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Responses of seedling growth and survival to post‐germination cotyledon removal: An investigation among seven oak species
Xianfeng Yi, Andrew W. Bartlow, Rachel Curtis, Salvatore J. Agosta, Michael A. Steele and Matthew Heard Journal of Ecology 107(4) 1817 (2019)
Effect of Predation, Competition, and Facilitation on Tree Survival and Growth in Abandoned Fields: Towards Precision Restoration
Spatio-temporal heterogeneity effects on seedling growth and establishment in four Quercus species
Victoria González-Rodríguez, Rafael Villar, Raquel Casado, Elena Suárez-Bonnet, José Luis Quero and Rafael M. Navarro-Cerrillo Annals of Forest Science 68(7) 1217 (2011)
Response to sewage sludge fertilisation in a Quercus rubra L. silvopastoral system: Soil, plant biodiversity and tree and pasture production
N. Ferreiro-Domínguez, A. Rigueiro-Rodríguez and M.R. Mosquera-Losada Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 141(1-2) 49 (2011)
Spatial and temporal variability of natural regeneration in a temperate old-growth forest
Rodent impact on establishment of direct-seeded Fagus sylvatica, Quercus robur and Quercus petraea on forest land
Maria Birkedal, Anders Fischer, Matts Karlsson, Magnus Löf and Palle Madsen Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 24(4) 298 (2009)