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Banded Vegetation Patterning in Arid and Semiarid Environments
Carlos Montaña, Josiane Seghieri and Antoine Cornet Ecological Studies, Banded Vegetation Patterning in Arid and Semiarid Environments 149 132 (2001)
Banded Vegetation Patterning in Arid and Semiarid Environments
Josiane Seghieri and David L. Dunkerley Ecological Studies, Banded Vegetation Patterning in Arid and Semiarid Environments 149 32 (2001)
Banded Vegetation Patterning in Arid and Semiarid Environments
David J. Tongway and John A. Ludwig Ecological Studies, Banded Vegetation Patterning in Arid and Semiarid Environments 149 20 (2001)
Differences between banded thickets (tiger bush) at two sites in West Africa
Pierre Couteron, Ali Mahamane, Paul Ouedraogo and Josiane Seghieri Journal of Vegetation Science 11(3) 321 (2000)
Soil and water components of banded vegetation patterns