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Effects of Acacia invasion on water quality, litterfall, aquatic decomposers, and leaf litter decomposition in streams
Ana Pereira, Albano Figueiredo, Nuno Coimbra, Manuel A. S. Graça and Verónica Ferreira Freshwater Biology 69(5) 705 (2024)
The overlooked margins: how cities impact diversity of plants and terrestrial invertebrates along urban streams
Carolina Oliveira Campos, Salomé F. P. Almeida, Sónia R. Q. Serra, Ana Raquel Calapez, Paulo Silveira and Maria João Feio Urban Ecosystems 27(5) 1751 (2024)
A Systematic Analysis of Nutritional and Mineral Composition and Toxicity in Acacia Species Leaves
Soraia I. Pedro, Joana Gonçalves, Carmo Horta, José C. Gonçalves, Jorge Gominho, Eugenia Gallardo and Ofélia Anjos Applied Sciences 14(20) 9437 (2024)
Changes in decomposition dynamics, soil community function and the growth of native seedlings under the leaf litter of two invasive plants
Eco-efficient plastering mortars for improved indoor comfort − The influence of A. dealbata bark addition
Alessandra Ranesi, Paulina Faria, Maria Teresa Freire, Margarida Gonçalves and M. Rosário Veiga Construction and Building Materials 421 135572 (2024)
Encouraging Invasive Acacia Control Strategies by Repurposing Their Wood Biomass Waste for Pulp and Paper Production
Duarte M. Neiva, Maria C. Godinho, Rogério M. S. Simões and Jorge Gominho Forests 15(5) 822 (2024)
Fire suppression and land-use strategies drive future dynamics of an invasive plant in a fire-prone mountain area under climate change
Cristina G. Lima, João C. Campos, Adrián Regos, João P. Honrado, Paulo M. Fernandes, Teresa R. Freitas, João A. Santos and Joana R. Vicente Journal of Environmental Management 359 120997 (2024)
Tecnologías cartográficas para la detección y monitorización de la especie Acacia dealbata en el municipio de Ribadavia (Ourense)
Can suitability indices predict plant growth in the invaded range? The case of Acacias species
Carmen P. Silva, Daniela N. López, Paulette I. Naulin and Sergio A. Estay Frontiers in Plant Science 14 (2023)
Aníbal Pauchard, Gustavo Heringer, Andrés Fuentes-Ramírez, Eduardo Fuentes-Lillo, Rafael García, Bárbara Langdon, Narciso Aguilera, Maribel Vásquez-Valderrama and Rafael Dudeque Zenni 201 (2023)
In vitro ovicidal effect of p-coumaric acid from Acacia bilimekii aerial parts against Haemonchus contortus
Jorge A. Cortes-Morales, Alejandro Zamilpa, David O. Salinas-Sánchez, Manasés González-Cortazar, Daniel Tapia-Maruri, Pedro Mendoza-de Gives, Juan M. Rivas-González and Agustín Olmedo-Juárez Veterinary Parasitology 320 109971 (2023)
Assessing the Efficacy of Phenological Spectral Differences to Detect Invasive Alien Acacia dealbata Using Sentinel-2 Data in Southern Europe
Invasive woody plants in the tropics: a delicate balance between control and harnessing potential benefits. A review
Zenia González Giro, Redimio Pedraza Olivera, Ramón Lamadrid Mandado, Junwei Hu, Lisbet Font Vila, Steven Sleutel, Veerle Fievez and Stefaan De Neve Agronomy for Sustainable Development 43(3) (2023)
Threats, biodiversity drivers and restoration in temperate floodplain forests related to spatial scales
Gypsum plastering mortars with Acacia dealbata biowaste additions: Effect of different fractions and contents on the relative humidity dependent properties
Historical reconstruction of the invasions of four non-native tree species at local scale: a detective work on Ailanthus altissima, Celtis occidentalis, Prunus serotina and Acer negundo
The characteristics of regeneration failure and their potential to shift wet temperate forests into alternate stable states
Elle J. Bowd, Lachlan McBurney and David B. Lindenmayer Forest Ecology and Management 529 120673 (2023)
Cristina Gonçalves Lima, João Campos, Adrián Regos, João Honrado, Paulo M. Fernandes, Teresa R. Freitas, João A. Santos and Joana Vicente (2023)
Experimental optimization of the supercritical fluid extraction of triterpenoids from Acacia dealbata Link. Leaves
Changes in Soil Physicochemical and Water Properties in Response to Exotic Acacia Invasion in a Bornean Coastal Heath Forest
Mohamad Hilmi Ibrahim, Rahayu Sukmaria Sukri, Kushan U. Tennakoon, Nurul Naqibah Rosli and Faizah Metali Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 23(3) 3393 (2023)
Joana R. Vicente, Eva M. Pinto, Antoine Guisan, Christoph Kueffer, Elizabete Marchante, Ingolf Kühn, João A. Cabral, João Gonçalves, João P. Honrado, Joaquim Alonso, Mário Santos, Nuno Mouta, Rita Bastos, Stuart Hall, Vanessa Lozano and Ana Sofia Vaz 496 (2023)
Supporting the spatial management of invasive alien plants through assessment of landscape dynamics and connectivity
Assessment of Acacia dealbata as green manure and weed control for maize crop
Paula Lorenzo, Lorena Álvarez-Iglesias, Luís González and Pedro Revilla Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 37(4) 322 (2022)
Special Bioactivities of Phenolics from Acacia dealbata L. with Potential for Dementia, Diabetes and Antimicrobial Treatments
Vanessa Paula, Soraia I. Pedro, Maria G. Campos, Teresa Delgado, Letícia M. Estevinho and Ofélia Anjos Applied Sciences 12(3) 1022 (2022)
Rivers as a potential dispersing agent of the invasive tree Acacia dealbata
The value of Genus Acacia in arid and semi-arid environments for the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases
Akhtar Atiya, Taghreed Majrashi, Safia Akhtar, Arshad Ali Khan, Afnan Mohammad Sultan Asiri, Hanan Jamaan Al-Zahrania, Raghad Sameer Alnami, Sara Abdulrahman Alsharif, Taef Amer, Zainah Abdullah Faiz, Shimaa Ahmad M AlYahya and Shahad Saeedhabtar Phytomedicine Plus 2(3) 100315 (2022)
The effect of flowering stage on distribution modelling performance: A case study of Acacia dealbata using maximum entropy modelling and RPA images
Chemical and Functional Characterization of Extracts from Leaves and Twigs of Acacia dealbata
Ricardo Correia, Maria Paula Duarte, Elisabete Muchagato Maurício, João Brinco, José Carlos Quintela, Marco Gomes da Silva and Margarida Gonçalves Processes 10(11) 2429 (2022)
Vermicomposting as a Sustainable Option for Managing Biomass of the Invasive Tree Acacia dealbata Link
Assessing and Predicting the Distribution of Riparian Invasive Plants in Continental Portugal
Rebecca Pabst, Filipe S. Dias, Luís Borda-de-Água, Patricia María Rodríguez-González and César Capinha Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10 (2022)
Allometric, Growth, and Biomass Estimation Models for Acacia dealbata Link.: A Case Study in Serra da Estrela Natural Park (Portugal)
Stand age, degree of encroachment and soil characteristics modulate changes of C and N cycles in dry grassland soils invaded by the N2-fixing shrub Amorpha fruticosa
Pharmacological Activity and Phytochemical Profile of Acacia Heartwood Extracts
Yanico Hadi Prayogo, Wasrin Syafii, Rita Kartika Sari, Irmanida Batubara and Danu Scientia Pharmaceutica 89(3) 37 (2021)
Extraction of Added-Value Triterpenoids from Acacia dealbata Leaves Using Supercritical Fluid Extraction
Vítor H. Rodrigues, Marcelo M. R. de Melo, Inês Portugal and Carlos M. Silva Processes 9(7) 1159 (2021)
Carbon Sequestration Potential of Forest Invasive Species: A Case Study with Acacia dealbata Link
Leonel J. R. Nunes, Mauro A. M. Raposo, Catarina I. R. Meireles, Carlos J. Pinto Gomes and Nuno M. C. Almeida Ribeiro Resources 10(5) 51 (2021)
The Impact of Rural Fires on the Development of Invasive Species: Analysis of a Case Study with Acacia dealbata Link. in Casal do Rei (Seia, Portugal)
Leonel J. R. Nunes, Mauro A. M. Raposo, Catarina I. R. Meireles, Carlos J. Pinto Gomes and Nuno M. C. Almeida Ribeiro Environments 8(5) 44 (2021)
Mexican Coastal Dunes: Recipients and Donors of Alien Flora
M. Luisa Martínez, Gonzalo Castillo-Campos, José G. García-Franco, Octavio Pérez-Maqueo, Gabriela Mendoza-González and J. Jesús Pale-Pale Diversity 13(11) 530 (2021)
Impacts of Invasive Australian Acacias on Soil Bacterial Community Composition, Microbial Enzymatic Activities, and Nutrient Availability in Fynbos Soils
Valorisation of invasive plant species in the production of polyelectrolytes
Ricardo Almeida, Fernando Cisneros, Cátia V.T. Mendes, Maria Graça V.S. Carvalho, Maria G. Rasteiro and José A.F. Gamelas Industrial Crops and Products 167 113476 (2021)
The impact of Acacia saligna on the composition and structure of the Mediterranean maquis
Invasion of temperate deciduous broadleaf forests by N‐fixing tree species – consequences for stream ecosystems
Verónica Ferreira, Albano Figueiredo, Manuel A. S. Graça, Elizabete Marchante and Ana Pereira Biological Reviews 96(3) 877 (2021)
Genetic analyses reveal complex introduction histories for the invasive tree Acacia dealbata Link around the world
Heidi Hirsch, David M. Richardson, Aníbal Pauchard, Johannes J. Le Roux and Orly Razgour Diversity and Distributions 27(2) 360 (2021)
Integral valorization of Acacia dealbata wood in organic medium catalyzed by an acidic ionic liquid
Tools for a multiproduct biorefinery of Acacia dealbata biomass
L. López-Hortas, I. Rodríguez-González, B. Díaz-Reinoso, M.D. Torres, A. Moure and H. Domínguez Industrial Crops and Products 169 113655 (2021)
Evaluation of Species Invasiveness: A Case Study with Acacia dealbata Link. on the Slopes of Cabeça (Seia-Portugal)
‘The Best of Two Worlds’—Combining Classifier Fusion and Ecological Models to Map and Explain Landscape Invasion by an Alien Shrub
Nuno Mouta, Renato Silva, Silvana Pais, Joaquim M. Alonso, João F. Gonçalves, João Honrado and Joana R. Vicente Remote Sensing 13(16) 3287 (2021)
Does public awareness about invasive plants pays off? An analysis of knowledge and perceptions of environmentally aware citizens in Portugal
Modelling Acacia saligna invasion in a large Mediterranean island using PAB factors: A tool for implementing the European legislation on invasive species
Vanessa Lozano, Flavio Marzialetti, Maria Laura Carranza, Daniel Chapman, Etienne Branquart, Klara Dološ, André Große-Stoltenberg, Michele Fiori, Paolo Capece and Giuseppe Brundu Ecological Indicators 116 106516 (2020)
Exploring the use of residues from the invasive Acacia sp. for weed control
Stakeholders’ perceptions towards non-native acacias and implications for their management in Portugal
Ana Sofia Vaz, Joana Ribeiro, João P Honrado and Joana R Vicente Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research 93(4) 557 (2020)
Characterizing arthropod communities and trophic diversity in areas invaded by Australian acacias
Fire and seed maturity drive the viability, dormancy, and germination of two invasive species: Acacia longifolia (Andrews) Willd. and Acacia mearnsii De Wild
Can Niche Dynamics and Distribution Modeling Predict the Success of Invasive Species Management Using Biocontrol? Insights From Acacia longifolia in Portugal
Mixed Plantations of Eucalyptus and Leguminous Trees
Ciro José Ribeiro de Moura, Nina Attias and Helena de Godoy Bergallo Mixed Plantations of Eucalyptus and Leguminous Trees 221 (2020)
Characterization and Cytotoxicity Assessment of the Lipophilic Fractions of Different Morphological Parts of Acacia dealbata
Cátia S. D. Oliveira, Patrícia Moreira, Judite Resende, Maria T. Cruz, Cláudia M. F. Pereira, Artur M. S. Silva, Sónia A. O. Santos and Armando J. D. Silvestre International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21(5) 1814 (2020)
Forest Pest and Disease Management in Latin America
Edson Luiz Furtado, Waldir Cintra de Jesus Junior and Willian Bucker Moraes Forest Pest and Disease Management in Latin America 211 (2020)
Control of Invasive Forest Species through the Creation of a Value Chain: Acacia dealbata Biomass Recovery
Leonel J.R. Nunes, Mauro A.M. Raposo, Catarina I.R. Meireles, Carlos J. Pinto Gomes and Nuno M.C. Almeida Ribeiro Environments 7(5) 39 (2020)
Insights for the Valorization of Biomass from Portuguese Invasive Acacia spp. in a Biorefinery Perspective
Ricardo Correia, José Carlos Quintela, Maria Paula Duarte and Margarida Gonçalves Forests 11(12) 1342 (2020)
Historical Development of the Portuguese Forest: The Introduction of Invasive Species
Leonel J. R. Nunes, Catarina I. R. Meireles, Carlos J. Pinto Gomes and Nuno M. C. Almeida Ribeiro Forests 10(11) 974 (2019)
The Functional Potential of the Rhizospheric Microbiome of an Invasive Tree Species, Acacia dealbata
Explaining people's perceptions of invasive alien species: A conceptual framework
Ross T. Shackleton, David M. Richardson, Charlie M. Shackleton, Brett Bennett, Sarah L. Crowley, Katharina Dehnen-Schmutz, Rodrigo A. Estévez, Anke Fischer, Christoph Kueffer, Christian A. Kull, Elizabete Marchante, Ana Novoa, Luke J. Potgieter, Jetske Vaas, Ana S. Vaz and Brendon M.H. Larson Journal of Environmental Management 229 10 (2019)
Allelopathic potential of rain leachates from Eucalyptus urophylla on four tree species
Influence of Acacia dealbata Link bark extracts on the growth of Allium cepa L. plants under high salinity conditions
Paula Lorenzo, Pablo Souza‐Alonso, Alejandra Guisande‐Collazo and Helena Freitas Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 99(8) 4072 (2019)
Strong spatial and temporal turnover of soil bacterial communities in South Africa's hyperdiverse fynbos biome
Different environmental drivers of alien tree invasion affect different life-stages and operate at different spatial scales
Joana R. Vicente, Christoph Kueffer, David M. Richardson, Ana Sofia Vaz, João A. Cabral, Cang Hui, Miguel B. Araújo, Ingolf Kühn, Christian A. Kull, Peter H. Verburg, Elizabete Marchante and João P. Honrado Forest Ecology and Management 433 263 (2019)