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The effect of cutting technique on the mortality and resprouting vigor of poplar stumps in short-rotation plantations
Raffaele Spinelli, Natascia Magagnotti, Carolina Lombardini and Elaine Cristina Leonello Canadian Journal of Forest Research 51(3) 439 (2021)
Thinning decreased soil respiration differently in two dryland Mediterranean forests with contrasted soil temperature and humidity regimes
Inmaculada Bautista, Antonio Lidón, Cristina Lull, María González-Sanchis and Antonio D. del Campo European Journal of Forest Research 140(6) 1469 (2021)
Stump sprout dynamics of Quercus serrata Thunb. and Q. acutissima Carruth. four years after cutting in an abandoned coppice forest in western Japan
Oaks Physiological Ecology. Exploring the Functional Diversity of Genus Quercus L.
Jesús Pemán, Esteban Chirino, Josep María Espelta, et al. Tree Physiology, Oaks Physiological Ecology. Exploring the Functional Diversity of Genus Quercus L. 7 453 (2017)
Development of Sessile Oak and European Hornbeam Sprouts after Thinning
Zdeněk Adamec, Jan Kadavý, Barbora Fedorová, Robert Knott, Michal Kneifl and Karel Drápela Forests 8(9) 308 (2017)
Mortality, re-sprouting vigor and physiology of coppice stumps after mechanized cutting
Raffaele Spinelli, Luigi Pari, Giovanni Aminti, Natascia Magagnotti and Alessio Giovannelli Annals of Forest Science 74(1) (2017)
Determining the effects of felling method and season of year on the regeneration of short rotation coppice
Daniel P. L. de Souza, Tom Gallagher, Dana Mitchell, Tim McDonald and Mathew Smidt International Journal of Forest Engineering 27(1) 53 (2016)
Post-fire forestry management improves fruit weight and seed set in forest coppices dominated by Arbutus unedo L.
The effect of harvesting on stump mortality and re-sprouting in aged oak coppice forests
Patrick L. Pyttel, Ulrich F. Fischer, Christian Suchomel, Stefanie M. Gärtner and Jürgen Bauhus Forest Ecology and Management 289 18 (2013)
Post-fire survival and regeneration of Eucalyptus globulus in forest plantations in Portugal
Effects of stump diameter, stump height, and cutting season on Quercus variabilis stump sprouting
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Josep Maria Espelta, Anna Barbati, Lídia Quevedo, Reyes Tárrega, Pablo Navascués, Consuelo Bonfil, Guillermo Peguero, Marcos Fernández-Martínez and Anselm Rodrigo 24 171 (2012)
The sprouting ability of the main tree species in Central European coppices: implications for coppice restoration
Early Precommercial Thinning of Redwood Sprout Clumps: Evaluation of Four Techniques
Christopher R. Keyes, Peter J. Matzka, Kevin C. Wright, Radoslaw Glebocki and Han-Sup Han International Journal of Forest Engineering 19(2) 28 (2008)
Post-fire resprouting ability of 15 non-dominant shrub and tree species in Mediterranean areas of NE Spain
Josep Maria Espelta, Santiago Sabaté and Javier Retana Ecological Studies, Ecology of Mediterranean Evergreen Oak Forests 137 61 (1999)
Ecology of Mediterranean Evergreen Oak Forests
Javier Retana, Josep Maria Espelta, Marc Gracia and Miquel Riba Ecological Studies, Ecology of Mediterranean Evergreen Oak Forests 137 89 (1999)