Free Access

Table I

Functional traits measured for a regional species pool of functional diversity. All foliar traits have been standardized to a leaf mass basis, and were measured on juveniles of two years age under controlled conditions in shadehouses.

Attribute (Abbreviation) Unit Measurement
Foliar [C]:[N] (Cm-Nm) g g−1 CHN autoanalyzer
Foliar [N] (Nm) μg g−1 CHN autoanalyzer
Foliar delta 15N μg μg−1 Mass spec. analysis
(Roggy et al., 1999)
Assimilation Rate μmol CO2g−1 s−1 CIRAS-1 System at
(Am) 360 ppm CO2 and
700 μmol m−2 s−1 PAR
Stomatal conductance mmol H2O g−1 s−1 CIRAS-1 System at
(Gm) 360 ppm CO2 and
700 μmol m−2 s−1 PAR
Relative Growth mg g−1d−1 For a harvest period
Rate (RGR) from 24–30 months age
Root nodules (Nodules) Presence-absence On roots at final harvest
Root-Shoot Ratio (R-S) g g−1 root biomass/shoot
biomass at final harvest
Specific Leaf Area (SLA) cm2g−1 leaf area/leaf biomass
for new leaves at final