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Stand boundary effects on obligate seeding Eucalyptus delegatensis regeneration and fuel dynamics following high and low severity fire: Implications for species resilience to recurrent fire
Reciprocal Common Garden Altitudinal Transplants Reveal Potential Negative Impacts of Climate Change on Abies religiosa Populations in the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve Overwintering Sites
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Pinus pseudostrobus assisted migration trial with rain exclusion: maintaining Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve forest cover in an environment affected by climate change
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Molecular relationships of the Israeli shrews (Eulipotyphla: Soricidae) based on cytochrome b sequences
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Recent evidence of Mexican temperate forest decline and the need for ex situ conservation, assisted migration, and translocation of species ensembles as adaptive management to face projected climatic change impacts in a megadiverse country
Cuauhtémoc Sáenz-Romero, Eduardo Mendoza-Maya, Erika Gómez-Pineda, et al. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 50(9) 843 (2020)
Adaptive Diversity of Beech Seedlings Under Climate Change Scenarios