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Bush encroachment control demonstrations in southern Ethiopia: 1. Woody species survival strategies with implications for herder land management

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Recovery from bark harvesting of 12 medicinal tree species in Benin, West Africa

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Fuel and fire characteristics in savanna - woodland of West Africa in relation to grazing and dominant grass type

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Dynamics of sapling population in savanna woodlands of Burkina Faso subjected to grazing, early fire and selective tree cutting for a decade

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Influence of selective tree cutting, livestock and prescribed fire on herbaceous biomass in the savannah woodlands of Burkina Faso, West Africa

Louis Sawadogo, Daniel Tiveau and Robert Nygård
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 105 (1-2) 335 (2005)

Tree formations in relation with soil and grasses in a dry savanna in Mali, West Africa

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