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Linking sap flow and tree water deficit in an unmanaged, mixed beech forest during the summer drought 2022
L. S. Donfack, M. Mund, F. Koebsch, P. Schall, M. G. Heidenreich, D. Seidel and C. Ammer Plant Biology (2024)
Drought legacies in mixed Mediterranean forests: Analysing the effects of structural overshoot, functional traits and site factors
Santain S.P. Italiano, J. Julio Camarero, Marco Borghetti, Michele Colangelo, Angelo Rita and Francesco Ripullone Science of The Total Environment 927 172166 (2024)
A multi-criteria drought resistance assessment of temperate Acer, Carpinus, Fraxinus, Quercus, and Tilia species
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Species specific vulnerability to increased drought in temperate and Mediterranean floodplain forests
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Root water uptake depth determines the hydraulic vulnerability of temperate European tree species during the extreme 2018 drought
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Less pronounced drought responses in ring-porous than in diffuse-porous temperate tree species
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Relating Water Use to Tree Vitality of Populus euphratica Oliv. in the Lower Tarim River, NW China
Substrate influences ecophysiological performance of tree seedlings
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Assessing the persistence capacity of communities facing natural disturbances on the basis of species response traits
Forest community response to invasive pathogens: the case of ash dieback in a British woodland
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Sub‐annual variability in historical water source use by Mediterranean riparian trees
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Ion-mediated enhancement of xylem hydraulic conductivity in four Acer species: relationships with ecological and anatomical features
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Influence of soil properties on the growth of sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) in Denmark
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Contrasting strategies to cope with drought by invasive and endemic species of Lantana in Galapagos
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Variation in xylem structure and function in roots and stems of scion–rootstock combinations of sweet cherry tree (Prunus avium L.)