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Table II

Osmotic potential at full turgor (π100), osmotic potential at turgor loss point (π0), relative water content at turgor loss point (RWC0) and mean bulk elastic modulus (ε) for 3 species of Eucalyptus during winter (date) and summer (date) sampling periods. Post hoc grouping was performed using Tukey’s HSD. Season significance was obtained using ANOVA and Fishers LSD tests.

Species Winter Species post hoc Summer Species post hoc Season significance

se groups se groups
π100 (MPa)
E. obliqua –1.856 0.035 a –1.800 0.036 a 0.101
E. rubida –1.986 0.116 a –1.871 0.038 a 0.188
E. melliodora –2.350 0.059 b –2.784 0.182 b 0.026
E. obliqua –2.156 0.034 a –2.091 0.065 a 0.109
E. rubida –2.328 0.113 a –2.203 0.052 a 0.171
E. melliodora –2.837 0.052 b –3.360 0.221 b 0.025
RWC0 (%)
E. obliqua 91.510 1.137 a 88.600 0.927 a 0.041
E. rubida 87.660 0.858 a 88.500 0.316 a 0.193
E. melliodora 87.900 1.100 a 85.700 1.546 a 0.140
E. obliqua 8.469 1.259 a 11.901 2.376 a 0.119
E. rubida 7.017 1.072 ab 6.674 1.082 ab 0.414
E. melliodora 4.429 0.389 b 3.233 0.464 b 0.042