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Table VI

Fit-statistics and parameter estimates (standard errors in parenthesis) for equation (9). N is the number of plots, se the standard error of the estimate of the quadratic mean diameter, dg (cm).

Species Data N se R2 a1 b0
Pinus sylvestris Natural 468 4.345 0.761 0.6183 (0.0302) 0.2763 (0.0320)
Plantation 262 2.397 0.863 0.7048 (0.0231) 0.4081 (0.0320)
Quercus pyrenaica Region1 193 4.533 0.440 0.6109 (0.0544) 0.5385 (0.1051)
Region 2 388 5.831 0.369 0.5428 (0.0434) 0.3847 (0.0612)