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Table I

Summary of the 13 datasets used to develop the radiata pine biomass functions. Missing values indicate that data were either not recorded or were not available.

Study Location Country Latitude Longitude Elevation Rainfall Number Age DBH Height Stand density
(m) (mm) of trees (years) (cm) (m) (trees/ha)
Bandara (1997) Canterbury NZL –43.63 172.50 11 660 63 3–6 4.8–20.8 3.7–9.5 400–800
Barton (1984) Warkworth NZL –36.45 174.63 1600 6 8 12.9–25.4 12.3–17.3 1500
Beets and Pollock (1987) Rotorua NZL –38.43 176.22 600 1500 245 2–23 0.7–80.6 1.5–37.1 156–2200
Clinton (1990) Rangiora NZL –43.32 172.57 702 24 4 2.5–14.5 2.3–7.2 400
Dyck et al. (1991) Auckland NZL –36.75 174.42 30 1330 7 42 35.8–59.0 30.9–38.1 270
Madgwick et al. (1977) Rotorua NZL –38.30 176.73 1425 49 2–22 1.4–49.7 1.7–38.1 544–2496
Mason (unpublished1) Canterbury NZL –43.66 172.19 28 1–3 0.9–7.4 0.32–2.49
Mason (unpublished2) Canterbury NZL –43.67 172.82 33 7 1.9–20.8 3.0–11.0 1111
Mason (unpublished3) Canterbury NZL –42.75 171.87 520 1140 30 11 13.9–35.9 11.4–13.2 833–2500
Smith et al. (1994) Auckland NZL –37.25 174.42 1330 120 5 5.2–14.0 4.1–8.7
Unknown1 Rotorua NZL –38.30 176.73 2 27 40.8–46.2 39.2–39.5 188
Unknown2 Rotorua NZL –38.30 176.73 15 7–8 7.4–22.2 7.7–16.7 500–2220
Webber and Madgwick (1983) Rotorua NZL –38.3 177.63 15 29 21.2–62.1 25.6–42.1 360
Overall 637 1–42 0.7–80.6 0.32–42.1 156–2496