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Drivers behind the spatial dispersion of European spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus) infestation in protected areas in Estonia, four years after a major storm

Floortje Vodde, Kristjan Ait, Argo Orumaa, Kalev Jõgiste, Tanel Kaart, Andres Kiviste, Heino Õunap, John A. Stanturf and Marek Metslaid
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Spatial configuration matters when removing windfelled trees to manage bark beetle disturbances in Central European forest landscapes

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Interventions have limited effects on the population dynamics of Ips typographus and its natural enemies in the Western Carpathians (Central Europe)

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Drivers of Spruce Bark Beetle (Ips typographus) Infestations on Downed Trees after Severe Windthrow

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Influence of Mountain Spruce Forest Dieback on Snow Accumulation and Melt

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The European spruce bark beetle Ips typographus (L.) in wind-damaged stands of the eastern part of the Tatra National Park – the population dynamics pattern remains constant

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Folia Forestalia Polonica 61 (3) 174 (2019)

Potential Solar Radiation as a Driver for Bark Beetle Infestation on a Landscape Scale

Pavel Mezei, Mária Potterf, Jaroslav Škvarenina, Jakob Gulddahl Rasmussen and Rastislav Jakuš
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Searching for solutions to the conflict over Europe's oldest forest

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The succession of soil Collembola communities in spruce forests of the High Tatra Mountains five years after a windthrow and clear–cut logging

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Life and death of Picea abies after bark‐beetle outbreak: ecological processes driving seedling recruitment

Martin Macek, Jan Wild, Martin Kopecký, Jaroslav Červenka, Miroslav Svoboda, Jitka Zenáhlíková, Josef Brůna, Reinhard Mosandl and Anton Fischer
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Models of disturbance driven dynamics in the West Carpathian spruce forests

Jan Holeksa, Peter Jaloviar, Stanislav Kucbel, et al.
Forest Ecology and Management 388 79 (2017)

Landscape-Level Spruce Mortality Patterns and Topographic Forecasters of Bark Beetle Outbreaks in Managed and Unmanaged Forests of the Tatra Mountains

Gregory J. Sproull, Marcin Bukowski, Neil Mcnutt, Tomasz Zwijacz-Kozica and Jerzy Szwagrzyk
Polish Journal of Ecology 65 (1) 24 (2017)

Managing bark beetle impacts on ecosystems and society: priority questions to motivate future research

Jesse L. Morris, Stuart Cottrell, Christopher J. Fettig, Winslow D. Hansen, Rosemary L. Sherriff, Vachel A. Carter, Jennifer L. Clear, Jessica Clement, R. Justin DeRose, Jeffrey A. Hicke, Philip E. Higuera, Katherine M. Mattor, Alistair W. R. Seddon, Heikki T. Seppä, John D. Stednick, Steven J. Seybold and Lorenzo Marini
Journal of Applied Ecology 54 (3) 750 (2017)

Storms, temperature maxima and the Eurasian spruce bark beetle Ips typographus—An infernal trio in Norway spruce forests of the Central European High Tatra Mountains

Pavel Mezei, Rastislav Jakuš, Josef Pennerstorfer, et al.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 242 85 (2017)

Occurrence of Ips typographus (L.) after wind damage in the Kościeliska Valley of the Tatra National Park

Wojciech Grodzki and Wojciech Gąsienica Fronek
Forest Research Papers 78 (2) 113 (2017)

Interactions between windthrow, bark beetles and forest management in the Tatra national parks

Mária Havašová, Ján Ferenčík and Rastislav Jakuš
Forest Ecology and Management 391 349 (2017)

Influence of different forest protection strategies on spruce tree mortality during a bark beetle outbreak

Pavel Mezei, Miroslav Blaženec, Wojciech Grodzki, Jaroslav Škvarenina and Rastislav Jakuš
Annals of Forest Science 74 (4) (2017)

Infection levels of pathogens in the European spruce bark beetle Ips typographus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) at managed and unmanaged forest locations: a meta-data analysis

Hana Vanická, Karolina Lukášová and Jaroslav Holuša
Forestry Journal 62 (4) (2016)

Fine-scale spruce mortality dynamics driven by bark beetle disturbance in Babia Góra National Park, Poland

Gregory J. Sproull, Michał Adamus, Janusz Szewczyk, Gordon Kersten and Jerzy Szwagrzyk
European Journal of Forest Research 135 (3) 507 (2016)

Perceptions of natural disturbance in Tatra National Park, Poland

Juraj Švajda, Samuel Koróny, Antoni Zięba and Paweł Adamski
Forestry Journal 62 (2) (2016)

Frequent severe natural disturbances and non-equilibrium landscape dynamics shaped the mountain spruce forest in central Europe

Vojtěch Čada, Robert C. Morrissey, Zuzana Michalová, et al.
Forest Ecology and Management 363 169 (2016)

Rainfall interception in a disturbed montane spruce (Picea abies) stand in the West Tatra Mountains

Martin Bartík, Martin Jančo, Katarína Střelcová, et al.
Biologia 71 (9) 1002 (2016)

Electrophysiological and behavioural responses of Ips typographus (L.) to trans-4-thujanol—a host tree volatile compound

Laima Blažytė-Čereškienė, Violeta Apšegaitė, Sandra Radžiutė, Raimondas Mozūraitis, Vincas Būda and Dalė Pečiulytė
Annals of Forest Science 73 (2) 247 (2016)

Tree and stand-level patterns and predictors of Norway spruce mortality caused by bark beetle infestation in the Tatra Mountains

Gregory J. Sproull, Michał Adamus, Marcin Bukowski, et al.
Forest Ecology and Management 354 261 (2015)

Restoration of Central-European mountain Norway spruce forest 15 years after natural and anthropogenic disturbance

Markéta H. Nováková and Magda Edwards-Jonášová
Forest Ecology and Management 344 120 (2015)

Host and site factors affecting tree mortality caused by the spruce bark beetle ( Ips typographus ) in mountainous conditions

Pavel Mezei, Wojciech Grodzki, Miroslav Blaženec, et al.
Forest Ecology and Management 331 196 (2014)

New Insights into the Consequences of Post-Windthrow Salvage Logging Revealed by Functional Structure of Saproxylic Beetles Assemblages

Simon Thorn, Claus Bässler, Thomas Gottschalk, et al.
PLoS ONE 9 (7) e101757 (2014)

Post-disaster Forest Management and Bark Beetle Outbreak in Tatra National Park, Slovakia

Christo Nikolov, Bohdan Konôpka, Matúš Kajba, et al.
Mountain Research and Development 34 (4) 326 (2014)

Drivers of the bark beetle disturbance regime in Alpine forests in Austria

Ferenc Pasztor, Christoph Matulla, Werner Rammer and Manfred J. Lexer
Forest Ecology and Management 318 349 (2014)

Factors influencing the wind–bark beetles’ disturbance system in the course of an Ips typographus outbreak in the Tatra Mountains

Pavel Mezei, Wojciech Grodzki, Miroslav Blaženec and Rastislav Jakuš
Forest Ecology and Management 312 67 (2014)

Long-term effects on nitrogen and benthic fauna of extreme weather events: Examples from two Swedish headwater streams

Stefan Löfgren, Ulf Grandin and Sonja Stendera
AMBIO 43 (S1) 58 (2014)

Snow accumulation and ablation in disturbed mountain spruce forest in West Tatra Mts

Martin Bartík, Roman Sitko, Marek Oreňák, Juraj Slovik and Jaroslav Škvarenina
Biologia 69 (11) 1492 (2014)

Tree Cavity Resources in Spruce-Pine Managed and Protected Stands of the Białowieża Forest, Poland

Wiesław Walankiewicz, Dorota Czeszczewik, Tomasz Stański, Mustapha Sahel and Ireneusz Ruczyński
Natural Areas Journal 34 (4) 423 (2014)

The “sun-effect”: microclimatic alterations predispose forest edges to bark beetle infestations

Markus Kautz, Reinhard Schopf and Joachim Ohser
European Journal of Forest Research 132 (3) 453 (2013)

Synchronous rise and fall of bark beetle and parasitoid populations in windthrow areas

B. Wermelinger, M. K. Obrist, H. Baur, O. Jakoby and P. Duelli
Agricultural and Forest Entomology 15 (3) 301 (2013)

Interactions between growth, demography and biotic interactions in determining species range limits in a warming world: The case of Pinus sylvestris

Luis Matías and Alistair S. Jump
Forest Ecology and Management 282 10 (2012)

Population dynamics in changing environments: the case of an eruptive forest pest species

Kyrre Kausrud, Bjørn Økland, Olav Skarpaas, Jean‐Claude Grégoire, Nadir Erbilgin and Nils Chr. Stenseth
Biological Reviews 87 (1) 34 (2012)

Guess the impact of Ips typographus—An ecosystem modelling approach for simulating spruce bark beetle outbreaks

Anna Maria Jönsson, Leif Martin Schroeder, Fredrik Lagergren, Olle Anderbrant and Benjamin Smith
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 166-167 188 (2012)

Characteristics of Norway spruce trees (Picea abies) surviving a spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus L.) outbreak

R. Jakuš, M. Edwards-Jonášová, P. Cudlín, et al.
Trees 25 (6) 965 (2011)

Is insecticide spraying a viable and cost-efficient management practice to control pine processionary moth in Mediterranean woodlands?

Luis Cayuela, José Antonio Hódar and Regino Zamora
Forest Ecology and Management 261 (11) 1732 (2011)

Statistical evaluation of Ips typographus population density: a useful tool in protected areas and conservation-oriented forestry

Andrzej Borkowski and Rafał Podlaski
Biodiversity and Conservation 20 (13) 2933 (2011)

Landscape-scale Ips typographus attack dynamics: from monitoring plots to GIS-based disturbance models

R Jakus, L Zajíčkova, P Cudlín, et al.
iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry 4 (6) 256 (2011)

Tree growth and disturbance dynamics in old-growth subalpine spruce forests of the Western Carpathians

Janusz Szewczyk, Jerzy Szwagrzyk and Elżbieta Muter
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 41 (5) 938 (2011)

Western Carpathian mountain spruce forest after a windthrow: Natural regeneration in cleared and uncleared areas

M. Jonášová, E. Vávrová and P. Cudlín
Forest Ecology and Management 259 (6) 1127 (2010)

Learning from a “benign neglect strategy” in a national park: Response of saproxylic beetles to dead wood accumulation

Jörg Müller, Reed F. Noss, Heinz Bussler and Roland Brandl
Biological Conservation 143 (11) 2559 (2010)

Distribution of the double-spined spruce bark beetle Ips duplicatus in the Czech Republic: spreading in 1997–2009

Jaroslav Holusa, Jan Lubojacky and Milos Knizek
Phytoparasitica 38 (5) 435 (2010)

Differences in bark beetle (Ips typographus and Pityogenes chalcographus) abundance in a strict spruce reserve and the surrounding spruce forests of Serbia

Cedomir Markovic and Aleksandar Stojanovic
Phytoparasitica 38 (1) 31 (2010)

Managing natural disturbance in protected areas: Tourists’ attitude towards the bark beetle in a German national park

Martin Müller and Hubert Job
Biological Conservation 142 (2) 375 (2009)

The influences of forest stand management on biotic and abiotic risks of damage

Hervé Jactel, Bruce C. Nicoll, Manuela Branco, José Ramon Gonzalez-Olabarria, Wojciech Grodzki, Bo Långström, Francisco Moreira, Sigrid Netherer, Christophe Orazio, Dominique Piou, Helena Santos, Mart Jan Schelhaas, Karl Tojic and Floor Vodde
Annals of Forest Science 66 (7) 701 (2009)

The dynamics of a mountain mixed forest under wind disturbances in the Tatra Mountains, central Europe — a dendroecological reconstruction

Tomasz Zielonka and Piotr Malcher
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 39 (11) 2215 (2009)

Multiscale spatial variation of the bark beetle Ips sexdentatus damage in a pine plantation forest (Landes de Gascogne, Southwestern France)

J.-P. Rossi, J.-C. Samalens, D. Guyon, et al.
Forest Ecology and Management 257 (7) 1551 (2009)

Damage reduction and performance of mass trapping devices for forest protection against the spruce bark beetle, Ips typographus (Coleoptera Curculionidae Scolytinae)

Massimo Faccoli and Fabio Stergulc
Annals of Forest Science 65 (3) 309 (2008)

Structure of a Central-European mountain spruce old-growth forest with respect to historical development

Miroslav Svoboda and Václav Pouska
Forest Ecology and Management 255 (7) 2177 (2008)

Modelling tree mortality by bark beetle infestation in Norway spruce forests

Rupert Seidl, Peter Baier, Werner Rammer, Axel Schopf and Manfred J. Lexer
Ecological Modelling 206 (3-4) 383 (2007)