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Plant xylem hydraulics: What we understand, current research, and future challenges

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Plant pneumatics: stem air flow is related to embolism – new perspectives on methods in plant hydraulics

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Direct observation and modelling of embolism spread between xylem conduits: a case study in Scots pine

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Characteristics of ultrasonic acoustic emissions from walnut branches during freeze–thaw-induced embolism formation

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Xylem cavitation resistance can be estimated based on time‐dependent rate of acoustic emissions

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Hydraulic traits of Norway spruce sapwood estimated by Fourier transform near-infrared spectroscopy (FT-NIR)

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Methods for measuring plant vulnerability to cavitation: a critical review

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Plant functional traits of a shrub invader relative to sympatric native shrubs

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An improved method and data analysis for ultrasound acoustic emissions and xylem vulnerability in conifer wood

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Measurements of stem xylem hydraulic conductivity in the laboratory and field

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