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Germinative behaviour of Acacia dealbata Link, Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle and Robinia pseudoacacia L. in relation to fire and exploration of the regenerative niche of native species for the control of invaders
Fire and seed maturity drive the viability, dormancy, and germination of two invasive species: Acacia longifolia (Andrews) Willd. and Acacia mearnsii De Wild
Germination response of woody species to laboratory-simulated fire severity and airborne nitrogen deposition: a post-fire recovery strategy perspective
Fire increases Eucalyptus globulus seedling recruitment in forested habitats: Effects of litter, shade and burnt soil on seedling emergence and survival
The Effects of Ash and Black Carbon (Biochar) on Germination of Different Tree Species
Otilia Reyes, Joeri Kaal, Diego Arán, Raquel Gago, Javier Bernal, Juan García-Duro and Margarita Basanta Fire Ecology 11(1) 119 (2015)
Fire effects on capsules and encapsulated seeds from Eucalyptus globulus in Portugal
Effects of light/darkness, thermal shocks and inhibitory components on germination of Pinus canariensis, Pinus halepensis and Pinus pinea
Leonor Calvo, Celia García-Domínguez, Agustín Naranjo and José R. Arévalo European Journal of Forest Research 132(5-6) 909 (2013)
Breaking seed dormancy in Cupressus atlantica Gaussen, an endemic and threatened coniferous tree in Morocco
Effects of wildfire, salvage logging and slash manipulation on Pinus pinaster Ait. recruitment in Orense (NW Spain)
Cristina Fernández, José A. Vega, Teresa Fonturbel, Enrique Jiménez and Pedro Pérez-Gorostiaga Forest Ecology and Management 255(3-4) 1294 (2008)
Regeneration models and plant regenerative types related to the intensity of fire in Atlantic shrubland and woodland species
Reproduction of postfire Pinus halepensis Mill. stands six years after silvicultural treatments
Jorge De Las Heras, Daniel Moya, Francisco López-Serrano and Sonia Condés Annals of Forest Science 64(1) 59 (2007)
Germination after heat treatments ofPinus tropicalisMorelet andPinus caribaeaMorelet var.caribaeaseeds of west Cuban forests