Issue |
Ann. For. Sci.
Volume 55, Number 5, 1998
Page(s) | 613 - 618 | |
DOI | |
DOI: 10.1051/forest:19980508
Information about studies on Hungarian forest ecosystems. Selected research-papers and future investigations of Síkfõkút long-term project (1973-1998)
Bruno C. O'Heixa, b, J.A. Tótha, T. Bodeaa, Gy. Kissc, Peter Vigd, P. Jakucsa and P. Dizengremel'ba Kossuth Lajos University, Ecological Department, P.f. 71, H-4010 Debrecen, Hungary
b Laboratoire de biologie forestière, Université Henri Poincaré, U.A. Inra, Nancy, France
c Kossuth Lajos University, Meteorological Department, Debrecen, Hungary
d Soproni University, Forestry department, Sopron, Hungary
Abstract - The 'Síkfõkút Project' was initiated in 1972 by the Institute of Botany of the Kossuth Lajos University (KLTE) in Debrecen (second largest city in Hungary). The project followed the Paris meeting of UNESCO in 1971 ('Research on the temperate zone forest'). Since 1979, the Institute of Ecology (first to be established in the history of the country), has continued the project. An appeal to ecology specialists (botanists, meteorologists, soil scientists, geographers, zoologists, etc.) was made to solve goal tasks and collaborate in research. Therefore, 72 researchers from 23 disciplines volunteered and began their investigations according to the coordinated work plan. During the first period of research the Project was related to the globally advertized IBP (International Biological Program). At the time of inauguration of the 'Man and Biosphere Program Project' (UNESCO Program) in the 1970s, Síkfõkút become one of the most important research areas with the most characteristic hardly disturbed forest of Pannonia and surrounding cultivated areas. More recently, several national and international institutes and universities dealing with environmental protection or scientific research have been carrying out measurements on the area, thus aiming to contribute to the study of the accrue Hungarian forest decline. (© Inra/Elsevier, Paris)
Résumé - Le programme à long terme Síkfõkút. Hongrie (1973-1998). Initié en 1972 par l'Institut de Botanique de l'Université Kossuth Lajos (KLTE) à Debrecen (deuxième ville de Hongrie), le programme Síkfõkút Project faisait suite à la réunion de l'Unesco « Research on the temperate zone forest » à Paris en 1971. Depuis 1979 le programme est dirigé par l'institut d'écologie de KLTE. Afin de réaliser les objectifs de recherche, 72 chercheurs regroupant 23 disciplines se sont portés volontaires et ont participé au programme de recherche, partie intégrante du IBP (international biological program). Ainsi, au moment de l'inauguration du programme de l'Unesco « Man and Biosphere », le programme Síkfõkút était-il un des plus importants en recherche forestière d'Europe centrale. Plus récemment, plusieurs universités et instituts étrangers, engagés dans la protection de l'environnement ou menant des recherches scientifiques se sont joints aux programmes contractuels de coopération. Ils contribuent ainsi aux recherches visant à étudier les causes du dépérissement croissant de la forêt hongroise.