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Table III

Shift in the relative fruit body abundance of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal species and in the proportions per ecological category between the period before the thinning (1977–1986) and after the thinning (1987–2006) in plot 59 and in the non-thinned plots 47, 51, 54, 58. For this comparison only the species occurring in plot 59 were considered. J Increasing trend; I decreasing trend.

59 58 54 51 47
Mycorrhizal 44%◂63% 71%▸57% 81%▸66% 83%▸57% 56%▸38%
Strictly beech-specific 19%◂70% 68%▸52% 78%◂81% 91%◂92% 25%▸21%
Facultatively beech-specific 70%▸15% 9%◂27% 8%◂11% 6%▸5% 16%◂38%
Non beech-specific 11%◂15% 23%▸21% 14%▸8% 3% 3% 59%▸41%

Non mycorrhizal 56%▸37% 29%◂43% 19%◂34% 17%◂43% 44%◂62%
Saprotrophic-terricol 95%▸41% 79%▸34% 68%▸65% 96%▸63% 40%◂47%
Saprotrophic lignicolous 5%◂48% 10%◂26% 26%▸23% 4%◂36% 21%▸12%
Parasitc, pathogenic 0%◂11% 11%◂40% 6%◂12% 0%◂1% 39%◂41%