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Preliminary evaluation of a density-based lumber grading method for hem-fir CLT manufacturing
Hao Li, Libin Wang, Brad Jianhe Wang, Peixing Wei, Wentao Yu, Zhongqiang Fan and Guanben Du European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 79(4) 967 (2021)
Physical, chemical and mechanical wood properties of Pinus nigra growing in Portugal
Alexandra Dias, Ana Carvalho, Maria Emília Silva, José Lima-Brito, Maria João Gaspar, Ana Alves, José Carlos Rodrigues, Fábio Pereira, José Morais and José Luís Lousada Annals of Forest Science 77(3) (2020)
A value chain comparison of Pinus patula sawlog management regimes based on different initial planting densities and effect on wood quality
Drought-Induced Changes in Wood Density Are Not Prevented by Thinning in Scots Pine Stands
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Growth and wood quality of black spruce and balsam fir following careful logging around small merchantable stems (CLASS) in the boreal forest of Quebec, Canada
Audrey Lemay, Cornelia Krause, Alexis Achim and Jean Bégin Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research 91(3) 271 (2018)
Microwave drying kinetics of jack pine wood: determination of phytosanitary efficacy, energy consumption, and mechanical properties
Wood Properties of Quercus acuta due to Thinning Intensity
Nam-Euy Hong, Kyung-Rok Won, Su-Young Jung, Kwang-Soo Lee and Hee-Seop Byeon Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology 43(6) 721 (2015)
Bending and Compressive Strength Properties of Larix kaempferi According to Thinning Intensity
Thinning increases cone production of stone pine (Pinus pinea L.) stands in the Northern Plateau (Spain)
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Effect of thinning on the ring characteristics of Japanese cedar plantation trees
Physical properties of wood in thinned Scots pines (Pinus sylvestris L.) from plantations in northern Spain
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Thinning intensity and growth response in SW-European Scots pine stands
Miren del Río, Rafael Calama, Isabel Cañellas, Sonia Roig and Gregorio Montero Annals of Forest Science 65(3) 308 (2008)