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Post-drought conditions and hydraulic dysfunction determine tree resilience and mortality across Mediterranean Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) populations after an extreme drought event
L Morcillo, J C Muñoz-Rengifo, J M Torres-Ruiz, S Delzon, H Moutahir, A Vilagrosa and Jordi Martinez-Vilalta Tree Physiology 42(7) 1364 (2022)
On the Need to Further Refine Stock Quality Specifications to Improve Reforestation under Climatic Extremes
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Root system adaptations represent untapped opportunities for forest tree seedling improvement
Assessing reforestation failure at the project scale: The margin for technical improvement under harsh conditions. A case study in a Mediterranean Dryland
Antonio D. del Campo, Guillem Segura-Orenga, Inmaculada Bautista, Carlos J. Ceacero, María González-Sanchis, Antonio J. Molina and Javier Hermoso Science of The Total Environment 796 148952 (2021)
Reforesting drylands under novel climates with extreme drought filters: The importance of trait-based species selection
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Pinus pinea (L.) nut and kernel productivity in relation to cone, tree and stand characteristics
Oaks Physiological Ecology. Exploring the Functional Diversity of Genus Quercus L.
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The effect of genotype by environment interaction, phenotypic plasticity and adaptation on Pinus halepensis reforestation establishment under expected climate drifts
On the importance of topography, site quality, stock quality and planting date in a semiarid plantation: Feasibility of using low-density LiDAR
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Nutrient loading of forest tree seedlings to promote stress resistance and field performance: a Mediterranean perspective
Interactions between soil gravel content and neighboring vegetation control management in oak seedling establishment success in Mediterranean environments
Increase in size and nitrogen concentration enhances seedling survival in Mediterranean plantations. Insights from an ecophysiological conceptual model of plant survival
Cost–benefit analysis of different container capacities and fertilization regimes in Pinus stock-type production for forest restoration in dry Mediterranean areas
Reviewing the Science and Implementation of Climate Change Adaptation Measures in European Forestry
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Differential field response of two Mediterranean tree species to inputs of sewage sludge at the seedling stage
Why do large, nitrogen rich seedlings better resist stressful transplanting conditions? A physiological analysis in two functionally contrasting Mediterranean forest species
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