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Assessment of Mycological Possibility Using Machine Learning Models for Effective Inclusion in Sustainable Forest Management

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Analysis of climate change impacts on the biogeographical patterns of species-specific productivity of socioeconomically important edible fungi in Mediterranean forest ecosystems

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Sustainable production of ectomycorrhizal fungi in the Mediterranean region to support the European Green Deal

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Management of mushroom resources in Spanish forests: a review

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Stand Structural Characteristics Derived from Combined TLS and Landsat Data Support Predictions of Mushroom Yields in Mediterranean Forest

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Primary productivity and climate control mushroom yields in Mediterranean pine forests

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Modeling the productivity of commercial Lactarius mushrooms: A case study in the Kizilcasu planning unit, Turkey

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Determining Temporal Changes of Annual Productivity of Bay Laural (Laurus nobilis L.) in the Yenikoy Planning Unit

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Predicting Mushroom Productivity from Long-Term Field-Data Series in Mediterranean Pinus pinaster Ait. Forests in the Context of Climate Change

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Application of multi criteria analysis methods for a participatory assessment of non-wood forest products in two European case studies

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Yield models for predicting aboveground ectomycorrhizal fungal productivity in Pinus sylvestris and Pinus pinaster stands of northern Spain

Mariola Sánchez-González, Sergio de-Miguel, Pablo Martin-Pinto, et al.
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Phenology and cultivation of Suillus bovinus, an edible mycorrhizal fungus, in a Pinus massoniana plantation

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Belowground Biodiversity Relates Positively to Ecosystem Services of European Forests

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Optimizing the joint production of timber and marketed mushrooms in Picea abies stands in eastern Finland

Veera Tahvanainen, Jari Miina, Timo Pukkala and Mikko Kurttila
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Linking fungal dynamics, tree growth and forest management in a Mediterranean pine ecosystem

Eduardo Collado, J. Julio Camarero, Juan Martínez de Aragón, et al.
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A review of thinning effects on Scots pine stands: From growth and yield to new challenges under global change

Miren Del Río, Andrés Bravo-Oviedo, Hans Pretzsch, Magnus Löf and Ricardo Ruiz-Peinado
Forest Systems 26 (2) eR03S (2017)

Sustaining the Joint Production of Timber and Lactarius Mushroom: A Case Study of a Forest Management Planning Unit in Northwestern Turkey

Derya Mumcu Küçüker and Emin Başkent
Sustainability 9 (1) 92 (2017)

Optimal management of Cistus ladanifer shrublands for biomass and Boletus edulis mushroom production

María Hernández-Rodríguez, Pablo Martín-Pinto, Juan Andrés Oria-de-Rueda and Luis Diaz-Balteiro
Agroforestry Systems 91 (4) 663 (2017)

Is silviculture able to enhance wild forest mushroom resources? Current knowledge and future perspectives

Antonio Tomao, José Antonio Bonet, Juan Martínez de Aragón and Sergio de-Miguel
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Impact of forest management intensity on mushroom occurrence and yield with a simulation-based decision support system

Derya Mumcu Kucuker and Emin Zeki Baskent
Forest Ecology and Management 389 240 (2017)

Lactarius deliciosus Fr. soil extraradical mycelium correlates with stand fruitbody productivity and is increased by forest thinning

B. Liu, J.A. Bonet, C.R. Fischer, et al.
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Meteorological conditions and site characteristics driving edible mushroom production in Pinus pinaster forests of Central Spain

Zelalem Mengiste Taye, Fernando Martínez-Peña, José Antonio Bonet, Juan Martínez de Aragón and Sergio de-Miguel
Fungal Ecology 23 30 (2016)

Modelling the yields of marketed mushrooms in Picea abies stands in eastern Finland

Veera Tahvanainen, Jari Miina, Mikko Kurttila and Kauko Salo
Forest Ecology and Management 362 79 (2016)

Long-term monitoring reveals a highly structured interspecific variability in climatic control of sporocarp production

Teresa Ágreda, Beatriz Águeda, Marina Fernández-Toirán, Sergio M. Vicente-Serrano and José M. Òlano
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 223 39 (2016)

Mapping a ‘cryptic kingdom’: Performance of lidar derived environmental variables in modelling the occurrence of forest fungi

Maiju Peura, Ramiro Silveyra Gonzalez, Jörg Müller, et al.
Remote Sensing of Environment 186 428 (2016)

Linkages between climate, seasonal wood formation and mycorrhizal mushroom yields

Irantzu Primicia, J. Julio Camarero, Juan Martínez de Aragón, Sergio de-Miguel and José Antonio Bonet
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 228-229 339 (2016)

Non-market non-timber forest products in the Czech Republic—Their socio-economic effects and trends in forest land use

Ludek Sisak, Marcel Riedl and Roman Dudik
Land Use Policy 50 390 (2016)

A local knowledge-based approach to predict anthropic harvesting pressure zones of wild edible mushrooms as a tool for forest conservation in Central Mexico

Sergio Franco-Maass, Cristina Burrola-Aguilar, Yolanda Arana-Gabriel and Luis Antonio García-Almaraz
Forest Policy and Economics 73 239 (2016)

Climate-sensitive models for mushroom yields and diversity in Cistus ladanifer scrublands

María Hernández-Rodríguez, Sergio de-Miguel, Timo Pukkala, Juan Andrés Oria-de-Rueda and Pablo Martín-Pinto
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 213 173 (2015)

Increased evapotranspiration demand in a Mediterranean climate might cause a decline in fungal yields under global warming

Teresa Ágreda, Beatriz Águeda, José M. Olano, Sergio M. Vicente‐Serrano and Marina Fernández‐Toirán
Global Change Biology 21 (9) 3499 (2015)

Drought-induced changes in the phenology, productivity and diversity of Spanish fungi

Ulf Büntgen, Simon Egli, J. Diego Galván, Jeffrey M. Diez, Jorge Aldea, Joaquin Latorre and Fernando Martínez-Peña
Fungal Ecology 16 6 (2015)

Spatial prediction of Lactarius deliciosus and Lactarius salmonicolor mushroom distribution with logistic regression models in the Kızılcasu Planning Unit, Turkey

Derya Mumcu Kucuker and Emin Zeki Baskent
Mycorrhiza 25 (1) 1 (2015)

A model of shrub biomass accumulation as a tool to support management of Portuguese forests

B Botequim, A Zubizarreta-Gerendiain, J Garcia-Gonzalo, et al.
iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry 8 (2) 114 (2015)

Influence of Climate and Economic Variables on the Aggregated Supply of a Wild Edible Fungi (Lactarius deliciosus)

Oscar Alfranca, Roberto Voces and Luis Diaz-Balteiro
Forests 6 (7) 2324 (2015)

Effect of MAP storage on chemical, physical and sensory characteristics of “níscalos” (Lactarius deliciosus)

A.I. Andrés, M.L. Timón, G. Molina, N. González and M.J. Petrón
Food Packaging and Shelf Life (2014)

Mushroom production as an alternative for rural development in a forested mountainous area

José A. Bonet, José R. GonzÁlez-Olabarria and Juan Martínez De Aragón
Journal of Mountain Science 11 (2) 535 (2014)

Age class influence on the yield of edible fungi in a managed Mediterranean forest

Teresa Ágreda, Óscar Cisneros, Beatriz Águeda and Luz Marina Fernández-Toirán
Mycorrhiza 24 (2) 143 (2014)

Impact of forest management intensity on landscape-level mushroom productivity: A regional model-based scenario analysis

Sergio de-Miguel, José Antonio Bonet, Timo Pukkala and Juan Martínez de Aragón
Forest Ecology and Management 330 218 (2014)

Exploring the potential of wild food resources in the Mediterranean region: natural yield and gathering pressure of the wild asparagus (Asparagus acutifolius L.)

M. Molina, M. Pardo-de-Santayana, E. García, et al.
Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 10 (4) (2012)

Relationships between economic profitability and habitat quality of Siberian jay in uneven-aged Norway spruce forest

Timo Pukkala, Risto Sulkava, Lotta Jaakkola and Erkki Lähde
Forest Ecology and Management 276 224 (2012)

Yield models for ectomycorrhizal mushrooms in Pinus sylvestris forests with special focus on Boletus edulis and Lactarius group deliciosus

F. Martínez-Peña, S. de-Miguel, T. Pukkala, et al.
Forest Ecology and Management 282 63 (2012)

Demand for wild edible mushrooms. The case of Lactarius deliciosus in Barcelona (Spain)

Roberto Voces, Luis Diaz-Balteiro and Óscar Alfranca
Journal of Forest Economics 18 (1) 47 (2012)

Integration of fungal production in forest management using a multi-criteria method

Jorge Aldea, Fernando Martínez-Peña and Luis Diaz-Balteiro
European Journal of Forest Research 131 (6) 1991 (2012)

Immediate effect of thinning on the yield of Lactarius group deliciosus in Pinus pinaster forests in Northeastern Spain

J.A. Bonet, S. de-Miguel, J. Martínez de Aragón, T. Pukkala and M. Palahí
Forest Ecology and Management 265 211 (2012)

Canopy cover influence on macrofungal richness and sporocarp production in montado ecosystems

C. Santos-Silva, A. Gonçalves and R. Louro
Agroforestry Systems 82 (2) 149 (2011)

Production of edible mushrooms in forests: trends in development of a mycosilviculture

Jean-Michel Savoie and Michèle L. Largeteau
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 89 (4) 971 (2011)

Value of wild mushroom picking as an environmental service

Juan Martínez de Aragón, Pere Riera, Marek Giergiczny and Carlos Colinas
Forest Policy and Economics 13 (6) 419 (2011)

Forest liming durably impact the communities of ectomycorrhizas and fungal epigeous fruiting bodies

François Rineau, Jean-Paul Maurice, Claude Nys, Hubert Voiry and Jean Garbaye
Annals of Forest Science 67 (1) 110 (2010)

Is forest mushroom productivity driven by tree growth? Results from a thinning experiment

Simon Egli, François Ayer, Martina Peter, Britta Eilmann and Andreas Rigling
Annals of Forest Science 67 (5) 509 (2010)

Modelling the production and species richness of wild mushrooms in pine forests of the Central Pyrenees in northeastern Spain

J. A. Bonet, M. Palahí, C. Colinas, et al.
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 40 (2) 347 (2010)