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Stand age influence on litter mass of Pinus nigra plantations on dolomite hills in Hungary

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Litter Decomposition: A Guide to Carbon and Nutrient Turnover

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Biogeochemical Investigations of Terrestrial, Freshwater, and Wetland Ecosystems across the Globe

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Biogeochemical Investigations of Terrestrial, Freshwater, and Wetland Ecosystems across the Globe 343 (2004)

Humus buildup in boreal forests: effects of litter fall and its N concentration

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Litter fall in some European coniferous forests as dependent on climate: a synthesis

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Canadian Journal of Forest Research 31 (2) 292 (2001)

Estimated nitrogen concentrations in humus based on initial nitrogen concentrations in foliar litter: a synthesis. XII. Long-term decomposition in a Scots pine forest

Björn Berg, Ryszard Laskowski and Amalia Virzo Santo
Canadian Journal of Botany 77 (12) 1712 (2000)