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Quantitative and qualitative assessment of pine seedlings under controlled undergrowth disturbance: Fire and soil scarification
Paweł Przybylski, Szymon Jastrzȩbowski, Krzysztof Ukalski, Łukasz Tyburski and Monika Konatowska Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 5 (2022)
Drought in the forest breaks plant–fungi interactions
Andrzej Boczoń, Dorota Hilszczańska, Marta Wrzosek, Andrzej Szczepkowski and Zbigniew Sierota European Journal of Forest Research 140(6) 1301 (2021)
Planting time, stocktype and additive effects on the development of spruce and pine plantations in Western Carpathian Mts.
Nutrient mobilization, growth and field survival of Pinus pringlei inoculated with three ectomycorrhizal mushrooms
Araceli López-Gutiérrez, Jesus Perez-Moreno, Faustino Hernández-Santiago, Ebandro Uscanga-Mortera, Antonio García-Esteva, Victor Manuel Cetina-Alcalá, María del Rosario Cardoso-Villanueva and Beatriz Xoconostle-Cázares Botanical Sciences 96(2) 286 (2018)
Molecular and morphological analyses confirm Rhizopogon verii as a widely distributed ectomycorrhizal false truffle in Europe, and its presence in South America