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Results of a principal components analysis for correlations among the nine functional traits highlighted in Table I, for the 38 species regional pool in French Guiana. Two axes were defined that explain 67.1% of variation. Along these factors, four putative functional groups can be defined representing combinations of rates of carbon and nitrogen fixation. Abbreviations for variables are explained in Table I. Species positions in trait space are indicated with squares, except for the 16 focal species focal (four within each functional group), to be manipulated in the proposed TropiDEP experimental design, for which species codes are given (see Tab. II). Note that the nitrogen-fixing legumes do not cover the entire gradient of variation along the carbon diversity axis comprised by the non-fixing species, so for TropiDEP we chose the extreme species with very thick leaves and relatively low photosynthetic capacity within the non-N-fixing slow-growers.