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Influence of Land Tenure on Agroforestry Parkland Phyto-Diversity and Stand Structure in Sudanian Zone of Burkina Faso, West Africa
Lassina Sanou, Jonas Koala, Souleymane Ouédraogo and Brama Ouattara Global Journal of Agricultural Innovation, Research & Development 9 20 (2022)
Post-exploitation bark recovery rates of some medicinal tree species in Ghana
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Land, Climate, Energy, Agriculture and Development in the Sahel: Synthesis Paper of Case Studies Under the Sudano-Sahelian Initiative for Regional Development, Jobs, and Food Security
Burned area detection based on Landsat time series in savannas of southern Burkina Faso
Jinxiu Liu, Janne Heiskanen, Eduardo Eiji Maeda and Petri K.E. Pellikka International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 64 210 (2018)
Analyse de l'évolution des formations végétales forestières et préforestières du Sahel : cas des régions du Ouaddaï et du Wadi-Fira au Tchad
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Impact of management regime and frequency on the survival and productivity of four native tree species used for fuelwood and charcoal in the caatinga of northeast Brazil
Paul Laris, Moussa Koné, Sepideh Dadashi and Fadiala Dembele Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment 41(1) 68 (2017)
Land Cover Change and Woodland Degradation in a Charcoal Producing Semi‐Arid Area in Kenya
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Land Cover Characterization in West Sudanian Savannas Using Seasonal Features from Annual Landsat Time Series
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Sensitivity of Above-Ground Biomass Estimates to Height-Diameter Modelling in Mixed-Species West African Woodlands
Dominant species’ resprout biomass dynamics after cutting in the Sudanian savanna-woodlands of West Africa: long term effects of annual early fire and grazing
Sidzabda Djibril Dayamba, Patrice Savadogo, Louis Sawadogo, Didier Zida, Daniel Tiveau and Per Christer Oden Annals of Forest Science 68(3) 555 (2011)
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Souleymane Paré, Patrice Savadogo, Mulualem Tigabu, Jean Marie Ouadba and Per Christer Odén Environment, Development and Sustainability 12(2) 277 (2010)
Fire temperature and residence time during dry season burning in a Sudanian savanna-woodland of West Africa with implication for seed germination
Impact of Macrotermes termitaria as a source of heterogeneity on tree diversity and structure in a Sudanian savannah under controlled grazing and annual prescribed fire (Burkina Faso)
Herbaceous species responses to long-term effects of prescribed fire, grazing and selective tree cutting in the savanna-woodlands of West Africa
Patrice Savadogo, Daniel Tiveau, Louis Sawadogo and Mulualem Tigabu Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 10(3) 179 (2008)
Comparison between clonal and sexual plantlets of Detarium microcarpum Guill. & Perr., a savanna tree species in Burkina Faso
Tree formations in relation with soil and grasses in a dry savanna in Mali, West Africa
Nicolas Picard, Katell Guéguen, Haroun A. Abdoulaye, Dalla Diarisso, Moussa Karembé, Philippe Birnbaum and Robert Nasi African Journal of Ecology 43(3) 201 (2005)