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Managing harvesting residues: a systematic review of management treatments around the world
Alberto Udali, Woodam Chung, Bruce Talbot, Stefano Grigolato and Fabian Fassnacht Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research (2024)
The high content of mineral-free organic matter in soils increases their vulnerability to wildfire in humid-temperate zones
Effects of soil compaction by a forestry machine and slash dispersal on soil N mineralization in Cryptomeria japonica plantations under high precipitation
Local basal area affects needle litterfall, nutrient concentration, and nutrient release during decomposition in Pinus halepensis Mill. plantations in Spain
Synergies Between Forest Biomass Extraction for Bioenergy and Fire Suppression in Mediterranean Ecosystems: Insights from a Storyline-and-Simulation Approach
Macronutrients released during the decomposition of pruning residues used as plant cover and their effect on soil fertility
Monthly foliar-nutrient pattern in a semiarid Aleppo pine plantation five years after thinning
Post-fire wood management alters water stress, growth, and performance of pine regeneration in a Mediterranean ecosystem
Sara Marañón-Jiménez, Jorge Castro, José Ignacio Querejeta, Emilia Fernández-Ondoño and Craig D. Allen Forest Ecology and Management 308 231 (2013)
Charred wood remaining after a wildfire as a reservoir of macro- and micronutrients in a Mediterranean pine forest
Sara Marañón-Jiménez, Jorge Castro, Emilia Fernández-Ondoño and Regino Zamora International Journal of Wildland Fire 22(5) 681 (2013)
Effect of decomposing post-fire coarse woody debris on soil fertility and nutrient availability in a Mediterranean ecosystem
Effect of Thinning and Harvest Type on Storage and Losses of Phosphorous inPinus taedaL. Plantations in Subtropical Argentina
Rodolfo Andrés Martiarena, Jorge Luis Frangi, Martín Alcides Pinazo, Alejandra Von Wallis and Roberto Antonio Fernández International Journal of Forestry Research 2011 1 (2011)
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Rapid restoration of a species-rich ecosystem assessed from soil and vegetation indicators: The case of calcareous grasslands restored from forest stands
A global meta‐analysis of soil exchangeable cations, pH, carbon, and nitrogen with afforestation
Sean T. Berthrong, Esteban G. Jobbágy and Robert B. Jackson Ecological Applications 19(8) 2228 (2009)
Effect of fertilization and genetic variation on susceptibility of Pinus radiata seedlings to Hylobius abietis damage
Rafael Zas, Luis Sampedro, Xoaquín Moreira and Patricia Martíns Canadian Journal of Forest Research 38(1) 63 (2008)
Dynamics of macronutrients during the first stages of litter decomposition from forest species in a temperate area (Galicia, NW Spain)
Esperanza Alvarez, María L. Fernández Marcos, Victor Torrado and María J. Fernández Sanjurjo Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 80(3) 243 (2008)
Nutrient status of managed and natural forest fragments of Fagus sylvatica in southern Europe
Evaluation through a simulation model of nutrient exports in fast-growing southern European pine stands in relation to thinning intensity and harvesting operations
Roque Rodríguez Soalleiro, Miguel Balboa Murias, Juan Gabriel Álvarez González and Agustín Merino García Annals of Forest Science 64(4) 375 (2007)
Calibration and Uncertainty Analysis of a Carbon Accounting Model to Stem Wood Density and Partitioning of Biomass for Eucalyptus globulus and Pinus Radiata
Spatial variability of soil nutrients in disturbed riverine mangrove forests at different stages of regeneration in the San Juan River estuary, Venezuela
Soil changes and tree growth in intensively managed Pinus radiata in northern Spain
Agustı́n Merino, Alejandro Fernández-López, Fernando Solla-Gullón and José Miguel Edeso Forest Ecology and Management 196(2-3) 393 (2004)
Prediction of decomposition of litter under eucalypts and pines using the FullCAM model