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Table II

Mean values (± SE) of morphological parameters of red pine seedlings after the second growing season. Seedlings were fall fertilized with a single application of ammonium nitrate (NH4 NO3) at rates of 0, 11, 22, 44 and 89 kg N ha−1. For each parameter, values in the same row with different letters differed statistically according to Fisher’s Least Significant Difference test at α = 0.05.

Fall fertilizer application rate (kg N ha−1)

0 11 22 44 89
Height (cm) 13.02 (0.73)a 14.23 (0.68)a 14.87 (0.80)a 15.49 (0.55)a 16.28 (0.68)a
RCD (mm) 3.43 (0.17)c 3.63 (0.18)bc 4.17 (0.19)abc 4.27 (0.22)ab 4.88 (0.22)a
Shoot dry mass (g) 4.20 (0.46)b 4.84 (0.53)b 6.19 (0.69)ab 6.08 (0.76)ab 8.18 (0.76)a
Root dry mass (g) 0.98 (0.09)b 1.13 (0.08)b 1.49 (0.16)ab 1.42 (0.11)ab 1.91 (0.21)a
Shoot N conc. (%) 1.31 (0.10)a 1.37 (0.06)a 1.32 (0.03)a 1.35 (0.09)a 1.25 (0.04)a
Root N conc. (%) 0.75 (0.06)a 0.71 (0.02)a 0.71 (0.03)a 0.73 (0.04)a 0.68 (0.04)a
Shoot N cont. (mg) 51.57 (7.37)b 69.50 (10.54)ab 77.96 (11.22)ab 84.83 (13.02)ab 103.40 (10.06)a
Root N cont. (mg) 6.64 (0.68)b 8.50 (0.86)b 9.69 (1.70)ab 10.64 (1.04)ab 13.56 (2.09)a
Number of needle primordia 100.8 (8.3)cd 82.7 (3.7)d 109.7 (3.6)bc 126.2 (7.5)b 172.5 (5.2)a