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Comparison of Xylem Anatomy and Hydraulic Properties in Black Locust Trees at Two Growth Stages in Semiarid China
Changkun Ma, Xi Zhang, Qian Yao, Beibei Zhou, Quanjiu Wang and Mingan Shao Forests 15(1) 116 (2024)
Water stress tolerance is coordinated with water use capacity and growth under water deficit across six fruit tree species
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Trunk dielectric permittivity correlates with irrigation based on soil water content in fruit trees
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Understanding bark beetle outbreaks: exploring the impact of changing temperature regimes, droughts, forest structure, and prospects for future forest pest management
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Reduced soil moisture drives leaf anatomical shifts more than chronically elevated temperatures in European temperate trees
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Reviewing the essential roles of remote phenotyping, GWAS and explainable AI in practical marker-assisted selection for drought-tolerant winter wheat breeding
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Wood anatomy chronologies of Scots pine in the foothills of the Western Sayan (Siberia)
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Strategies of air space acquisition in Neotropical savanna trees differing in leaf habit
Nayara Magry Jesus Melo, Carlos Henrique Britto de Assis Prado, Denilson Rodrigo Vieira Branco, João Paulo Souza and Rachael Nolan Australian Journal of Botany 72(5) (2024)
Anatomical insights into the vascular layout of the barley rachis: implications for transport and spikelet connection
Twan Rutten, Venkatasubbu Thirulogachandar, Yongyu Huang, Nandhakumar Shanmugaraj, Ravi Koppolu, Stefan Ortleb, Götz Hensel, Jochen Kumlehn, Michael Melzer and Thorsten Schnurbusch Annals of Botany 133(7) 983 (2024)
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Isohydricity and hydraulic isolation explain reduced hydraulic failure risk in an experimental tree species mixture
Myriam Moreno, Guillaume Simioni, Hervé Cochard, Claude Doussan, Joannès Guillemot, Renaud Decarsin, Pilar Fernandez-Conradi, Jean-Luc Dupuy, Santiago Trueba, François Pimont, Julien Ruffault, Frederic Jean, Olivier Marloie and Nicolas K Martin-StPaul Plant Physiology 195(4) 2668 (2024)
Trees suck. Notes on the physics of transpiration in trees
Xylem plasticity of root, stem, and branch in Cunninghamia lanceolata under drought stress: implications for whole-plant hydraulic integrity
Shubin Li, Xiaoyan Huang, Ruping Zheng, Maxiao Zhang, Zhiguang Zou, Kate V. Heal and Lili Zhou Frontiers in Plant Science 15 (2024)
Timing of autumnal leaf senescence in a common shrub species depends on the level of preceding summer drought symptoms
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Xylem embolism and bubble formation during freezing suggest complex dynamics of pressure in Betula pendula stems
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Dendroanatomy of xylem hydraulics in two pine species: Efficiency prevails on safety for basal area growth in drought-prone conditions
Sap flow and growth response of Norway spruce under long-term partial rainfall exclusion at low altitude
Ina Zavadilová, Justyna Szatniewska, Peter Petrík, Oldřich Mauer, Radek Pokorný and Marko Stojanović Frontiers in Plant Science 14 (2023)
Decline in stability of forest productivity in the tropics as determined by canopy water content
Hydric Behavior: Insights into Primary Metabolites in Leaves and Roots of Cabernet Sauvignon and Grenache Grapevine Varieties under Drought Stress
Miguel Tamayo, Laura Sepúlveda, Excequel Ponce Guequen, Pablo Saavedra, Romina Pedreschi, Alejandro Cáceres-Mella, Juan E. Alvaro and Italo F. Cuneo Horticulturae 9(5) 566 (2023)
The woody crown network model incorporates maximum height
Benefits of symbiotic ectomycorrhizal fungi to plant water relations depend on plant genotype in pinyon pine
Sanna Sevanto, Catherine A. Gehring, Max G. Ryan, Adair Patterson, Adrian S. Losko, Sven C. Vogel, Kelsey R. Carter, L. Turin Dickman, Michelle A. Espy and Cheryl R. Kuske Scientific Reports 13(1) (2023)
Plant hydraulic modelling of leaf and canopy fuel moisture content reveals increasing vulnerability of a Mediterranean forest to wildfires under extreme drought
Julien Ruffault, Jean‐Marc Limousin, François Pimont, Jean‐Luc Dupuy, Miquel De Càceres, Hervé Cochard, Florent Mouillot, Chris J. Blackman, José M. Torres‐Ruiz, Russell A. Parsons, Myriam Moreno, Sylvain Delzon, Steven Jansen, Albert Olioso, Brendan Choat and Nicolas Martin‐StPaul New Phytologist 237(4) 1256 (2023)
Seasonal water relations and stress tolerance of quercus semecarpifolia (Smith) in treeline areas of Western Himalaya, India
Hydraulic traits and photosynthesis are coordinated with trunk sapwood capacitance in tropical tree species
Yang Wei, Ya-Jun Chen, Zafar Siddiq, Jiao-Lin Zhang, Shu-Bin Zhang, Steven Jansen, Kun-Fang Cao and Frederick Meinzer Tree Physiology 43(12) 2109 (2023)
The electrochemical microbial tree: A new concept for wastewater treatment
Morgane Hoareau, Luc Etcheverry, Olivier Chapleur, Chrystelle Bureau, Cédric Midoux, Benjamin Erable and Alain Bergel Chemical Engineering Journal 454 140295 (2023)
HYDRAULIC TRAITS OF Jacaranda copaia (Aubl.) D. Don. (Bignoniaceae) IN THE SOUTHWEST AMAZON
Renata Teixeira de Oliveira, João Antônio Rodrigues Santos, Martin Acosta Oliveira, Julia Valentim Tavares, Patrícia Nakayama Miranda and Marcos Silveira Revista Árvore 47 (2023)
The Effect of Xylem Vessel Diameter on Potential Hydraulic Conductivity in Different Rice Stem Longitudinal Positions
Diogo Henrique Morato de Moraes, Marcio Mesquita, Dalva Graciano-Ribeiro, Daniel Somma de Araujo, Rafael Battisti, Rilner Flores, Hyrandir Melo and Derblai Casaroli SSRN Electronic Journal (2022)
Hydraulic tradeoffs underlie local variation in tropical forest functional diversity and sensitivity to drought
Jehová Lourenço, Brian J. Enquist, Georg von Arx, Julia Sonsin‐Oliveira, Kiyomi Morino, Luciana Dias Thomaz and Camilla Rozindo Dias Milanez New Phytologist 234(1) 50 (2022)
Divergence of hydraulic traits among tropical forest trees across topographic and vertical environment gradients in Borneo
Paulo Roberto de Lima Bittencourt, David C. Bartholomew, Lindsay F. Banin, Mohamed Aminur Faiz Bin Suis, Reuben Nilus, David F. R. P. Burslem and Lucy Rowland New Phytologist 235(6) 2183 (2022)
Long-term hydrological response emerges from forest self-thinning behaviour and tree sapwood allometry
SurEau-Ecos v2.0: a trait-based plant hydraulics model for simulations of plant water status and drought-induced mortality at the ecosystem level
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The effect of xylem vessel diameter on potential hydraulic conductivity in different rice stem longitudinal positions
Diogo Henrique Morato de Moraes, Marcio Mesquita, Dalva Graciano-Ribeiro, Daniel Somma de Araújo, Rafael Battisti, Rilner Alves Flores, Hyrandir Cabral de Melo and Derblai Casaroli Flora 295 152147 (2022)
Tree-to-Shrub Shift Benefits the Survival of Quercus mongolica Fisch. ex Ledeb. at the Xeric Timberline
Tree hydrodynamic modelling of the soil–plant–atmosphere continuum using FETCH3
Marcela Silva, Ashley M. Matheny, Valentijn R. N. Pauwels, Dimetre Triadis, Justine E. Missik, Gil Bohrer and Edoardo Daly Geoscientific Model Development 15(6) 2619 (2022)
Interactive effect between tree ageing and trunk-boring pest reduces hydraulics and carbon metabolism in Hippophae rhamnoides
Fernanda de V. Barros, Paulo L. Bittencourt, Cleiton B. Eller, Caroline Signori‐Müller, Leonardo D. Meireles and Rafael S. Oliveira Functional Ecology 36(3) 607 (2022)
Consistent responses of vegetation gas exchange to elevated atmospheric CO2 emerge from heuristic and optimization models
Stefano Manzoni, Simone Fatichi, Xue Feng, Gabriel G. Katul, Danielle Way and Giulia Vico Biogeosciences 19(17) 4387 (2022)
Transpiration patterns and water use strategies of beech and oak trees along a hillslope
The hydraulic architecture of an arborescent monocot: ontogeny‐related adjustments in vessel size and leaf area compensate for increased resistance
Dongmei Yang, Yinshuang Zhang, Dan Zhou, Yong‐Jiang Zhang, Guoquan Peng and Melvin T. Tyree New Phytologist 231(1) 273 (2021)
Water in, water out: root form influences leaf function
Clear-cutting impacts nutrient, carbon and water exchange parameters in woody plants in an east Fennoscandian pine forest
Vladislava B. Pridacha, Tatiana A. Sazonova, Elena V. Novichonok, Denis E. Semin, Yulia N. Tkachenko, Alexey N. Pekkoev, Vera V. Timofeeva, Olga N. Bakhmet and Alexander V. Olchev Plant and Soil 466(1-2) 317 (2021)
Do anatomical wood traits suggest adjustments in the hydraulic architecture of dominant species in Amazonian savannah?
Priscila Simioni, Glaziele Campbell, Victor Diniz Pinto, João Victor de Souza Castelar, Marcos José Gomes Pessoa, Ivone Vieira da Silva and Maura Da Cunha Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology 155(3) 498 (2021)
Genetic variation among and within Quercus suber L. populations in survival, growth, vigor and plant architecture traits
Different drought-adaptive capacity of a native Patagonian tree species (Nothofagus pumilio) resulting from local adaptation
Carolina Soliani, Ma. Gabriela Mattera, Paula Marchelli, Ma. Marta Azpilicueta and Guillermina Dalla-Salda European Journal of Forest Research 140(5) 1147 (2021)
Phloem and xylem modifications of Vitis vinifera stems in response to flavescence dorée phytoplasma infection
Luca Jelmini, Attilio Rizzoli, Mauro Jermini, Olivier Schumpp and Marco Conedera Plant Pathology 70(4) 970 (2021)
Hydraulic architecture of seedlings and adults of Rhizophora mangle L. in fringe and scrub mangrove
Diana J. Cisneros-de la Cruz, Laura Yáñez-Espinosa, Casandra Reyes-García, Roberth Us-Santamaría and José Luis Andrade Botanical Sciences 100(2) 370 (2021)
Linking plant hydraulics and the fast–slow continuum to understand resilience to drought in tropical ecosystems
Rafael S. Oliveira, Cleiton B. Eller, Fernanda de V. Barros, Marina Hirota, Mauro Brum and Paulo Bittencourt New Phytologist 230(3) 904 (2021)
Normalization criteria determine the interpretation of nitrogen effects on the root hydraulics of pine seedlings
Andrei Toca, Pedro Villar-Salvador, Juan A Oliet, Douglass F Jacobs and Maurizio Mencuccini Tree Physiology 40(10) 1381 (2020)
Plant profit maximization improves predictions of European forest responses to drought
Manon E. B. Sabot, Martin G. De Kauwe, Andy J. Pitman, Belinda E. Medlyn, Anne Verhoef, Anna M. Ukkola and Gab Abramowitz New Phytologist 226(6) 1638 (2020)
Impact of local soil and subsoil conditions on inter-individual variations in tree responses to drought: insights from Electrical Resistivity Tomography
Wood anatomy of dominant species with contrasting ecological performance in tropical dry forest succession
Eunice Romero, Edgar J. González, Jorge A. Meave and Teresa Terrazas Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology 154(4) 524 (2020)
How neighbourhood interactions control the temporal stability and resilience to drought of trees in mountain forests
The adjustment of Prosopis tamarugo hydraulic architecture traits has a homeostatic effect over its performance under descent of phreatic level in the Atacama Desert
Assessment of resistance to xylem cavitation in cordilleran cypress using near-infrared spectroscopy
A.S. Sergent, V. Segura, J.P. Charpentier, G. Dalla-Salda, M.E. Fernández, P. Rozenberg and A. Martinez-Meier Forest Ecology and Management 462 117943 (2020)
Determinants of delayed traumatic tree reiteration growth: Levels of branch growth control and insights for urban tree management, modeling and future research
Interannual radial growth sensitivity to climatic variations and extreme events in mixed-species and pure forest stands of silver fir and European beech in the Italian Peninsula
Drought resistance of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) is promoted by early stomatal closure and leaf shedding
Ximeng Li, Renee Smith, Brendan Choat and David T. Tissue Functional Plant Biology 47(2) 91 (2020)
Divergent Hydraulic Strategies Explain the Interspecific Associations of Co-Occurring Trees in Forest–Steppe Ecotone
Jingyu Dai, Hongyan Liu, Chongyang Xu, Yang Qi, Xinrong Zhu, Mei Zhou, Bingbing Liu and Yiheng Wu Forests 11(9) 942 (2020)
N Martin-StPaul, J Ruffault, C Blackmann, H Cochard, M De Cáceres, S Delzon, JL Dupuy, H Fargeon, L Lamarque, M Moreno, R Parsell, F Pimont, JM Ourcival, J Torres-Ruiz and JM Limousin (2020)
Drought Primarily Reduces Canopy Transpiration of Exposed Beech Trees and Decreases the Share of Water Uptake from Deeper Soil Layers
A first assessment of the impact of the extreme 2018 summer drought on Central European forests
Bernhard Schuldt, Allan Buras, Matthias Arend, Yann Vitasse, Carl Beierkuhnlein, Alexander Damm, Mana Gharun, Thorsten E.E. Grams, Markus Hauck, Peter Hajek, Henrik Hartmann, Erika Hiltbrunner, Günter Hoch, Meisha Holloway-Phillips, Christian Körner, Elena Larysch, Torben Lübbe, Daniel B. Nelson, Anja Rammig, Andreas Rigling, Laura Rose, Nadine K. Ruehr, Katja Schumann, Frank Weiser, Christiane Werner, et al. Basic and Applied Ecology 45 86 (2020)
Convergent evolution of tree hydraulic traits in Amazonian habitats: implications for community assemblage and vulnerability to drought
Clarissa G. Fontes, Paul V. A. Fine, Florian Wittmann, Paulo R. L. Bittencourt, Maria Teresa Fernandez Piedade, Niro Higuchi, Jeffrey Q. Chambers and Todd E. Dawson New Phytologist 228(1) 106 (2020)
Water stress, sap flow and transpiration for medium and highly drought resistant poplars grown in the semiarid Canadian prairie
A network model for determining decomposition, topology, and properties of the woody crown
Carlos Henrique Britto de Assis Prado, Dilma Maria de Brito Melo Trovão and João Paulo Souza Journal of Theoretical Biology 499 110318 (2020)
Functional anatomy and xylem cavitation resistance of three species of monocotyledons grown on flooded substrates
Gilberto Alemán‐Sancheschúlz, Eloy Solano, Teresa Terrazas and Jorge López‐Portillo Physiologia Plantarum 169(4) 571 (2020)
Vulnerability and hydraulic segmentations at the stem–leaf transition: coordination across Neotropical trees
Sébastien Levionnois, Camille Ziegler, Steven Jansen, Emma Calvet, Sabrina Coste, Clément Stahl, Camille Salmon, Sylvain Delzon, Charlotte Guichard and Patrick Heuret New Phytologist 228(2) 512 (2020)
Frost fatigue and its spring recovery of xylem conduits in ring-porous, diffuse-porous, and coniferous species in situ
The role of deep vadose zone water in tree transpiration during drought periods in karst settings – Insights from isotopic tracing and leaf water potential
Simon Damien Carrière, Nicolas K. Martin-StPaul, Coffi Belmys Cakpo, Nicolas Patris, Marina Gillon, Konstantinos Chalikakis, Claude Doussan, Albert Olioso, Milanka Babic, Arnaud Jouineau, Guillaume Simioni and Hendrik Davi Science of The Total Environment 699 134332 (2020)
Amazonia trees have limited capacity to acclimate plant hydraulic properties in response to long‐term drought
Paulo R. L. Bittencourt, Rafael S. Oliveira, Antonio C. L. da Costa, Andre L. Giles, Ingrid Coughlin, Patricia B. Costa, David C. Bartholomew, Leandro V. Ferreira, Steel S. Vasconcelos, Fernanda V. Barros, Joao A. S. Junior, Alex A. R. Oliveira, Maurizio Mencuccini, Patrick Meir and Lucy Rowland Global Change Biology 26(6) 3569 (2020)
Scaling of petiole anatomies, mechanics and vasculatures with leaf size in the widespread Neotropical pioneer tree species Cecropia obtusa Trécul (Urticaceae)
Effects of artificial defoliation soon after leaf flushing simulating insect damage on both xylem hydraulic conductivity and fine-root mass of Japanese beech saplings
OZAWA Mayo, UEDA Masafumi, FURUI Mayo and UEMURA Kyoko Journal of the Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology 45(1) 86 (2019)
Matching seedling size to planting conditions: interactive response with soil moisture
JA Oliet, E Ortiz de Urbina, M Sánchez-Pinillos and G Tardío-Cerrillo iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry 12(2) 220 (2019)
Evaluating plant stress conditions in paprika by comparing internal electrical conductivity, photosynthetic response, and sap flow
Hyun Jun Park, Jin Hee Park, Kyoung Sub Park and Jung Eek Son Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology 60(1) 41 (2019)
A dynamic yet vulnerable pipeline: Integration and coordination of hydraulic traits across whole plants
Katherine A. McCulloh, Jean‐Christophe Domec, Daniel M. Johnson, Duncan D. Smith and Frederick C. Meinzer Plant, Cell & Environment 42(10) 2789 (2019)