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Photosynthetic insights into winter-green leaves in Quercus pubescens Willd. seedlings
Martin Bobinac, Nikola Susic, Mirjana Sijacic-Nikolic, Ivona Kerkez Jankovic and Sonja Veljovic-Jovanovic Archives of Biological Sciences 76(2) 223 (2024)
Leaf phenotypic variation in natural populations of Quillaja saponaria and its relationship with climatic variation
Quercus species divergence is driven by natural selection on evolutionarily less integrated traits
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Variations in morphological and epidermal features of shade and sun leaves of two species: Quercus bambusifolia and Q. myrsinifolia
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Morphological and genetic variation in natural populations of Quercus vulcanica and Q. frainetto
Genetic, geographic, and climatic factors jointly shape leaf morphology of an alpine oak, Quercus aquifolioides Rehder & E.H. Wilson
Yuejuan Li, Yuanye Zhang, Pei-Chun Liao, Tianrui Wang, Xuanying Wang, Saneyoshi Ueno and Fang K. Du Annals of Forest Science 78(3) (2021)
Morphological differentiation among populations of Quercus elliptica Neé (Fagaceae) along an environmental gradient in Mexico and Central America
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Leaf morphological variability and intraspecific taxonomic units for pedunculate oak and grayish oak (genus Quercus L., series Pedunculatae Schwz.) in Southern Carpathian Region (Romania)
Differentiation and hybridization of Quercus frainetto, Q. petraea, and Q. pubescens (Fagaceae): insights from macro-morphological leaf traits and molecular data
Tree shelters affect shoot and root system growth and structure in Quercus robur during regeneration establishment
Barbara Mariotti, Alberto Maltoni, Douglass F. Jacobs and Andrea Tani European Journal of Forest Research 134(4) 641 (2015)
Foliage response of young central European oaks to air warming, drought and soil type
Inter‐ and intra‐specific variability in isoprene production and photosynthesis of Central European oak species
R. Steinbrecher, N. Contran, F. Gugerli, J.‐P. Schnitzler, I. Zimmer, T. Menard, M.S. Günthardt‐Goerg and F. Loreto Plant Biology 15(s1) 148 (2013)
Leaf Shape and Size Differentiation in White Oaks: Assessment of Allometric Relationships among Three Sympatric Species and Their Hybrids
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In vitropollen germination and pollen tube growth differences amongQuercus roburL. clones in response to meteorological conditions
Molecular and Morphological Characterization of Reciprocal F1Hybrid Ash (Fraxinus excelsior×Fraxinus angustifolia, Oleaceae) and Parental Species Reveals Asymmetric Character Inheritance
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Leaf shape variation and differentiation in three sympatric white oak species revealed by elliptic Fourier analysis
Light and soil humidity influencing oak seedling growth and physiology in mixed hardwood gaps
S Raddi, L Basile, M Anichini, D Pozzi and F Logli Forest@ - Rivista di Selvicoltura ed Ecologia Forestale 6(1) 240 (2009)
Age-related physiological and structural traits of chestnut coppices at the Castelli Romani Park (Italy)