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Vibrational spectroscopic profiling of biomolecular interactions between oak powdery mildew and oak leaves

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Can Oak Powdery Mildew Severity be Explained by Indirect Effects of Climate on the Composition of the Erysiphe Pathogenic Complex?

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Further Support of Conspecificity of Oak and Mango Powdery Mildew and First Report of Erysiphe quercicola and Erysiphe alphitoides on Mango in Mainland Europe

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First Report of Ampelomyces quisqualis from Sycamore and Crape Myrtle and Its Potential as a Mycoparasite of Powdery Mildew

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Temporal niche differentiation of parasites sharing the same plant host: oak powdery mildew as a case study

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Relationships between Oak powdery mildew incidence and severity and commensal fungi

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An evolutionary ecology perspective to address forest pathology challenges of today and tomorrow

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Escape of spring frost and disease through phenological variations in oak populations along elevation gradients

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European oak powdery mildew: impact on trees, effects of environmental factors, and potential effects of climate change

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Oak powdery mildew (Erysiphe alphitoides)-induced volatile emissions scale with the degree of infection in Quercus robur

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Oak powdery mildew changes growth patterns in its host tree: host tolerance response and potential manipulation of host physiology by the parasite

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Is the Emergence of Dothistroma Needle Blight of Pine in France Caused by the Cryptic Species Dothistroma pini?

B. Fabre, R. Ioos, D. Piou and B. Marçais
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Interspecific and intraspecific diversity in oak powdery mildews in Europe: coevolution history and adaptation to their hosts

Marie-Laure Desprez-Loustau, Nicolas Feau, Amira Mougou-Hamdane and Cyril Dutech
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Seasonality and the evolutionary divergence of plant parasites

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Ecology 92 (12) 2159 (2011)

Interspecific and intraspecific diversity in oak powdery mildews in Europe: coevolution history and adaptation to their hosts

Marie-Laure Desprez-Loustau, Nicolas Feau, Amira Mougou-Hamdane and Cyril Dutech
Mycoscience 52 (3) 165 (2010)