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Soil compaction in skid trails still affects topsoil recovery 28 years after logging in Central Amazonia
Daniel DeArmond, João Baptista Silva Ferraz, Lidiane Rodrigues de Oliveira, Adriano José Nogueira Lima, Newton Paulo de Souza Falcão and Niro Higuchi Geoderma 434 116473 (2023)
Impacts of modern mechanised skidding on the natural and cultural heritage of the Polish Carpathian Mountains
Andrzej Norbert Affek, Maria Zachwatowicz, Agnieszka Sosnowska, Alina Gerlée and Krzysztof Kiszka Forest Ecology and Management 405 391 (2017)
Restoration of Coast Redwood (<i>Sequoia sempervirens</i>) Forests through Natural Recovery
Shift in Plant Species Composition Reveals Environmental Changes During the Last Decades: A Long-Term Study in Beech (Fagus sylvatica) Forests in Bavaria, Germany