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Radial Variation in Colorimetric Parameters, Chemical Composition, and Biological Resistance of Teak Wood Extracted from 13- and 22-Year-Old Teak Trees

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General, physical and mechanical properties, termites resistance and drying defects of lumber of Tectona grandis from plantations of different climatic and sites fertility condition

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A review of heartwood properties of Tectona grandis trees from fast-growth plantations

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Strong radial variation in wood density follows a uniform pattern in two neotropical rain forests

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4′,5′-Dihydroxy-epiisocatalponol, a new naphthoquinone from Tectona grandis L. f. heartwood, and fungicidal activity

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Relationships between biochemical attributes (non-structural carbohydrates and phenolics) and natural durability against fungi in dry teak wood (Tectona grandis L. f.)

Florence Bobelé Niamké, Nadine Amusant, Jean-Paul Charpentier, Gilles Chaix, Yves Baissac, Nabila Boutahar, Augustin Amissa Adima, Séraphin Kati-Coulibaly and Christian Jay-Allemand
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