Open Access

Table A

Thinning data.

Time Volume potential period period period
after after Mean stand gross mortality mortality3
Species/ thinning thinning Tree numbers tree size volume1 increment3 volume3 (tree
treatment (y) (m3/ha) after thinning (m3) (m3/ha) Closure2 (m3/ha/y) (m3/ha/y) numbers)
Lodgepole pine
control 0 235 4864 0.048 236 1.00
control 5 275 4094 0.067 272 1.01 10.58 2.56 770
control 11 296 3493 0.085 300 0.99 6.30 2.24 601
control 16 335 3080 0.109 334 1.00 9.69 1.78 413
control 21 364 2723 0.134 364 1.00 7.97 2.31 357
control 26 399 2423 0.165 398 1.00 9.78 2.72 300
thinned 0 186 2911 0.064 266 0.70
thinned 5 230 2798 0.082 296 0.78 9.29 0.46 113
thinned 11 260 2648 0.098 319 0.81 6.74 0.71 150
thinned 16 297 2498 0.119 347 0.86 8.31 0.79 150
thinned 21 336 2329 0.144 376 0.89 9.33 1.68 169
thinned 26 371 2197 0.169 402 0.92 7.89 0.86 131
thinned 0 135 2197 0.061 261 0.52
thinned 5 175 2085 0.084 298 0.58 8.65 0.73 113
thinned 11 213 2028 0.105 328 0.65 7.97 0.38 56
thinned 16 264 1991 0.133 363 0.73 10.52 0.27 38
thinned 21 312 1859 0.168 401 0.78 10.07 0.52 131
thinned 0 93 1859 0.050 239 0.39
thinned 5 125 1822 0.069 275 0.46 6.75 0.19 38
thinned 11 157 1765 0.089 306 0.51 6.46 0.24 56
thinned 16 199 1746 0.114 340 0.59 8.70 0.17 19
thinned 21 244 1746 0.140 371 0.66 9.01 0.08 0
thinned 26 279 1653 0.169 402 0.69 8.08 1.04 94
thinned 0 71 1333 0.054 247 0.29
thinned 5 96 1164 0.083 297 0.32 6.32 1.30 169
thinned 11 124 1146 0.109 333 0.37 5.83 0.23 19
thinned 16 161 1108 0.146 378 0.43 7.48 0.12 38
thinned 21 203 1108 0.183 416 0.49 8.29 0.00 0
thinned 26 245 1033 0.237 465 0.53 9.15 0.74 75
thinned 0 57 732 0.077 288 0.20
thinned 5 76 620 0.123 352 0.22 4.93 1.00 113
thinned 11 101 582 0.173 406 0.25 4.96 0.09 38
thinned 16 129 563 0.229 458 0.28 6.09 0.46 19
thinned 21 166 582 0.285 503 0.33 7.54 0.07
thinned 26 197 582 0.339 542 0.36 7.61 1.37 0
Scots pine
control 0 295 3304 0.089 319 0.92
control 10 419 2455 0.171 435 0.96 17.24 4.76 849
control 15 494 2275 0.217 488 1.01 16.48 1.52 180
control 20 572 2052 0.279 549 1.04 19.06 3.52 224
control 25 589 1722 0.342 605 0.97 14.02 10.64 330
thinned* 0 251 (60) 2400 (1500) 0.080 302 0.83
thinned* 10 334 (85) 1447 (953) 0.175 440 0.76 16.82
thinned 15 411 1427 0.288 558 0.74 15.92 0.50 20
thinned* 20 447 (54) 1133 (293) 0.351 613 0.73 17.92
thinned 25 489 1100 0.444 686 0.71 11.84 3.58 33
thinned* 0 284 (80) 1200 (904) 0.173 438 0.65
thinned* 10 334 (80) 751(449) 0.345 608 0.55 12.93
thinned 15 395 751 0.526 743 0.53 12.22 0.00 0
thinned* 20 432 (40) 635 (115) 0.630 810 0.53 15.58
thinned 25 446 592 0.753 882 0.51 9.06 6.40 43
Western hemlock
control 0 787 1501 0.524 797 0.99
control 32 1297 745 1.741 1313 0.99 21.95 6.01 756
thinned 0 683 1093 0.625 858 0.80
thinned 32 1293 722 1.791 1328 0.97 22.50 3.43 371
thinned 0 600 964 0.622 856 0.70
thinned 32 1177 625 1.882 1356 0.87 22.02 3.98 339
thinned 0 556 709 0.783 942 0.59
thinned 32 1175 567 2.071 1411 0.83 20.90 1.56 142
thinned 0 482 565 0.853 976 0.49
thinned 32 957 451 2.121 1425 0.67 16.85 2.02 114
Monarch birch
control 0 203 1050 0.193 202 1.00
control 14 225 965 0.233 224 1.00 3.12 1.55 85
thinned 0 168 955 0.176 192 0.87
thinned 14 194 830 0.234 225 0.86 2.96 1.10 125
thinned 0 108 630 0.171 189 0.57
thinned 14 122 580 0.210 212 0.58 2.11 1.11 50
thinned 0 99 705 0.140 170 0.58
thinned 14 127 680 0.187 198 0.64 2.51 0.51 25
Gold birch
control 0 88 7950 0.011 88 1.00
control 10 177 4460 0.040 177 1.00 10.29 1.38 3490
thinned 0 25 560 0.045 190 0.13
thinned 10 70 510 0.138 349 0.20 4.96 0.46 50
thinned 0 52 1060 0.049 199 0.26
thinned 10 177 1050 0.169 391 0.45 12.55 0.07 10
thinned 0 78 1480 0.053 207 0.38
thinned 10 200 1400 0.143 357 0.56 12.51 0.35 80
thinned 0 49 2000 0.025 136 0.36
thinned 10 153 1970 0.078 256 0.60 10.56 0.16 30

Potential stand volume (based on control plot data for each experiment – see methods).


Closure = stand volume/ potential stand volume of un-thinned stand with the same mean tree volume.


Period values calculated for the time (time after thinning) between the line above and the current line.


In these treatments there were additional thinnings after the initial thinning. Volume and tree numbers in these thinnings (in brackets) were not separated from natural mortality, which therefore could not be estimated. These numbers were however used in the calculation of mean tree size.