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Aspect Differences in Vegetation Type Drive Higher Evapotranspiration on a Pole‐Facing Slope in a California Oak Savanna
Amanda Donaldson, David Dralle, Nerissa Barling, Russell P. Callahan, Michael E. Loik and Margaret Zimmer Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 129(7) (2024)
Generalizing Tree–Level Sap Flow Across the European Continent
Ralf Loritz, Chen Huan Wu, Daniel Klotz, Martin Gauch, Frederik Kratzert and Maoya Bassiouni Geophysical Research Letters 51(6) (2024)
Unveiling the Dynamics of Canopy Transpiration: A Novel Model Integrating Stomatal and Aerodynamic Resistance in Semi-Humid Forests
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Intrinsic and extrinsic factors influencing Populus water use: A literature review
Environmental Drivers of Gross Primary Productivity and Light Use Efficiency of a Temperate Spruce Forest
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Impact of Environmental Conditions and Seasonality on Ecosystem Transpiration and Evapotranspiration Partitioning (T/ET Ratio) of Pure European Beech Forest
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Estimating Canopy-Scale Evapotranspiration from Localized Sap Flow Measurements
A model bridging waterlogging, stomatal behavior and water use in trees in drained peatland
Che Liu, Qian Wang, Annikki Mäkelä, Hannu Hökkä, Mikko Peltoniemi, Teemu Hölttä and Antonio Diaz-Espejo Tree Physiology 42(9) 1736 (2022)
Tree species matter for forest microclimate regulation during the drought year 2018: disentangling environmental drivers and biotic drivers
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Estimate canopy transpiration in larch plantations via the interactions among reference evapotranspiration, leaf area index, and soil moisture
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Assimilate, process and analyse thermal dissipation sap flow data using the TREX r package
Richard L. Peters, Christoforos Pappas, Alexander G. Hurley, Rafael Poyatos, Victor Flo, Roman Zweifel, Willem Goossens, Kathy Steppe and Jessica Royles Methods in Ecology and Evolution 12(2) 342 (2021)
Detecting tree water stress using a trunk relative water content measurement sensor
Global transpiration data from sap flow measurements: the SAPFLUXNET database
Rafael Poyatos, Víctor Granda, Víctor Flo, Mark A. Adams, Balázs Adorján, David Aguadé, Marcos P. M. Aidar, Scott Allen, M. Susana Alvarado-Barrientos, Kristina J. Anderson-Teixeira, Luiza Maria Aparecido, M. Altaf Arain, Ismael Aranda, Heidi Asbjornsen, Robert Baxter, Eric Beamesderfer, Z. Carter Berry, Daniel Berveiller, Bethany Blakely, Johnny Boggs, Gil Bohrer, Paul V. Bolstad, Damien Bonal, Rosvel Bracho, Patricia Brito, et al. Earth System Science Data 13(6) 2607 (2021)
Quantification of toluene phytoextraction rates and microbial biodegradation functional profiles at a fractured bedrock phytoremediation site
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Weaker Light Response, Lower Stomatal Conductance and Structural Changes in Old Boreal Conifers Implied by a Bayesian Hierarchical Model
Water Use and Soil Moisture Relationships on Western Juniper Trees at Different Growth Stages
Mohamed A. B. Abdallah, Nicole Durfee, Ricardo Mata-Gonzalez, Carlos G. Ochoa and Jay S. Noller Water 12(6) 1596 (2020)
Analytical approach extending the Granier method to radial sap flow patterns
Responses of species-specific sap flux, transpiration and water use efficiency of pine, spruce and birch trees to temporarily moderate dry periods in mixed forests at a dry and wet forest site in the hemi-boreal zone
Drought Superimposes the Positive Effect of Silver Fir on Water Relations of European Beech in Mature Forest Stands
Ruth-Kristina Magh, Boris Bonn, Rüdiger Grote, Tim Burzlaff, Sebastian Pfautsch and Heinz Rennenberg Forests 10(10) 897 (2019)
Evapotranspiration Characteristics Distinct to Mangrove Ecosystems Are Revealed by Multiple‐Site Observations and a Modified Two‐Source Model
Jie Liang, Zhongwang Wei, Xuhui Lee, Jonathon S. Wright, Xiaowei Cui, Hui Chen and Guanghui Lin Water Resources Research 55(12) 11250 (2019)
Is it true that date-palm consumes a lot of water?
İmed BEN AİSSA, Sami BOUARFA, Olivier ROUPSARD and Rajouene MAJDOUB International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences 3(2) 62 (2019)
Using Sap Flow Data to Parameterize the Feddes Water Stress Model for Norway Spruce
Simulating the effects of different potassium and water supply regimes on soil water content and water table depth over a rotation of a tropical Eucalyptus grandis plantation
Duration of Available Sap Flux Density Data Measured by Sensors Applied to Japanese Cedar
Quantification of uncertainties in conifer sap flow measured with the thermal dissipation method
Richard L. Peters, Patrick Fonti, David C. Frank, Rafael Poyatos, Christoforos Pappas, Ansgar Kahmen, Vinicio Carraro, Angela Luisa Prendin, Loïc Schneider, Jennifer L. Baltzer, Greg A. Baron‐Gafford, Lars Dietrich, Ingo Heinrich, Rebecca L. Minor, Oliver Sonnentag, Ashley M. Matheny, Maxwell G. Wightman and Kathy Steppe New Phytologist 219(4) 1283 (2018)
Advancing ecohydrology in the changing tropics: Perspectives from early career scientists
Cynthia Wright, Aurora Kagawa‐Viviani, Cynthia Gerlein‐Safdi, Giovanny M. Mosquera, María Poca, Han Tseng and Kwok Pan Chun Ecohydrology 11(3) (2018)
Geophysical Measurements to Determine the Hydrologic Partitioning of Snowmelt on a Snow‐Dominated Subalpine Hillslope
Drew Thayer, Andrew D. Parsekian, Kevin Hyde, Heather Speckman, Dan Beverly, Brent Ewers, Matt Covalt, Nadia Fantello, Thijs Kelleners, Noriaki Ohara, Trent Rogers and W. Steven Holbrook Water Resources Research 54(6) 3788 (2018)
Sap flux measurements in wet tropical forests: unique challenges and opportunities
Contribution de la nappe phréatique à l'alimentation hydrique du palmier dattier (Phoenix dactylifera) dans les zones oasiennes
Wafae El Khoumsi, Ali Hammani, Sami Bouarfa, Ahmed Bouaziz and Imed Ben Aïssa Cahiers Agricultures 26(4) 45005 (2017)
Calibration of heat ratio method by direct measurements of transpiration with weighing root-ball method : A study with Acer palmatum Thunb.
Shinichi TAKEUCHI, Yoshitaka SUGIO, Keitaro SHINOZAKI, Daiki MATSUSHIMA and Shinichi IIDA Journal of the Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology 43(1) 109 (2017)
Three years of monitoring evapotranspiration components and crop and stress coefficients in a deficit irrigated intensive olive orchard
Nuno Conceição, Luca Tezza, Melanie Häusler, Sónia Lourenço, Carlos A. Pacheco and M. Isabel Ferreira Agricultural Water Management 191 138 (2017)
Upscaling Stem to Community-Level Transpiration for Two Sand-Fixing Plants: Salix gordejevii and Caragana microphylla
Energy and Matter Fluxes of a Spruce Forest Ecosystem
Barbara Köstner, Eva Falge and Martina Alsheimer Ecological Studies, Energy and Matter Fluxes of a Spruce Forest Ecosystem 229 99 (2017)
Seasonal cycles of sap flow and stem radius variation of Spartocytisus supranubius in the alpine zone of Tenerife, Canary Islands
Impacts of prescribed fire on
Pinus rigida
Mill. in upland forests of the Atlantic Coastal Plain
Nicholas J. Carlo, Heidi J. Renninger, Kenneth L. Clark, Karina V.R. Schäfer and Roberto Tognetti Tree Physiology 36(8) 967 (2016)
Changes in spatial variations of sap flow in Korean pine trees due to environmental factors and their effects on estimates of stand transpiration
Dominant controls of transpiration along a hillslope transect inferred from ecohydrological measurements and thermodynamic limits
Maik Renner, Sibylle K. Hassler, Theresa Blume, Markus Weiler, Anke Hildebrandt, Marcus Guderle, Stanislaus J. Schymanski and Axel Kleidon Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20(5) 2063 (2016)
A new heat balance equation for sap flow calculation during continuous linear heating in tree sapwood
Xylem hydraulic properties in subtropical coniferous trees influence radial patterns of sap flow: implications for whole tree transpiration estimates using sap flow sensors
Radial pattern of sap flow and response to microclimate and soil moisture in Qinghai spruce (Picea crassifolia) in the upper Heihe River Basin of arid northwestern China
Transpiration of silver Fir (Abies alba mill.) during and after drought in relation to soil properties in a Mediterranean mountain area
Marie Nourtier, André Chanzy, Maxime Cailleret, Xie Yingge, Roland Huc and Hendrik Davi Annals of Forest Science 71(6) 683 (2014)
Suppression of transpiration due to cloud immersion in a seasonally dry Mexican weeping pine plantation
Canopy transpiration of a Pinus canariensis forest at the tree line: implications for its distribution under predicted climate warming
Patricia Brito, Jose R. Lorenzo, Águeda Mª. González-Rodríguez, et al. European Journal of Forest Research 133(3) 491 (2014)
Evaluating the effect of plant water availability on inner alpine coniferous trees based on sap flow measurements
Forest transpiration—targeted through xylem sap flux assessment versus hydrological modeling
Manuela Baumgarten, Wendelin Weis, Angelika Kühn, Katharina May and Rainer Matyssek European Journal of Forest Research 133(4) 677 (2014)
Sap-flux density measurement methods: working principles and applicability
Water use by a warm-temperate deciduous forest under the influence of the Asian monsoon: contributions of the overstory and understory to forest water use
Mapping dry-season tree transpiration of an oak woodland at the catchment scale, using object-attributes derived from satellite imagery and sap flow measurements