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Resource communication: ApkFor©, an Android Open-Source Project for research and technology transfer in forest management

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National Forest Inventory and forest observational studies in Spain: Applications to forest modeling

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Resource communication. Individual-tree growth model for radiata pine plantations in northwestern Spain

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Combining a predicted diameter distribution with an estimate based on a small sample of diameters

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Estimating growth in beech forests: a study based on long term experiments in Switzerland

Juan Gabriel Álvarez-González, Andreas Zingg and Klaus V. Gadow
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Modeling diameter distribution of Austrian black pine (Pinus nigra Arn.) plantations: a comparison of the Weibull frequency distribution function and percentile-based projection methods

Tatiana V. Stankova and Tzvetan M. Zlatanov
European Journal of Forest Research 129 (6) 1169 (2010)

A reduced growth model based on stand basal area. A case for hybrid poplar plantations in northeast Spain

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Modeling non-catastrophic individual-tree mortality for Pinus radiata plantations in northwestern Spain

Felipe Crecente-Campo, Peter Marshall and Roque Rodríguez-Soalleiro
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A merchantable volume system for Pinus sylvestris L. in the major mountain ranges of Spain

Felipe Crecente-Campo, Alberto Rojo Alboreca and Ulises Diéguez-Aranda
Annals of Forest Science 66 (8) 808 (2009)