolf, et al. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 13(2) 330 (2022)
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Aboveground Biomass Models in the Combretum-Terminalia Woodlands of Ethiopia: Testing Species and Site Variation Effects
Semi-Empirical Models and Revision of Predicting Approaches of Tree Aboveground Biomass Assessments
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How large is the difference in large-scale forest biomass estimations based on new climate-modified stand biomass models?
Alometría generalizada para la estimación de la biomasa aérea total de plantas leñosas: marco teórico general y aplicaciones
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Allometric models for predicting aboveground biomass of Combretum-Terminalia woodlands in Amhara, Northwest Ethiopia
Amsalu Abich, Asmamaw Alemu, Yohannis Gebremariam, Tadesse Mucheye, Kassaye Gurebiyaw and Meseret Kassie Trees, Forests and People 5 100122 (2021)
Species-specific biomass allometric models and expansion factors for indigenous and planted forests of the Mozambique highlands
Tarquinio Mateus Magalhães, Victoria Norberto Cossa, Benard Soares Guedes and Amélia Saraiva Monguela Fanheiro Journal of Forestry Research 32(3) 1047 (2021)
Improving the accuracy of aboveground biomass estimations in secondary tropical dry forests
Adrián Bojórquez, Angelina Martínez-Yrízar, Alberto Búrquez, Víctor J. Jaramillo, Francisco Mora, Patricia Balvanera and Juan C. Álvarez-Yépiz Forest Ecology and Management 474 118384 (2020)
Biomass Estimation, Nutrient Accumulation, and Stoichiometric Characteristics of Dominant Tree Species in the Semi-Arid Region on the Loess Plateau of China
Ajuste de ecuaciones alométricas para estimar biomasa aérea en Pinus oocarpa y Quercus resinosa en Guerrero, México
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Production and Regression Models for Biomass and Carbon Captured in Gmelina arborea Roxb. Trees in Short Rotation Coppice Plantations in Costa Rica
Aboveground biomass allometric equations and carbon content of the shea butter tree (Vitellaria paradoxa C.F. Gaertn., Sapotaceae) components in Sudanian savannas (West Africa)
Additive Biomass Equations Based on Different Dendrometric Variables for Two Dominant Species (Larix gmelini Rupr. and Betula platyphylla Suk.) in Natural Forests in the Eastern Daxing’an Mountains, Northeast China
Predicting of biomass in Brazilian tropical dry forest: a statistical evaluation of generic equations
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Additive biomass equations for small diameter trees of temperate mixed deciduous forests
Simultaneous estimation as alternative to independent modeling of tree biomass
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Developing additive systems of biomass equations for nine hardwood species in Northeast China
Database of 478 allometric equations to estimate biomass for Mexican trees and forests
Fabiola Rojas-García, Bernardus H. J. De Jong, Pablo Martínez-Zurimendí and Fernando Paz-Pellat Annals of Forest Science 72(6) 835 (2015)
Aboveground biomass and leaf area equations for three common tree species of Hyrcanian temperate forests in northern Iran
Volume and Aboveground Biomass Models for Dry Miombo Woodland in Tanzania
Ezekiel Edward Mwakalukwa, Henrik Meilby and Thorsten Treue International Journal of Forestry Research 2014 1 (2014)
Pan tropical biomass equations for Mexico's dry forests
Regional aboveground biomass equations for North American arid and semi-arid forests
José Návar, Julio Ríos-Saucedo, Gustavo Pérez-Verdín, F. de Jesús Rodríguez-Flores and Pedro A. Domínguez-Calleros Journal of Arid Environments 97 127 (2013)
GlobAllomeTree: international platform for tree allometric equations to support volume, biomass and carbon assessment
Construction of aboveground biomass models with remote sensing technology in the intertropical zone in Mexico
Carlos Arturo Aguirre-Salado, Eduardo Javier Treviño-Garza, Oscar Alberto Aguirre-Calderón, et al. Journal of Geographical Sciences 22(4) 669 (2012)
Tree above-ground biomass allometries for carbon stocks estimation in the natural forests of Colombia
Implementation of REDD+ in sub-Saharan Africa: state of knowledge, challenges and opportunities
MATIEU HENRY, DANAE MANIATIS, VINCENT GITZ, DAVID HUBERMAN and RICCARDO VALENTINI Environment and Development Economics 16(4) 381 (2011)
Accuracy and bias on the estimation of aboveground biomass in the woody vegetation of the Sonoran Desert
The potential of plantations of Terminalia superba Engl. & Diels for wood and biomass production (Mayombe Forest, Democratic Republic of Congo)
Maaike De Ridder, Wannes Hubau, Jan Van Den Bulcke, Joris Van Acker and Hans Beeckman Annals of Forest Science 67(5) 501 (2010)
Allometric prediction of above-ground biomass of eleven woody tree species in the Sudanian savanna-woodland of West Africa