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Evapotranspiration Characteristics Distinct to Mangrove Ecosystems Are Revealed by Multiple‐Site Observations and a Modified Two‐Source Model

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Is it true that date-palm consumes a lot of water?

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Using Sap Flow Data to Parameterize the Feddes Water Stress Model for Norway Spruce

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Why size matters: the interactive influences of tree diameter distribution and sap flow parameters on upscaled transpiration

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The accuracy of the thermal dissipation technique for estimating sap flow is affected by the radial distribution of conduit diameter and density

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Improved Water Consumption Estimates of Black Locust Plantations in China’s Loess Plateau

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Tree-, stand- and site-specific controls on landscape-scale patterns of transpiration

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Duration of Available Sap Flux Density Data Measured by Sensors Applied to Japanese Cedar

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Quantification of uncertainties in conifer sap flow measured with the thermal dissipation method

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Advancing ecohydrology in the changing tropics: Perspectives from early career scientists

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Geophysical Measurements to Determine the Hydrologic Partitioning of Snowmelt on a Snow‐Dominated Subalpine Hillslope

Drew Thayer, Andrew D. Parsekian, Kevin Hyde, Heather Speckman, Dan Beverly, Brent Ewers, Matt Covalt, Nadia Fantello, Thijs Kelleners, Noriaki Ohara, Trent Rogers and W. Steven Holbrook
Water Resources Research 54 (6) 3788 (2018)

Simulating canopy conductance of the Haloxylon ammodendron shrubland in an arid inland river basin of northwest China

Shiqin Xu, Zhongbo Yu, Ke Zhang, et al.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 249 22 (2018)

Contribution de la nappe phréatique à l'alimentation hydrique du palmier dattier (Phoenix dactylifera) dans les zones oasiennes

Wafae El Khoumsi, Ali Hammani, Sami Bouarfa, Ahmed Bouaziz and Imed Ben Aïssa
Cahiers Agricultures 26 (4) 45005 (2017)

Calibration of heat ratio method by direct measurements of transpiration with weighing root-ball method : A study with Acer palmatum Thunb.

Shinichi TAKEUCHI, Yoshitaka SUGIO, Keitaro SHINOZAKI, Daiki MATSUSHIMA and Shinichi IIDA
Journal of the Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology 43 (1) 109 (2017)

Three years of monitoring evapotranspiration components and crop and stress coefficients in a deficit irrigated intensive olive orchard

Nuno Conceição, Luca Tezza, Melanie Häusler, Sónia Lourenço, Carlos A. Pacheco and M. Isabel Ferreira
Agricultural Water Management 191 138 (2017)

Upscaling Stem to Community-Level Transpiration for Two Sand-Fixing Plants: Salix gordejevii and Caragana microphylla

Limin Duan, Yang Lv, Xue Yan, Tingxi Liu and Xixi Wang
Water 9 (5) 361 (2017)

Integrating new technologies into the effective planning of irrigation schedules towards efficient water use and minimum loss

Y.A. Al-Mulla, S. Siddiqi, I. McCann, M. Belhaj and H. Al-Busaidi
Acta Horticulturae (1150) 67 (2017)

Microclimatic differences and their influence on transpirational cooling of Tilia cordata in two contrasting street canyons in Munich, Germany

Mohammad A. Rahman, Astrid Moser, Thomas Rötzer and Stephan Pauleit
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 232 443 (2017)

Energy and Matter Fluxes of a Spruce Forest Ecosystem

Barbara Köstner, Eva Falge and Martina Alsheimer
Ecological Studies, Energy and Matter Fluxes of a Spruce Forest Ecosystem 229 99 (2017)

Seasonal cycles of sap flow and stem radius variation of Spartocytisus supranubius in the alpine zone of Tenerife, Canary Islands

Águeda M. González-Rodríguez, Patricia Brito, José R. Lorenzo, et al.
Alpine Botany 127 (2) 97 (2017)

Redistribution of water via layering branches between connected parent and daughter trees in Norway spruce clonal groups

Martin Šenfeldr, Josef Urban, Petr Maděra and Jiří Kučera
Trees 30 (1) 5 (2016)

An empirical study of the wound effect on sap flux density measured with thermal dissipation probes

Andreas Wiedemann, Sara Marañón-Jiménez, Corinna Rebmann, et al.
Tree Physiology 36 (12) 1471 (2016)

Impacts of prescribed fire on Pinus rigida Mill. in upland forests of the Atlantic Coastal Plain

Nicholas J. Carlo, Heidi J. Renninger, Kenneth L. Clark, Karina V.R. Schäfer and Roberto Tognetti
Tree Physiology 36 (8) 967 (2016)

Changes in spatial variations of sap flow in Korean pine trees due to environmental factors and their effects on estimates of stand transpiration

Minkyu Moon, Taekyu Kim, Juhan Park, et al.
Journal of Mountain Science 13 (6) 1024 (2016)

Quantification of Overnight Movement of Birch (Betula pendula) Branches and Foliage with Short Interval Terrestrial Laser Scanning

Eetu Puttonen, Christian Briese, Gottfried Mandlburger, et al.
Frontiers in Plant Science 7 (2016)

Dominant controls of transpiration along a hillslope transect inferred from ecohydrological measurements and thermodynamic limits

Maik Renner, Sibylle K. Hassler, Theresa Blume, Markus Weiler, Anke Hildebrandt, Marcus Guderle, Stanislaus J. Schymanski and Axel Kleidon
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20 (5) 2063 (2016)

Transpiration from three dominant shrub species in a desert‐oasis ecotone of arid regions of Northwestern China

Xibin Ji, Wenzhi Zhao, Ersi Kang, Bowen Jin and Shiqin Xu
Hydrological Processes 30 (25) 4841 (2016)


Takashi ASAWA, Kunihiko FUJIWARA, Akira HOYANO and Katsuya SHIMIZU
Journal of Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ) 81 (720) 235 (2016) A Water and Carbon Monitoring and Modeling Network to Assess Instant Tree Hydraulics and Carbon Status

Kathy Steppe, Jonas S. von der Crone and Dirk J. W. De Pauw
Frontiers in Plant Science 7 (2016)

Xylem hydraulic properties in subtropical coniferous trees influence radial patterns of sap flow: implications for whole tree transpiration estimates using sap flow sensors

Adrien Guyot, Kasper T. Ostergaard, Junliang Fan, Nadia S. Santini and David A. Lockington
Trees 29 (4) 961 (2015)

Variation in sap flux density and its effect on stand transpiration estimates of Korean pine stands

Minkyu Moon, Taekyu Kim, Juhan Park, et al.
Journal of Forest Research 20 (1) 85 (2015)

Influence of stem temperature changes on heat pulse sap flux density measurements

M. W. Vandegehuchte, S. S. O. Burgess, A. Downey and K. Steppe
Tree Physiology 35 (4) 346 (2015)

Environmental factors influencing the relationship between stem CO2 efflux and sap flow

Romana Bužková, Manuel Acosta, Eva Dařenová, Radek Pokorný and Marian Pavelka
Trees 29 (2) 333 (2015)

Determining Evapotranspiration of a Chinese Willow Stand with Three-Needle Heat-Pulse Probes

Sheng Wang, Jun Fan and Quanjiu Wang
Soil Science Society of America Journal 79 (6) 1545 (2015)

Transpiration and canopy conductance in an inner alpine Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forest

Gerhard Wieser, Marco Leo and Walter Oberhuber
Flora - Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants 209 (9) 491 (2014)

Generating fuzzy rules by learning from olive tree transpiration measurement – An algorithm to automatize Granier sap flow data analysis

J.M. Siqueira, T.A. Paço, J.C. Silvestre, et al.
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 101 1 (2014)

Radial pattern of sap flow and response to microclimate and soil moisture in Qinghai spruce (Picea crassifolia) in the upper Heihe River Basin of arid northwestern China

Xuexiang Chang, Wenzhi Zhao and Zhibin He
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 187 14 (2014)

Transpiration of silver Fir (Abies alba mill.) during and after drought in relation to soil properties in a Mediterranean mountain area

Marie Nourtier, André Chanzy, Maxime Cailleret, Xie Yingge, Roland Huc and Hendrik Davi
Annals of Forest Science 71 (6) 683 (2014)

Suppression of transpiration due to cloud immersion in a seasonally dry Mexican weeping pine plantation

M.S. Alvarado-Barrientos, F. Holwerda, H. Asbjornsen, T.E. Dawson and L.A. Bruijnzeel
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 186 12 (2014)

Optimization of dry‐season sap flow measurements in an oak semi‐arid open woodland in Spain

J. Leonardo Reyes‐Acosta and Maciek W. Lubczynski
Ecohydrology 7 (2) 258 (2014)

Canopy transpiration of a Pinus canariensis forest at the tree line: implications for its distribution under predicted climate warming

Patricia Brito, Jose R. Lorenzo, Águeda Mª. González-Rodríguez, et al.
European Journal of Forest Research 133 (3) 491 (2014)

Evaluating the effect of plant water availability on inner alpine coniferous trees based on sap flow measurements

Marco Leo, Walter Oberhuber, Roman Schuster, et al.
European Journal of Forest Research 133 (4) 691 (2014)

Forest transpiration—targeted through xylem sap flux assessment versus hydrological modeling

Manuela Baumgarten, Wendelin Weis, Angelika Kühn, Katharina May and Rainer Matyssek
European Journal of Forest Research 133 (4) 677 (2014)

Sap-flux density measurement methods: working principles and applicability

Maurits W. Vandegehuchte and Kathy Steppe
Functional Plant Biology 40 (3) 213 (2013)

Water use by a warm-temperate deciduous forest under the influence of the Asian monsoon: contributions of the overstory and understory to forest water use

Eun-Young Jung, Dennis Otieno, Hyojung Kwon, et al.
Journal of Plant Research 126 (5) 661 (2013)

Phreatophytes under stress: transpiration and stomatal conductance of saltcedar (Tamarix spp.) in a high-salinity environment

Edward P. Glenn, Pamela L. Nagler, Kiyomi Morino and Kevin R. Hultine
Plant and Soil (2013)

Simulation of stand transpiration based on a xylem water flow model for individual trees

Rainer Hentschel, Sebastian Bittner, Michael Janott, et al.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 182-183 31 (2013)

Functional convergence in water use of trees from different geographical regions: a meta-analysis

Jose Kallarackal, Dennis O. Otieno, Björn Reineking, et al.
Trees 27 (3) 787 (2013)

Mapping dry-season tree transpiration of an oak woodland at the catchment scale, using object-attributes derived from satellite imagery and sap flow measurements

J. Leonardo Reyes-Acosta and Maciek W. Lubczynski
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 174-175 184 (2013)

Inactive xylem can explain differences in calibration factors for thermal dissipation probe sap flow measurements

I. Paudel, T. Kanety and S. Cohen
Tree Physiology 33 (9) 986 (2013)

Transpiração pelo método da sonda de dissipação térmica em floresta de transição Amazônica-Cerrado

Osvaldo B. Pinto Jr., George L. Vourlitis, Luciana Sanches, et al.
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental 17 (3) 268 (2013)

Species-specific water use by forest tree species: From the tree to the stand

Ismael Aranda, Alicia Forner, Barbara Cuesta and Fernando Valladares
Agricultural Water Management 114 67 (2012)

A review of global terrestrial evapotranspiration: Observation, modeling, climatology, and climatic variability

Kaicun Wang and Robert E. Dickinson
Reviews of Geophysics 50 (2) (2012)

Novel, cyclic heat dissipation method for the correction of natural temperature gradients in sap flow measurements. Part 1. Theory and application

M. W. Lubczynski, D. Chavarro-Rincon and J. Roy
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Transpiration sensitivity of urban trees in a semi-arid climate is constrained by xylem vulnerability to cavitation

E. Litvak, H. R. McCarthy and D. E. Pataki
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Environmental controls on growing-season sap flow density of Quercus serrata Thunb in a temperate deciduous forest of Korea

Nahida Laiju, Dennis Otieno, Eun-Young Jung, et al.
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