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High diversity of Phytophthora species in natural ecosystems and nurseries of Portugal: Detrimental side effect of plant introductions from the age of discovery to modern globalization

Marília Horta Jung, Cristiana Maia, Beatriz Mora‐Sala, Paloma Abad‐Campos, Leonardo Schena, Saveria Mosca, Giuseppe Carella, Salvatore Moricca, Jan Nechwatal, Lídia Dionísio, Alfredo Cravador and Thomas Jung
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Comparing Intraspecific Aggressiveness in Phytophthora cinnamomi Isolates

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Effect of Soil Water Content and Soil Texture on Phytophthora cinnamomic Infection on Cork and Holm Oak

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Disentangling the role of oomycete soil pathogens as drivers of plant–soil feedbacks

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An Overview of Phytophthora Species Inhabiting Declining Quercus suber Stands in Sardinia (Italy)

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Forests 11 (9) 971 (2020)

Fosetyl-aluminium injection controls root rot disease affecting Quercus suber in southern Spain

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Differential response of four Californian native plants to worldwide Phytophthora cinnamomi genotypes: implications for the modeling of disease spread in California

María Socorro Serrano and Matteo Garbelotto
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Coexistent Mediterranean woody species as a driving factor of Phytophthora cinnamomi infectivity and survival

Maria C. Gómez, Mario González, Lorena Gómez‐Aparicio and Maria S. Serrano
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Bacillus pumilus and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia as two potentially causative agents involved in Persian oak decline in Zagros forests (Iran)

Elahe Ahmadi, Mojegan Kowsari, Davood Azadfar, Gholamreza Salehi Jouzani and Piotr Łakomy
Forest Pathology 49 (5) (2019)

Phenotypic Characterization of Genetically Distinct Phytophthora cinnamomi Isolates from Avocado

Rodger J. Belisle, Brandon McKee, Wei Hao, Margaret Crowley, Mary Lu Arpaia, Timothy D. Miles, James E. Adaskaveg and Patricia Manosalva
Phytopathology® 109 (3) 384 (2019)

Diversity of Phytophthora Species Associated with Quercus ilex L. in Three Spanish Regions Evaluated by NGS

Beatriz Mora-Sala, David Gramaje, Paloma Abad-Campos and Mónica Berbegal
Forests 10 (11) 979 (2019)

Synergistic abiotic and biotic stressors explain widespread decline of Pinus pinaster in a mixed forest

Guillermo Gea-Izquierdo, Macarena Férriz, Sara García-Garrido, et al.
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Exploring interactive effects of climate change and exotic pathogens on Quercus suber performance: Damage caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi varies across contrasting scenarios of soil moisture

Pablo Homet, Mario González, Luis Matías, et al.
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Response of Quercus ilex seedlings to Phytophthora spp. root infection in a soil infestation test

Beatriz Mora-Sala, Paloma Abad-Campos and Mónica Berbegal
European Journal of Plant Pathology 154 (2) 215 (2019)

Multispecies Phytophthora disease patterns in declining beech stands

Beat Ruffner, Daniel Rigling, Corine N. Schoebel and Bruno Scanu
Forest Pathology 49 (3) (2019)

Canker and fine‐root loss of Malus sieversii (Ldb.) Roem. caused by Phytophthora plurivora in Xinjiang Province in China

Ai‐Hua Liu, Jing Shang, Jing‐Wen Zhang, Ting‐Ting Kong, Zhao‐Yang Yue and Jun‐Bao Wen
Forest Pathology 48 (6) (2018)

Phytophthora cinnamomi Involved in the Decline of Holm Oak (Quercus ilex) Stands in Southern Italy

Salvatore Frisullo, Giuseppe Lima, Gaetano Magnano di San Lio, et al.
Forest Science 64 (3) 290 (2018)

Detection of Phytophthora cinnamomi in Forest Soils by PCR on DNA Extracted from Leaf Disc Baits

Kenton Sena, Tyler J. Dreaden, Ellen Crocker and Chris Barton
Plant Health Progress 19 (3) 193 (2018)

Topographic effects on dispersal patterns of Phytophthora cinnamomi at a stand scale in a Spanish heathland

Enrique Cardillo, Angel Acedo, Enrique Abad and Kurt O. Reinhart
PLOS ONE 13 (3) e0195060 (2018)

The Use of qPCR Reveals a High Frequency of Phytophthora quercina in Two Spanish Holm Oak Areas

Beatriz Mora-Sala, Mónica Berbegal and Paloma Abad-Campos
Forests 9 (11) 697 (2018)

Resistance to Phytophthora cinnamomi in Castanea spp. is under moderately high genetic control mainly because of additive genetic variance

A. López-Villamor, J. Fernández-López, B. Míguez-Soto and M. E. Sánchez
Euphytica 214 (12) (2018)

Current and projected global distribution of Phytophthora cinnamomi, one of the world's worst plant pathogens

Treena I. Burgess, John K. Scott, Keith L. Mcdougall, Michael J. C. Stukely, Colin Crane, William A. Dunstan, Frances Brigg, Vera Andjic, Diane White, Tim Rudman, Frans Arentz, Noboru Ota and Giles E. St. J. Hardy
Global Change Biology 23 (4) 1661 (2017)

Screening brassicaceous plants as biofumigants for management of Phytophthora cinnamomi oak disease

P. Ríos, S. Obregón, M. González, A. de Haro, M. E. Sánchez and S. Woodward
Forest Pathology 46 (6) 652 (2016)

Endemic and Emerging Pathogens Threatening Cork Oak Trees: Management Options for Conserving a Unique Forest Ecosystem

Salvatore Moricca, Benedetto T. Linaldeddu, Beatrice Ginetti, Bruno Scanu, Antonio Franceschini and Alessandro Ragazzi
Plant Disease 100 (11) 2184 (2016)

Effect of Brassica Biofumigant Amendments on Different Stages of the Life Cycle of Phytophthora cinnamomi

Pedro Ríos, Sara Obregón, Antonio de Haro, Pilar Fernández‐Rebollo, María‐Socorro Serrano and María‐Esperanza Sánchez
Journal of Phytopathology 164 (9) 582 (2016)

Widespread Phytophthora infestations in European nurseries put forest, semi‐natural and horticultural ecosystems at high risk of Phytophthora diseases

T. Jung, L. Orlikowski, B. Henricot, P. Abad‐Campos, A. G. Aday, O. Aguín Casal, J. Bakonyi, S. O. Cacciola, T. Cech, D. Chavarriaga, T. Corcobado, A. Cravador, T. Decourcelle, G. Denton, S. Diamandis, H. T. Doğmuş‐Lehtijärvi, A. Franceschini, B. Ginetti, S. Green, M. Glavendekić, J. Hantula, G. Hartmann, M. Herrero, D. Ivic, M. Horta Jung, et al.
Forest Pathology 46 (2) 134 (2016)

A robust and specific real-time PCR tool for the detection of Phytophthora lateralis in plant tissues

Nathalie Schenck, Celine Fourrier-Jeandel and Renaud Ioos
European Journal of Plant Pathology (2016)

Induction of defence responses by cinnamomins against Phytophthora cinnamomi in Quercus suber and Quercus ilex subs. rotundifolia

Ghazal Ebadzad, Clara Medeira, Isabel Maia, Jorge Martins and Alfredo Cravador
European Journal of Plant Pathology 143 (4) 705 (2015)

Diplodia corticola and Phytophthora cinnamomi: the main pathogens involved in holm oak decline on Caprera Island (Italy)

B. T. Linaldeddu, B. Scanu, L. Maddau, A. Franceschini and L. Belbahri
Forest Pathology 44 (3) 191 (2014)

Occurrence of Phytophthora plurivora and other Phytophthora species in oak forests of southern Poland and their association with site conditions and the health status of trees

R. Jankowiak, H. Stępniewska, P. Bilański and M. Kolařík
Folia Microbiologica 59 (6) 531 (2014)

Decline of Mediterranean oak trees and its association with Phytophthora cinnamomi: a review

Constança de Sampaio e Paiva Camilo-Alves, Maria Ivone Esteves Clara and Nuno Manuel Cabral Almeida Ribeiro
European Journal of Forest Research 132 (3) 411 (2013)

Occurrence of Phytophthora cinnamomi in cork oak forests in Italy

B. Scanu, B. T. Linaldeddu, A. Franceschini, N. Anselmi, A. Vannini, A. M. Vettraino and L. Belbahri
Forest Pathology 43 (4) 340 (2013)

Previously unrecorded low‐temperature Phytophthora species associated with Quercus decline in a Mediterranean forest in eastern Spain

A. Pérez‐Sierra, C. López‐García, M. León, J. García‐Jiménez, P. Abad‐Campos, T. Jung and L. Belbahri
Forest Pathology 43 (4) 331 (2013)

Diplodia quercivora sp. nov.: a new species of Diplodia found on declining Quercus canariensis trees in Tunisia

Benedetto T. Linaldeddu, Antonio Franceschini, Artur Alves and Alan J.L. Phillips
Mycologia 105 (5) 1266 (2013)

Phytophthora diversity and the population structure of Phytophthora ramorum in Swiss ornamental nurseries

S. Prospero, A. Vercauteren, K. Heungens, L. Belbahri and D. Rigling
Plant Pathology 62 (5) 1063 (2013)

Dieback and mortality of South African fynbos shrubs is likely driven by a novel pathogen and pathogen‐induced hydraulic failure

Austral Ecology 37 (2) 227 (2012)

Infectivity and Inoculum Production of Phytophthora ramorum on Roots of Eastern United States Oak Species

T. L. Widmer, N. Shishkoff and S. C. Dodge
Plant Disease 96 (11) 1675 (2012)

Susceptibility to Phytophthora cinnamomi of the commonest morphotypes of Holm oak in southern Spain

M. S. Serrano, P. De Vita, M. D. Carbonero, F. Fernández, P. Fernández‐Rebollo and M. E. Sánchez
Forest Pathology 42 (4) 345 (2012)

Biodiversity of emerging pathogenic and invasive fungi in plants, animals and humans in Italy

A. M. Picco, P. Angelini, C. Ciccarone, et al.
Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology 145 (4) 988 (2011)

Touchdown nested multiplex PCR detection of Phytophthora cinnamomi and P. cambivora from French and English chestnut grove soils

Stephen R.H. Langrell, Olivier Morel and Cécile Robin
Fungal Biology (2011)

Involvement of Phytophthora species in white oak (Quercus alba) decline in southern Ohio

Y. Balci, R. P. Long, M. Mansfield, D. Balser and W. L. MacDonald
Forest Pathology 40 (5) 430 (2010)

Evaluating potassium phosphonate injections for the control of Quercus ilex decline in SW Spain: implications of low soil contamination by Phytophthora cinnamomi and low soil water content on the effectiveness of treatments

Alejandro Solla, Lorena García, Andrea Pérez, et al.
Phytoparasitica 37 (4) 303 (2009)

Simulating the effects of a climate-change scenario on the geographical range and activity of forest-pathogenic fungi

Marie-Laure Desprez-Loustau, Cécile Robin, Grégory Reynaud, et al.
Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 29 (2) 101 (2007)

Phytophthora spp. Associated with Forest Soils in Eastern and North-Central U.S. Oak Ecosystems

Y. Balci, S. Balci, J. Eggers, W. L. MacDonald, J. Juzwik, R. P. Long and K. W. Gottschalk
Plant Disease 91 (6) 705 (2007)

Distribution and Expression of Elicitin Genes in the Interspecific Hybrid Oomycete Phytophthora alni

Renaud Ioos, Franck Panabières, Benoît Industri, Axelle Andrieux and Pascal Frey
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 73 (17) 5587 (2007)

CanPhytophthora quercinahave a negative impact on mature pedunculate oaks under field conditions?

Ulrika Jönsson-Belyazio and Ulrika Rosengren
Annals of Forest Science 63 (7) 661 (2006)

Genetic variation in susceptibility to Phytophthora Cambivora in European chestnut (Castanea sativa)

Cécile Robin, Olivier Morel, Anna-Maria Vettraino, et al.
Forest Ecology and Management 226 (1-3) 199 (2006)

Usefulness of single copy genes containing introns in Phytophthora for the development of detection tools for the regulated species P. ramorum and P. fragariae

Renaud Ioos, Lise Laugustin, Nathalie Schenck, et al.
European Journal of Plant Pathology 116 (2) 171 (2006)

Occurrence and distribution of Phytophthora species in European chestnut stands, and their association with Ink Disease and crown decline

A. M. Vettraino, O. Morel, C. Perlerou, et al.
European Journal of Plant Pathology 111 (2) 169 (2005)

SCAR–based PCR primers to detect the hybrid pathogen Phytophthora alni and its subspecies causing alder disease in Europe

Renaud Ioos, Claude Husson, Axelle Andrieux and Pascal Frey
European Journal of Plant Pathology 112 (4) 323 (2005)

Seasonal and spatial mortality patterns of holm oak seedlings in a reforested soil infected with Phytophthora cinnamomi

M. C. Rodríguez‐Molina, A. Blanco‐Santos, E. J. Palo‐Núñez, L. M. Torres‐Vila, E. Torres‐Álvarez and M. A. Suárez‐de‐la‐Cámara
Forest Pathology 35 (6) 411 (2005)

Relationships between health of Quercus robur, occurrence of Phytophthora species and site conditions in southern Sweden

U. Jönsson, T. Jung, K. Sonesson and U. Rosengren
Plant Pathology 54 (4) 502 (2005)

Prediction and Mapping of the Impact of Winter Temperature on the Development of Phytophthora cinnamomi-Induced Cankers on Red and Pedunculate Oak in France

Benoit Marçais, Magali Bergot, Victorine Pérarnaud, André Levy and Marie-Laure Desprez-Loustau
Phytopathology® 94 (8) 826 (2004)

Botryosphaeria corticola, sp. nov. on Quercus species, with notes and description of Botryosphaeria stevensii and its anamorph, Diplodia mutila

Artur Alves, António Correia, Jordi Luque and Alan Phillips
Mycologia 96 (3) 598 (2004)

Simulation of potential range expansion of oak disease caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi under climate change

Magali Bergot, Emmanuel Cloppet, Victorine Pérarnaud, Michel Déqué, Benoît Marçais and Marie‐Laure Desprez‐Loustau
Global Change Biology 10 (9) 1539 (2004)

Pathogenicity of Swedish isolates of Phytophthora quercina to Quercus robur in two different soils

Ulrika Jönsson, Thomas Jung, Ulrika Rosengren, Bengt Nihlgård and Kerstin Sonesson
New Phytologist 158 (2) 355 (2003)

Viability of holm and cork oak seedlings from acorns sown in soils naturally infected with Phytophthora cinnamomi

M. C. Rodríguez‐Molina, L. M. Torres‐Vila, A. Blanco‐Santos, E. J. Palo Núñez and E. Torres‐Álvarez
Forest Pathology 32 (6) 365 (2002)

Occurrence of Phytophthora species in oak stands in Italy and their association with declining oak trees

Forest Pathology 32 (1) 19 (2002)

Effects of root damage associated with Phytophthora cinnamomi on water relations, biomass accumulation, mineral nutrition and vulnerability to water deficit of five oak and chestnut species

M. Maurel, C. Robin, G. Capron and M.‐L. Desprez‐Loustau
Forest Pathology 31 (6) 353 (2001)

Involvement of soilborne Phytophthora species in Central European oak decline and the effect of site factors on the disease

T. Jung, H. Blaschke and W. Oßwald
Plant Pathology 49 (6) 706 (2000)