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The Expanding Thread of Ungulate Browsing—A Review of Forest Ecosystem Effects and Management Approaches in Europe
Darius Hardalau, Codrin Codrean, Daniel Iordache, Mihai Fedorca and Ovidiu Ionescu Forests 15(8) 1311 (2024)
Silver Fir (Abies alba Mill.): Review of Ecological Insights, Forest Management Strategies, and Climate Change’s Impact on European Forests
Michal Bledý, Stanislav Vacek, Pavel Brabec, Zdeněk Vacek, Jan Cukor, Jakub Černý, Richard Ševčík and Kateřina Brynychová Forests 15(6) 998 (2024)
The interacting effect of climate change and herbivory can trigger large‐scale transformations of European temperate forests
Laura Dobor, Marco Baldo, Lukáš Bílek, Ivan Barka, František Máliš, Petr Štěpánek and Tomáš Hlásny Global Change Biology 30(2) (2024)
High potential but little success: ungulate browsing increasingly impairs silver fir regeneration in mountain forests in the southern Swiss Alps
Esther R Frei, Marco Conedera, Peter Bebi, Samuel Zürcher, Alena Bareiss, Laura Ramstein, Nicola Giacomelli, Alessandra Bottero and Chris Johnson Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research (2024)
Using Shrubs as Nurse-plants to Reduce Browsing and Rubbing Damage by Roe Deer: An Experimental Approach
Marie-Line Maublanc, Jean-François Gerard, Denis Picot, Michel Goulard, Philippe Ballon, Jean-Pierre Hamard and Éric Bideau Journal of Sustainable Forestry 41(9) 847 (2022)
Moose Browsing Tends Spruce Plantations More Efficiently Than a Single Mechanical Release
Laurent De Vriendt, Nelson Thiffault, Alejandro A. Royo, Martin Barrette and Jean-Pierre Tremblay Forests 11(11) 1138 (2020)
Effects of species and environmental factors on browsing frequency of young trees in mountain forests affected by natural disturbances
Jerzy Szwagrzyk, Anna Gazda, Elżbieta Muter, Remigiusz Pielech, Janusz Szewczyk, Antoni Zięba, Tomasz Zwijacz-Kozica, Aleksandra Wiertelorz, Tomasz Pachowicz and Jan Bodziarczyk Forest Ecology and Management 474 118364 (2020)
Evidence of a spatial auto‐correlation in the browsing level of four major European tree species
Assessment of the long‐term impact of deer on understory vegetation in mixed temperate forests
Tina Simončič, Andrej Bončina, Kristjan Jarni, Matija Klopčič and John Morgan Journal of Vegetation Science 30(1) 108 (2019)
Genetic diversity, genetic structure and diet of ancient and contemporary red deer (Cervus elaphus L.) from north-eastern France
Effects of Management Treatments on Regeneration of a Geographically Disjunct, Relictual Hybrid Aspen (Populus xsmithii) Population in the Central Great Plains, USA
The prospects of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) in mixed mountain forests under various management strategies, climate change and high browsing pressure
Deer browsing promotes Norway spruce at the expense of silver fir in the forest regeneration phase
Marianne Bernard, Vincent Boulanger, Jean-Luc Dupouey, Lisa Laurent, Pierre Montpied, Xavier Morin, Jean-François Picard and Sonia Saïd Forest Ecology and Management 400 269 (2017)
Ecology and silviculture of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.): a review
Ungulate Impact on Natural Regeneration in Spruce-Beech-Fir Stands in Černý důl Nature Reserve in the Orlické Hory Mountains, Case Study from Central Sudetes
Zdeněk Vacek, Stanislav Vacek, Lukáš Bílek, Jan Král, Jiří Remeš, Daniel Bulušek and Ivo Králíček Forests 5(11) 2929 (2014)
Gap size and position influence variable response of Fagus sylvatica L. and Abies alba Mill.
Effects of thinning intensities in experimental plots of Black European pine in “Foreste Casentinesi, Monte Falterona and Campigna National Park” (Tosco-Romagnolo Apennine, Italy), eight years after the felling