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Deterioration of Norway spruce vitality despite a sharp decline in acid deposition: a long‐term integrated perspective
Mathieu Jonard, Arnaud Legout, Manuel Nicolas, Etienne Dambrine, Claude Nys, Erwin Ulrich, Raphaele van der Perre and Quentin Ponette Global Change Biology 18(2) 711 (2012)
Optimization of macroelement contents in raspberry leaves by liming in an extremely acid soil
Assessment of soil aluminium pools along three mountainous elevation gradients
Luboš Borůvka, Antonín Nikodem, Ondřej Drábek, Petra Vokurková, Václav Tejnecký and Lenka Pavlů Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 103(11) 1449 (2009)
Forest soil acidification assessment using principal component analysis and geostatistics
Altitude and forest type effects on soils in the Jizera Mountains region
Lenka Pavlů, Luboš Borůvka, Antonín Nikodem, Marcela Rohošková and Vít Penížek Soil and Water Research 2(2) 35 (2007)
Changes in soil, seepage water and needle chemistry between 1984 and 2004 after liming an N-saturated Norway spruce stand at the Höglwald, Germany
Response of artificial acid irrigation, liming, and N-fertilisation on elemental concentrations in needles, litter fluxes, volume increment, and crown transparency of a N saturated Norway spruce stand