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How do soil and topographic drivers determine tree diameter spatial distribution in even aged cork oak stands installed in average to high productivity areas
Paulo Neves Firmino, Joana Amaral Paulo, António Lourenço, Margarida Tomé and Manuel Campagnolo New Forests 55(5) 1475 (2024)
Climatic drivers of cork growth depend on site aridity
Growth Responses to Climate and Drought in Relict Cork Oak Populations as a Benchmark of the Species Tolerance
J. Julio Camarero, Antonio Gazol, Cristina Valeriano, Michele Colangelo and Álvaro Rubio-Cuadrado Forests 15(1) 72 (2023)
Adriana Príncipe, Alice Nunes, Nuno Neves, Alexandra Oliveira and Cristina Branquinho (2023)
Investigation of the efficiency of MaxEnt, topsis and invest models on site suitability and decline potential of Persian oak forests in Zagros, Iran (Ilam Province)
Effects of Shrub Encroachment on Carbon Assimilation and Growth of Mediterranean Cork Oak Trees Depend on Shrub Cover Density
Raquel Lobo-do-Vale, Simon Haberstroh, Christiane Werner, Carla Nogueira, Miguel Nuno Bugalho and Maria Conceição Caldeira Forests 14(5) 960 (2023)
Shrub Invasion Overrides the Effect of Imposed Drought on the Photosynthetic Capacity and Physiological Responses of Mediterranean Cork Oak Trees
Raquel Lobo-do-Vale, Teresa Rafael, Simon Haberstroh, Christiane Werner and Maria Conceição Caldeira Plants 12(8) 1636 (2023)
Virgin cork colour and porosity as predictors for secondary cork industrial quality
Shrub understorey clearing and drought affects water status and growth of juvenile Quercus suber trees
X. Lecomte, J.A. Paulo, M. Tomé, S. Veloso, P.N. Firmino, S.P. Faias and M.C. Caldeira Forest Ecology and Management 503 119760 (2022)
Plant invasion modifies isohydricity in Mediterranean tree species
Simon Haberstroh, Raquel Lobo‐do‐Vale, Maria C. Caldeira, Maren Dubbert, Matthias Cuntz and Christiane Werner Functional Ecology 36(9) 2384 (2022)
Local-scale factors matter for tree cover modelling in Mediterranean drylands
Adriana Príncipe, Alice Nunes, Pedro Pinho, Cristiana Aleixo, Nuno Neves and Cristina Branquinho Science of The Total Environment 831 154877 (2022)
Soil VOC emissions of a Mediterranean woodland are sensitive to shrub invasion
M. Meischner, S. Haberstroh, L. E. Daber, J. Kreuzwieser, M. C. Caldeira, J.‐P. Schnitzler and C. Werner Plant Biology 24(6) 967 (2022)
Kinship Analysis and Pedigree Reconstruction of a Natural Regenerated Cork Oak (Quercus suber) Population
Bruna Mendes, Teresa Sampaio, Marta A. Antunes, Hugo Magalhães, Filipe Costa e Silva, Carla Borges, Fernanda Simões, Ana Usié, Maria Helena Almeida and António Marcos Ramos Forests 13(2) 226 (2022)
Genetic variation among and within Quercus suber L. populations in survival, growth, vigor and plant architecture traits
An analysis of tree-ring width and the standardized precipitation-evapotranspiration index within the cork oak (Quercus suber L.) forests mortality framework in the Kroumirie Mountains, northwestern Tunisia
I. Touhami, E. Chirino, S. Fkiri, H. Aouinti, H. Moutahir, J. Bellot, T. Rzigui, A. Khaldi and Z. Nasr Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration 6(2) (2021)
Zoning of Areas with Susceptibility to Oak Decline in Western Iran
Ricardo Quinto-Canas, Ana Cano-Ortiz, Mauro Raposo, et al. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, New Metropolitan Perspectives 178 1279 (2021)
Variation in the access to deep soil water pools explains tree-to-tree differences in drought-triggered dieback of Mediterranean oaks
Jordi Voltas, Michele Colangelo, J Julio Camarero, Francesco Ripullone and Lucas Cernusak Tree Physiology 40(5) 591 (2020)
Ancient forest statistics provide centennial perspective over the status and dynamics of forest area in France
Spatial oak decline models to inform conservation planning in the Central-Western Iberian Peninsula
Ricardo Enrique Hernández-Lambraño, David Rodríguez de la Cruz and José Ángel Sánchez-Agudo Forest Ecology and Management 441 115 (2019)
Valuation of ecosystem services by stakeholders operating at different levels: insights from the Portuguese cultural montado landscape
Inês T. do Rosário, Rui Rebelo, Ursula Caser, Lia Vasconcelos and Margarida Santos-Reis Regional Environmental Change 19(8) 2173 (2019)
Plant Pathogenic Fungi Associated with Coraebus florentinus (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) Attacks in Declining Oak Forests
Claudia Pinna, Benedetto T. Linaldeddu, Vitale Deiana, Lucia Maddau, Lucio Montecchio and Andrea Lentini Forests 10(6) 488 (2019)
Seed origin drives differences in survival and growth traits of cork oak (Quercus suber L.) populations
Teresa Sampaio, Elsa Gonçalves, Maria S. Patrício, Tânia M. Cota and M. Helena Almeida Forest Ecology and Management 448 267 (2019)
Spatio-temporal analysis of oak decline process in open woodlands: A case study in SW Spain
Jesús Fernández-Habas, Pilar Fernández-Rebollo, Mónica Rivas Casado, Alma María García Moreno and Begoña Abellanas Journal of Environmental Management 248 109308 (2019)
Is research supporting sustainable management in a changing world? Insights from a Mediterranean silvopastoral system
Monitoring Mediterranean Oak Decline in a Peri-Urban Protected Area Using the NDVI and Sentinel-2 Images: The Case Study of Castelporziano State Natural Reserve
Post Hoc Assessment of Stand Structure Across European Wood-Pastures: Implications for Land Use Policy
Marlene Roellig, Augusta Costa, Matteo Garbarino, Jan Hanspach, Tibor Hartel, Simon Jakobsson, Regina Lindborg, Sabine Mayr, Tobias Plieninger, Marek Sammul, Anna Varga and Joern Fischer Rangeland Ecology & Management 71(5) 526 (2018)
Influence of soil properties and burial depth on Persian oak (Quercus brantii Lindl.) establishment in different microhabitats resulting from traditional forest practices
Mehdi Heydari, Bernard Prévosto, Hamid Reza Naji, Ali Ashraf Mehrabi and David Pothier European Journal of Forest Research 136(2) 287 (2017)
Drought-induced oak decline in the western Mediterranean region: an overview on current evidences, mechanisms and management options to improve forest resilience
T Gentilesca, JJ Camarero, M Colangelo, A Nolè and F Ripullone iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry 10(5) 796 (2017)
Variability of ant community composition in cork oak woodlands across the Mediterranean region: implications for forest management
M Verdinelli, SEB Yakhlef, CS Cossu, O Pilia and R Mannu iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry 10(4) 707 (2017)
Modern edaphic conditions of ravine oak forest growing in the south Voronezh region
Chronic cork oak decline and water status: new insights
Constança S. P. Camilo-Alves, Margarida Vaz, M. Ivone Esteves Da Clara and Nuno Manuel De Almeida Ribeiro New Forests 48(6) 753 (2017)
Across-scale patterning of plant–soil–pathogen interactions in Quercus suber decline
J. M. Avila, J. C. Linares, A. García-Nogales, M. E. Sánchez and L. Gómez-Aparicio European Journal of Forest Research 136(4) 677 (2017)
Insects and Diseases of Mediterranean Forest Systems
Endemic and Emerging Pathogens Threatening Cork Oak Trees: Management Options for Conserving a Unique Forest Ecosystem
Salvatore Moricca, Benedetto T. Linaldeddu, Beatrice Ginetti, Bruno Scanu, Antonio Franceschini and Alessandro Ragazzi Plant Disease 100(11) 2184 (2016)
Linking farm management and ecosystem service provision: Challenges and opportunities for soil erosion prevention in Mediterranean silvo-pastoral systems
Synergy of extreme drought and shrub invasion reduce ecosystem functioning and resilience in water-limited climates
Maria C. Caldeira, Xavier Lecomte, Teresa S. David, Joaquim G. Pinto, Miguel N. Bugalho and Christiane Werner Scientific Reports 5(1) (2015)
Topography and aridity influence oak woodland bird assemblages in southern Europe
Ricardo A. Correia, Whitney C. Haskell, Jennifer A. Gill, Jorge M. Palmeirim and Aldina M.A. Franco Forest Ecology and Management 354 97 (2015)
Is cork oak (Quercus suber L.) woodland loss driven by eucalyptus plantation? A case-study in southwestern Portugal
Decline of Mediterranean oak trees and its association with Phytophthora cinnamomi: a review
Constança de Sampaio e Paiva Camilo-Alves, Maria Ivone Esteves Clara and Nuno Manuel Cabral Almeida Ribeiro European Journal of Forest Research 132(3) 411 (2013)
Differential regional responses in drought length, intensity and timing to recent climate changes in a Mediterranean forested ecosystem
Ectomycorrhizal inoculation with Pisolithus tinctorius increases the performance of Quercus suber L. (cork oak) nursery and field seedlings
Mónica Sebastiana, Vanessa Tolentino Pereira, André Alcântara, Maria Salomé Pais and Anabela Bernardes Silva New Forests 44(6) 937 (2013)
Gas transport through cork: Modelling gas permeation based on the morphology of a natural polymer material
Carla Brazinha, Ana P. Fonseca, Helena Pereira, Orlando M.N.D. Teodoro and João G. Crespo Journal of Membrane Science 428 52 (2013)
Impacts of exotic forest pathogens on Mediterranean ecosystems: four case studies
Effects of resource availability on plant recruitment at the community level in a Mediterranean mountain ecosystem
Luis Matías, Lorena Gómez-Aparicio, Regino Zamora and Jorge Castro Perspectives in Plant Ecology Evolution and Systematics 13(4) 277 (2011)