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Experimental and numerical analysis of wood thermodegradation
A. Pétrissans, R. Younsi, M. Chaouch, P. Gérardin and M. Pétrissans Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 109(2) 907 (2012)
Influence of drying on the mechanical behaviour of flax fibres and their unidirectional composites
Effect of heat treatment intensity on wood chemical composition and decay durability of Pinus patula
Ahmed Mohareb, Peter Sirmah, Mathieu Pétrissans and Philippe Gérardin European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 70(4) 519 (2012)
Characterisation of the torrefaction of beech wood using NIRS: Combined effects of temperature and duration
Effect of severe thermal treatment on spruce and beech wood lignins
Patrick Rousset, Catherine Lapierre, Brigitte Pollet, Waldir Quirino and Patrick Perre Annals of Forest Science 66(1) 110 (2009)
Effect of chemical modifications caused by heat treatment on mechanical properties of Grevillea robusta wood