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Fitting and Evaluating Taper Functions to Predict Upper Stem Diameter of Planted Teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) in Eastern and Central Regions of Nepal

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Stem Profile Patterns of Pinus nigra and Pinus sylvestris Growing in Mixed Stands

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Predicting stem taper using artificial neural network and regression models for Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in northwestern Türkiye

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Predicting the upper stem diameters and volume of a tropical dominant tree species

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Taper and individual tree volume equations of Eucalyptus varieties under contrasting irrigation regimes

Juan Carlos Valverde, Rafael Rubilar, Alex Medina, Oscar Mardones, Verónica Emhart, Daniel Bozo, Yosselin Espinoza and Octavio Campoe
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An Approach to Estimate Individual Tree Ages Based on Time Series Diameter Data—A Test Case for Three Subtropical Tree Species in China

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Analysis of various crown variables on stem form for Cunninghamia lanceolata based on ANN and taper function

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Evaluation of parametric and non-parametric stem taper modeling approaches: A case study for Betula platyphylla in Northeast China

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Modeling form factors for sal (Shorea robusta Gaertn.) using tree and stand measures, and random effects

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Testing Forestry Digital Twinning Workflow Based on Mobile LiDAR Scanner and AI Platform

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Global Tree Taper Modelling: A Review of Applications, Methods, Functions, and Their Parameters

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Response of Douglas-fir stem profile to operational nitrogen fertilization in western Oregon

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Evolution, history, and use of stem taper equations: a review of their development, application, and implementation

John Paul McTague and Aaron Weiskittel
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 51 (2) 210 (2021)

Developing taper equations for planted teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) trees of central lowland Nepal

Anil Koirala, Cristian R. Montes, Bronson P. Bullock and Bishnu H. Wagle
Trees, Forests and People 5 100103 (2021)

Stem taper functions for Betula platyphylla in the Daxing’an Mountains, northeast China

Muhammad Khurram Shahzad, Amna Hussain, Harold E. Burkhart, Fengri Li and Lichun Jiang
Journal of Forestry Research 32 (2) 529 (2021)

Stem taper functions for white birch (Betula platyphylla) and costata birch (Betula costata) in the Xiaoxing’an Mountains, northeast China

Amna Hussain, Muhammad Khurram Shahzad, Harold E Burkhart and Lichun Jiang
Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research 94 (5) 714 (2021)

The Effect of Crown Dimensions on Stem Profile for Dahurian Larch, Korean Spruce, and Manchurian Fir in Northeast China

Amna Hussain, Muhammad Khurram Shahzad and Lichun Jiang
Forests 12 (4) 398 (2021)

Semi-empirical estimation of log taper using stem profile equations

Andrii Bilous, Viktor Myroniuk, Viktor Svynchuk, Oleksandr Soshenskyi, Oleksandr Lesnik and Yaroslav Kovbasa
Journal of Forest Science 67 (7) 318 (2021)

Incorporating climate effects in Larix gmelinii improves stem taper models in the Greater Khingan Mountains of Inner Mongolia, northeast China

Yang Liu, Ralph Trancoso, Qin Ma, et al.
Forest Ecology and Management 464 118065 (2020)

Differences in stem taper of black alder (Alnus glutinosa subsp. barbata) by origin

Krishna P. Poudel, Ramazan Özçelik and Hakkı Yavuz
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 50 (6) 581 (2020)

Stem taper equations for three major conifer species of Northeast China

Amna Hussain, Muhammad Khurram Shahzad, Pei He and Lichun Jiang
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 35 (8) 562 (2020)

Stem Taper Approximation by Artificial Neural Network and a Regression Set Models

Jaroslaw Socha, Pawel Netzel and Dominika Cywicka
Forests 11 (1) 79 (2020)

Tree profile equations are significantly improved when adding tree age and stocking degree: an example for Larix gmelinii in the Greater Khingan Mountains of Inner Mongolia, northeast China

Yang Liu, Chaofang Yue, Xiaohua Wei, Juan A. Blanco and Ralph Trancoso
European Journal of Forest Research 139 (3) 443 (2020)

A Comparative Evaluation of Three Stem Profile Equations for Three Precious Tree Species in Southern China

Jun Jiang, Jie Li, Lifeng Pang and Angang Ming
Forests 11 (6) 669 (2020)

Stem taper equations for diameter and volume predictions of Abies cilicica Carr. in the Taurus Mountains, Turkey

Onur Alkan and Ramazan Özçelik
Journal of Mountain Science 17 (12) 3054 (2020)

Examining Statistical Distributions and Statistical Behavior of Stem Tapers of Fagus Sylvatica in Municipal Forest of Naoussa

Messaritakis Spyridon
International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems 10 (1) 57 (2019)

Developing a taper model for the Pinus elliottii × P. caribaea var. hondurensis hybrid in South Africa

Madeleen Algera, Christoph Kätsch and Paxie W Chirwa
Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science 81 (2) 141 (2019)

Development of regional stem taper models for some important tree species of Turkey: Case study of Bucak

Ramazan Ozçelik, Onur ALKAN and HASAN ALKAN
Turkish Journal of Forestry | Türkiye Ormancılık Dergisi 333 (2019)

A model form for stem taper and volume estimates of Asian white birch (Betula platyphylla): a major commercial tree species of Northeast China

Muhammad Khurram Shahzad, Amna Hussain and Lichun Jiang
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 274 (2019)

Generalized stem taper and tree volume equations applied to eucalyptus of varying genetics in Brazil

Henrique Ferraco Scolforo, John Paul McTague, Harold Burkhart, et al.
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 49 (5) 447 (2019)

Evaluation of Different Calibration Approaches for Merchantable Volume Predictions of Norway Spruce Using Nonlinear Mixed Effects Model

Zdeněk Adamec, Radim Adolt, Karel Drápela and Jiří Závodský
Forests 10 (12) 1104 (2019)

Compatibility, Development, and Estimation of Taper and Volume Equation Systems

Dehai Zhao, Thomas B Lynch, James Westfall, et al.
Forest Science 65 (1) 1 (2019)

Use of LiDAR data during multi-annual periods for estimating forestry variables

Manuel A. Valbuena, Esperanza Mateos and Francisco Rodríguez
Forest Systems 26 (3) e019 (2018)

Sistema compatible de ahusamiento-volumen comercial para Swietenia macrophylla King (caoba) en Quintana Roo, México

Jonathan Hernández Ramos, Adrián Hernández Ramos, Xavier García Cuevas, Luis Martínez Ángel, Juan Carlos Tamarit Urías and Guadalupe Geraldine García Espinoza
Madera y Bosques 24 (3) (2018)


Oytun Emre Sakici and Gulay Ozdemir
CERNE 24 (4) 439 (2018)

Asymptotic and Numerical Analysis of a Porous Medium Model for Transpiration-Driven Sap Flow in Trees

Bebart Maisar Janbek and John M. Stockie
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 78 (4) 2028 (2018)

Comparison of taper functions applied to eucalypts of varying genetics in Brazil: application and evaluation of the penalized mixed spline approach

Henrique Ferraco Scolforo, John Paul McTague, Marcel Regis Raimundo, et al.
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 48 (5) 568 (2018)

Compatible taper-volume models of Quercus variabilis Blume forests in north China

C Zheng, Y Wang, L Jia, et al.
iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry 10 (3) 567 (2017)

Stem Measurements and Taper Modeling Using Photogrammetric Point Clouds

Rong Fang and Bogdan Strimbu
Remote Sensing 9 (7) 716 (2017)

Stem taper equation analysis for Larix kaempferi species in the Central Region of South Korea

Nova D. Doyog, Young Jin Lee and Sunjoo Lee
Journal of Sustainable Forestry 36 (8) 747 (2017)

Compatible System for Predicting Total and Merchantable Stem Volume over and under Bark, Branch Volume and Whole-Tree Volume of Pine Species

José Corral-Rivas, Daniel Vega-Nieva, Roque Rodríguez-Soalleiro, Carlos López-Sánchez, Christian Wehenkel, Benedicto Vargas-Larreta, Juan Álvarez-González and Ana Ruiz-González
Forests 8 (11) 417 (2017)

Evaluation of stem taper models fitted for Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) in the subtropical forests of Jeju Island, Korea

Roscinto Ian C. Lumbres, Yeon Ok Seo, Sung-Hyun Joo and Sung Cheol Jung
Forest Science and Technology 13 (4) 181 (2017)

Effects of uncertainty in upper-stem diameter information on tree volume estimates

James A. Westfall, Ronald E. McRoberts, Philip J. Radtke and Aaron R. Weiskittel
European Journal of Forest Research 135 (5) 937 (2016)

A taper function for Pseudotsuga menziesii plantations in Spain

Carlos A López-Sánchez, Roque Rodríguez-Soalleiro, Fernando Castedo-Dorado, Sacramento Corral-Rivas and Juan G Álvarez-González
Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science 1 (2016)

Comparison of stem taper models for the four tropical tree species in Mount Makiling, Philippines

Roscinto Ian C. Lumbres, Azyleah C. Abino, Nelson M. Pampolina, Feliciano G. Calora and Young Jin Lee
Journal of Mountain Science 13 (3) 536 (2016)

Taper Equation and Stem Volume Table of Cryptomeria japonica in Jeju Experimental Forests

Yeonok Seo, Sungcheol Jung, Hyunkyu Won and Youngjin Lee
Journal of Agriculture & Life Science 49 (1) 71 (2015)

Evaluation of some stem taper models for Camellia japonica in Mount Halla, Korea

Sung Cheol Jung, Yeon Ok Seo, Hyim Kyu Won and Rosciiito Ian C. Lumbres
Journal of Mountain Science 12 (6) 1395 (2015)

Fitting and Calibrating a Multilevel Mixed-Effects Stem Taper Model for Maritime Pine in NW Spain

Manuel Arias-Rodil, Fernando Castedo-Dorado, Asunción Cámara-Obregón, Ulises Diéguez-Aranda and Manuel Reigosa
PLOS ONE 10 (12) e0143521 (2015)

Evaluating published approaches for modelling diameter at breast height from stump dimensions

Nan C. Pond and Robert E. Froese
Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research 87 (5) 683 (2014)

Comparative analysis of four stem taper models for Quercus glauca in Mount Halla, Jeju Island, South Korea

Roscinto Ian Canicosa Lumbres, Young Jin Lee, Hyung Soon Choi, et al.
Journal of Mountain Science 11 (2) 442 (2014)

Comparison of tree volume equations for small-leaved lime (Tilia cordata Mill.) in the Czech Republic

Radka Stolariková, Lubomír Šálek, Daniel Zahradník, et al.
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 1 (2014)

Automated Stem Curve Measurement Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning

Xinlian Liang, Ville Kankare, Xiaowei Yu, Juha Hyyppa and Markus Holopainen
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 52 (3) 1739 (2014)

Use of nonparametric regression methods for developing a local stem form model

K. Kuželka and R. Marušák
Journal of Forest Science 60 (11) 464 (2014)

The use of tree crown variables in over-bark diameter and volume prediction models

R Özçelik, MJ Diamantopoulou and JR Brooks
iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry 7 (3) 132 (2014)

Terrain classification and identification of tree stems using ground‐based LiDAR

Matthew W. McDaniel, Takayuki Nishihata, Christopher A. Brooks, Phil Salesses and Karl Iagnemma
Journal of Field Robotics 29 (6) 891 (2012)

Compatible volume and taper models for economically important tree species of Turkey

Ramazan Özçelik and John R. Brooks
Annals of Forest Science 69 (1) 105 (2012)

Estimating and predicting bark thickness for seven conifer species in the Acadian Region of North America using a mixed-effects modeling approach: comparison of model forms and subsampling strategies

Rongxia Li and Aaron R. Weiskittel
European Journal of Forest Research 130 (2) 219 (2011)

Modeling annualized occurrence, frequency, and composition of ingrowth using mixed-effects zero-inflated models and permanent plots in the Acadian Forest Region of North America

Rongxia Li, Aaron R. Weiskittel and John A. Kershaw
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 41 (10) 2077 (2011)

Taper functions for Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) in Northern Britain

J. Fonweban, B. Gardiner, E. Macdonald and D. Auty
Forestry 84 (1) 49 (2011)

Estimation of tree biomass, carbon pool and net primary production of an old-growth Pinus kesiya Royle ex. Gordon forest in north-eastern India

Ratul Baishya and Saroj Kanta Barik
Annals of Forest Science 68 (4) 727 (2011)