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Stomatal conductance and intrinsic water use efficiency in the drought year 2003: a case study of European beech

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Links between phenology and ecophysiology in a European beech forest

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Disturbances in European beech water relation during an extreme drought

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Effects of the experimental alteration of fine roots on stomatal conductance and photosynthesis: Case study of devil maple (Acer diabolicum) in a cool temperate region

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Weak vertical canopy gradients of photosynthetic capacities and stomatal responses in a fertile Norway spruce stand

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Co-optimal distribution of leaf nitrogen and hydraulic conductance in plant canopies

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Functional–structural water flow model reveals differences between diffuse- and ring-porous tree species

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MAESPA: a model to study interactions between water limitation, environmental drivers and vegetation function at tree and stand levels, with an example application to [CO<sub>2</sub>] × drought interactions

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MAESPA: a model to study interactions between water limitation, environmental drivers and vegetation function at tree and stand levels, with an example application to [CO<sub>2</sub>] × drought interactions

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Improvement to the air-injection technique to estimate xylem vulnerability to cavitation

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A one-dimensional model of water flow in soil-plant systems based on plant architecture

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Drought effects on water relations in beech: The contribution of exchangeable water reservoirs

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Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151 (5) 531 (2011)

Is distribution of hydraulic constraints within tree crowns reflected in photosynthetic water‐use efficiency? An example of Betula pendula

Arne Sellin, Eve Eensalu and Aigar Niglas
Ecological Research 25 (1) 173 (2010)

Seedling drought stress susceptibility in two deciduous Nothofagus species of NW Patagonia

Santiago Agustín Varela, J. E. Gyenge, M. E. Fernández and T. Schlichter
Trees 24 (3) 443 (2010)

Changes of xylem sap ionic content and stem hydraulics in response to irradiance in Laurus nobilis

A. Nardini, F. Grego, P. Trifilo and S. Salleo
Tree Physiology 30 (5) 628 (2010)

Experimental evidence supporting the concept of light-mediated modulation of stem hydraulic conductance

A. Sellin, E. Ounapuu and A. Karusion
Tree Physiology 30 (12) 1528 (2010)

Carbon and nitrogen balance in beech roots under competitive pressure of soil-borne microorganisms induced by girdling, drought and glucose application

Jana B. Winkler, Michael Dannenmann, Judy Simon, et al.
Functional Plant Biology 37 (9) 879 (2010)

Hydraulic acclimation to shading in boreal conifers of varying shade tolerance

Plant, Cell & Environment 33 (3) 382 (2010)

The effects of sap ionic composition on xylem vulnerability to cavitation

Hervé Cochard, Stéphane Herbette, Encarni Hernández, Teemu Hölttä and Maurizio Mencuccini
Journal of Experimental Botany 61 (1) 275 (2010)

Variation of transpiration within a canopy of silver birch: effect of canopy position and daily versus nightly water loss

Arne Sellin and Kristina Lubenets
Ecohydrology 3 (4) 467 (2010)

New Insights into the Mechanisms of Water-Stress-Induced Cavitation in Conifers

Hervé Cochard, Teemu Hölttä, Stéphane Herbette, Sylvain Delzon and Maurizio Mencuccini
Plant Physiology 151 (2) 949 (2009)

Hydraulic properties of naturally regenerated beech saplings respond to canopy opening

B. Caquet, T. S. Barigah, H. Cochard, et al.
Tree Physiology 29 (11) 1395 (2009)

Leaf water status and stem xylem flux in relation to soil drought in five temperate broad-leaved tree species with contrasting water use strategies

Paul Köcher, Tobias Gebauer, Viviana Horna and Christoph Leuschner
Annals of Forest Science 66 (1) 101 (2009)

Is the spatial distribution of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) limited by its potential height growth?

Ingrid Seynave, Jean‐Claude Gégout, Jean‐Christophe Hervé and Jean‐François Dhôte
Journal of Biogeography 35 (10) 1851 (2008)

Distribution of vessel size, vessel density and xylem conducting efficiency within a crown of silver birch (Betula pendula)

Arne Sellin, Andrus Rohejärv and Märt Rahi
Trees 22 (2) 205 (2008)

Winter at the alpine timberline causes complex within‐tree patterns of water potential and embolism in Picea abies

Stefan Mayr and Katline Charra‐Vaskou
Physiologia Plantarum 131 (1) 131 (2007)

Effects of enhanced hydraulic supply for foliage on stomatal responses in little-leaf linden (Tilia cordata Mill.)

Arne Sellin and Priit Kupper
European Journal of Forest Research 126 (2) 241 (2007)

Effects of branch position on water relations and gas exchange of European larch trees in an alpine community

Priit Kupper, Arne Sellin, John Tenhunen, Markus Schmidt and Märt Rahi
Trees 20 (3) 265 (2006)

Temperate forest trees and stands under severe drought: a review of ecophysiological responses, adaptation processes and long-term consequences

Nathalie Bréda, Roland Huc, André Granier and Erwin Dreyer
Annals of Forest Science 63 (6) 625 (2006)

Survival and acclimatation ofPopulus nigrato drier conditions after damming of an alpine river, southeast France

Luc Lambs, Mathieu Loubiat, Jacky Girel, et al.
Annals of Forest Science 63 (4) 377 (2006)

How strong is intracanopy leaf plasticity in temperate deciduous trees?

Lawren Sack, Peter J. Melcher, Wendy H. Liu, Erin Middleton and Tyler Pardee
American Journal of Botany 93 (6) 829 (2006)

Long‐term acclimatization of hydraulic properties, xylem conduit size, wall strength and cavitation resistance in Phaseolus vulgaris in response to different environmental effects

Plant, Cell & Environment 29 (5) 836 (2006)

Vertical canopy gradients in δ13C correspond with leaf nitrogen content in a mixed-species conifer forest

R. A. Duursma and J. D. Marshall
Trees 20 (4) 496 (2006)

Effects of light availability versus hydraulic constraints on stomatal responses within a crown of silver birch

Arne Sellin and Priit Kupper
Oecologia 142 (3) 388 (2005)

Seasonal changes in apparent hydraulic conductance and their implications for water use of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and sessile oak [Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl] in South Europe

I. Aranda, L. Gil and J.A. Pardos
Plant Ecology 179 (2) 155 (2005)

Variation in leaf conductance of silver birch: effects of irradiance, vapour pressure deficit, leaf water status and position within a crown

Arne Sellin and Priit Kupper
Forest Ecology and Management 206 (1-3) 153 (2005)

Photosynthetic Acclimation to Simultaneous and Interacting Environmental Stresses Along Natural Light Gradients: Optimality and Constraints

ü. Niinemets and F. Valladares
Plant Biology 6 (3) 254 (2004)