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Comparative physiological and proteomic analysis reveals different responding mechanisms of phosphate deficiency between two clones of Pinus elliottii × P. caribaea
The ontogenetic ageing pattern and the molecular mechanism for prunning rejuvenation in <italic>Pinus elliottii</italic>×<italic>P</italic>.<italic> caribaea</italic>
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Maximizing the Use of Out-of-Grade Hybrid Pine in Engineered Wood Products: Bond Performance, the Effect of Resin Streaking, Knots, and Pith
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Pinus elliottii and P. elliottii x P. caribaea hybrid differently cope with combined drought and heat episodes
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Natural hybridization in seed stands of seven Mexican Pinus species
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Clonal variation in growth, PSII photochemical activity and polar metabolites in Pinus elliottii × P. caribaea
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Plant regeneration from ploidy-stable cryopreserved embryogenic lines of the hybrid Pinus elliottii x P. caribaea