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Production potential and structural variability of pine stands in the Czech Republic: Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) vs. introduced pines - case study and problem review
Vilém Podrázský, Zdeněk Vacek, Stanislav Vacek, Jan Vítámvás, Josef Gallo, Anna Prokůpková and Giuseppe D'Andrea Journal of Forest Science 66(5) 197 (2020)
Uneven-aged silviculture of Scots pine in Bohemia and Central Spain: comparison study of stand reaction to transition and long-term selection management
Josef Gallo, Lukáš Bílek, Václav Šimůnek, Sonia Roig and J. A. Bravo Fernández Journal of Forest Science 66(1) 22 (2020)
Trade-offs between economic profitability, erosion risk mitigation and biodiversity in the management of uneven-aged Abies alba Mill. stands
Dynamics, Silviculture and Management of Mixed Forests
Lauri Valsta and Jette Bredahl Jacobsen Managing Forest Ecosystems, Dynamics, Silviculture and Management of Mixed Forests 31 381 (2018)
Optimizing the Harvest Timing in Continuous Cover Forestry
Optimizing the management of uneven-aged Pinus nigra stands between two stable positions
I López Torres, S Ortuño Pérez, F García Robredo and C Fullana Belda iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry 9(4) 599 (2016)
Stand-level drivers of tree-species diversification in Mediterranean pine forests after abandonment of traditional practices