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Fire-related cues improve germination and seedling vigor of the post-fire off-spring of Pinus radiata, a serotinous invader tree

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Provenance and seed mass determine seed tolerance to high temperatures associated to forest fires in Pinus pinaster

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Natural regeneration of Pinus pinaster and Eucalyptus globulus from plantation into adjacent natural habitats

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Fire effects on capsules and encapsulated seeds from Eucalyptus globulus in Portugal

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Fire and invasive species: Modifications in the germination potential of Acacia melanoxylon, Conyza canadensis and Eucalyptus globulus

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Regeneration models and plant regenerative types related to the intensity of fire in Atlantic shrubland and woodland species

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Effect of high temperatures on seed germination and seedling survival in three pine species (Pinus pinaster, P. sylvestris and P. nigra)

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Germination after heat treatments ofPinus tropicalisMorelet andPinus caribaeaMorelet var.caribaeaseeds of west Cuban forests

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Seed germination ofQuercus robur, q. pyrenaicaandq. ilexand the effects of smoke, heat, ash and charcoal

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Influence of tree age on seed germination response to environmental factors and inhibitory substances in Pinus pinaster

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