Open Access

Table IV

Details about number of countries and laboratories participating to the ICP-Forests ring-tests for labs since the ICP-Forests was launched in 1985 (after Cools et al., ; Fürst, ; Marchetto et al., ; Mosello et al., ; ; ; ; ; Mues,). The symbol * indicates the number of countries and labs (=sampling systems) that participated to the depositon sampling intercomparison exercise (Draijers et al.,). § Indicates the exercises to which ICP Forests labs took part, but that were organized within different projects (AQUACON–MedBas Subproject No. 6 and “Acid rainε and Subproject No. 7 “Freshwaterε).

Reference Foliar analysis Soil (solid phase) analysis Water analysis (deposition and soil solution)

year Exercise, No. Countries, n Labs, n Exercise, No. Countries, n Labs, n Exercise, No. Countries, n Labs, n
1991 1 22 22
1993 1 21 24
1994 2 25 26
1995 2 25 39
1996 14§ 18§
1997 3 29 51 13§ 40§
1998 20§ 53§
1999 4 29 52 20* 17*
2000 20§ 42§
2001 5 29 53
2002 3 27 52 1 27 59
2003 6 26 46
2004 7 23 43
2005 8 30 52 4 28 52 2 27 52
2006 9 28 53
2007 10 29 54 5 29 48