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Comment on “A question of method and place? A critical reappraisal of the methods of dendroarchaeology, anthracology, archaeobotany and roundwood analysis on the question when systematic woodland management began in Europe [Quat. Int., in press,]”
A question of method and place? A critical reappraisal of the methods of dendroarchaeology, anthracology, archaeobotany and roundwood analysis on the question when systematic woodland management began in Europe
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Woodland Management as Major Energy Supply during the Early Industrialization: A Multiproxy Analysis in the Northwest European Lowlands
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Dendroarchaeology in Europe
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Woodland Management Practices in Bronze Age, Bruszczewo, Poland
Firewood and timber collection and management strategies from early medieval sites in eastern England. Initial results from the anthraco-typological analysis of oak charcoal remains
Tree rings reveal signs of Europe’s sustainable forest management long before the first historical evidence
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Modelling dendro-anthracological parameters with dendrochronological reference datasets: Interrogating the applicability of anthraco-typology to assess Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Miller) wood management from archaeological charcoal fragments
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Open woodland in Europe in the Mesolithic and in the Middle Ages: Can there be a connection?
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