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New resources for genetic studies in Populus nigra: genome‐wide SNP discovery and development of a 12k Infinium array

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Potential for Hybrid Poplar Riparian Buffers to Provide Ecosystem Services in Three Watersheds with Contrasting Agricultural Land Use

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The use of habitat and dispersal models in protecting European black poplar ( Populus nigra L.) from genetic introgression in Slovenia

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Fitness dynamics within a poplar hybrid zone: I. Prezygotic and postzygotic barriers impacting a native poplar hybrid stand

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Genetic analysis of admixture and patterns of introgression in foundation cottonwood trees (Salicaceae) in southwestern Colorado, USA

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Assessing the risk of exotic gene flow from Eucalyptus globulus plantations to native E. ovata forests

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Fitness dynamics within a poplar hybrid zone: II. Impact of exotic sex on native poplars in an urban jungle

Amanda D. Roe, Chris J.K. MacQuarrie, Marie‐Claude Gros‐Louis, J. Dale Simpson, Josyanne Lamarche, Tannis Beardmore, Stacey L. Thompson, Philippe Tanguay and Nathalie Isabel
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Scientific Basis for Sustainable Management of Eucalyptus and Populus as Short-Rotation Woody Crops in the U.S.

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Forecasting functional implications of global changes in riparian plant communities

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Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 11 (8) 423 (2013)

Assignment testing reveals multiple introduced source populations including potential ash hybrids (Fraxinus excelsior × F. angustifolia) in Ireland

Muriel Thomasset, Juan F. Fernández-Manjarrés, Gerry C. Douglas, et al.
European Journal of Forest Research 132 (2) 195 (2013)

Leaf litter decomposition of native and introduced tree species of contrasting quality in headwater streams: How does the regional setting matter?

J. Jesús Casas, Aitor Larrañaga, Margarita Menéndez, et al.
Science of The Total Environment 458-460 197 (2013)

Reciprocal and advanced generation hybrids between Corymbia citriodora and C. torelliana: forestry breeding and the risk of gene flow

Geoffrey R. Dickinson, Helen M. Wallace and David J. Lee
Annals of Forest Science 70 (1) 1 (2013)

Extensive Clonal Assemblies in Populus alba and Populus x canescens from the Iberian Peninsula

Luis Santos-del-Blanco, Ana I. de-Lucas, Santiago C. González-Martínez, Rosario Sierra-de-Grado and Elena Hidalgo
Tree Genetics & Genomes 9 (2) 499 (2013)

Elevated temperature effects on germination and early growth of European aspen (Populus tremula), hybrid aspen (P. tremula × P. tremuloides) and their F2-hybrids

Pertti Pulkkinen, Lu-Min Vaario, Leena Koivuranta and Niina Stenvall
European Journal of Forest Research 132 (5-6) 791 (2013)

Barriers to interspecific hybridization between Juglans nigra L. and J. regia L species

Paola Pollegioni, Irene Olimpieri, Keith E. Woeste, et al.
Tree Genetics & Genomes 9 (1) 291 (2013)

With a little help from my friends: hybrid fertility of exotic Populus x canadensis enhanced by related native Populus nigra

An Vanden-Broeck, Karen Cox, Boudewijn Michiels, Pieter Verschelde and Marc Villar
Biological Invasions 14 (8) 1683 (2012)

Reconstructing explicit mating schemes in poplar hybrids – a case study in the Populus nigra L. – Populus × canadensis Moench complex

R. Bialozyt, G. Rathmacher, M. Niggemann and B. Ziegenhagen
Silvae Genetica 61 (1-6) 157 (2012)

Gene flow and simulation of transgene dispersal from hybrid poplar plantations

Stephen P. DiFazio, Stefano Leonardi, Gancho T. Slavov, Steven L. Garman, W. Thomas Adams and Steven H. Strauss
New Phytologist 193 (4) 903 (2012)

Genetic consequences of glacial survival: the late Quaternary history of balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera L.) in North America

Amy L. Breen, David F. Murray and Matthew S. Olson
Journal of Biogeography 39 (5) 918 (2012)

Successful hybridisation of normally incompatible hybrid aspen (Populus tremula × P. tremuloides) and eastern cottonwood (P. deltoides)

Heike Liesebach, Gisela Naujoks and Dietrich Ewald
Sexual Plant Reproduction 24 (3) 189 (2011)

Protection versus culture-driven exploitation of wild plant resources: the case on Changbai Mountain

Baihong Qu, Wei Li, Yanqiu Chen and Jisheng Liu
International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 18 (5) 404 (2011)

Growth and frost hardening of European aspen and backcross hybrid aspen as influenced by water and nitrogen

Suvi Nikula, Sirkku Manninen and Pertti Pulkkinen
Annals of Forest Science 68 (4) 737 (2011)

SSR-based analysis of clonality, spatial genetic structure and introgression from the Lombardy poplar into a natural population of Populus nigra L. along the Loire River

Nicolas Chenault, Sophie Arnaud-Haond, Mary Juteau, et al.
Tree Genetics & Genomes 7 (6) 1249 (2011)

Compromising genetic diversity in the wild: unmonitored large-scale release of plants and animals

Linda Laikre, Michael K. Schwartz, Robin S. Waples and Nils Ryman
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 25 (9) 520 (2010)

SSR and SNP Markers for the Identification of Clones, Hybrids and Species Within the Genus Populus

H. Schroeder and M. Fladung
Silvae Genetica 59 (1-6) 257 (2010)

Complex patterns of hybridization between exotic and native North American poplar species

Patrick G. Meirmans, Manuel Lamothe, Marie‐Claude Gros‐Louis, Damase Khasa, Pierre Périnet, Jean Bousquet and Nathalie Isabel
American Journal of Botany 97 (10) 1688 (2010)

Clonal fingerprinting in the genus Populus L. by nuclear microsatellite loci regarding differences between sections, species and hybrids

Heike Liesebach, Volker Schneck and Elke Ewald
Tree Genetics & Genomes 6 (2) 259 (2010)

Biodiversity Consequences of Genetic Variation in Bark Characteristics within a Foundation Tree Species

Conservation Biology 23 (5) 1146 (2009)

A fast and simple genetic survey reveals the spread of poplar hybrids at a natural Elbe river site

Birgit Ziegenhagen, Silke Gneuss, Georg Rathmacher, et al.
Conservation Genetics 9 (2) 373 (2008)

Natural hybridisation between Populus nigra L. and P. x canadensis Moench. Hybrid offspring competes for niches along the Rhine river in the Netherlands

M. J. M. Smulders, R. Beringen, R. Volosyanchuk, et al.
Tree Genetics & Genomes 4 (4) 663 (2008)

Assessing the risk of pollen-mediated gene flow from exotic Eucalyptus globulus plantations into native eucalypt populations of Australia

Robert C. Barbour, Yvonne Otahal, René E. Vaillancourt and Bradley M. Potts
Biological Conservation 141 (4) 896 (2008)

The risk of pollen-mediated gene flow from exotic Corymbia plantations into native Corymbia populations in Australia

R.C. Barbour, A.C. Crawford, M. Henson, et al.
Forest Ecology and Management 256 (1-2) 1 (2008)

Phenotypic diversity and delimitation between wild and cultivated forms of the genus Pyrus in North-eastern Spain based on morphometric analyses

Jordi Voltas, Jesús Pemán and Francesca Fusté
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 54 (7) 1473 (2007)

Interspecific hybridisation between alien and native plant species in Germany and its consequences for native biodiversity

Walter Bleeker, Ulf Schmitz and Michael Ristow
Biological Conservation 137 (2) 248 (2007)

Genetic linkage maps of Populus nigra L. including AFLPs, SSRs, SNPs, and sex trait

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Tree Genetics & Genomes 4 (1) 25 (2007)

Variability in Populus leaf anatomy and morphology in relation to canopy position, biomass production, and varietal taxon

Najwa Al Afas, Nicolas Marron and Reinhart Ceulemans
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