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Table V

F-value for intercept, spacing, genetic entry (GE), whorl, whorl × GE interaction, origin group (OG) and whorl × OG interaction for average branch diameter (ABD) and average branch angle (ABA).

Variables Intercept Spacing GE Whorl Whorl × GE
ABD 3427.04* 11.66* 186.01* 2.38*
ABA 2802.95* 3.61* 66.25*

Variables Intercept Spacing OG Whorl Whorl × OG

ABD 3436.76* 12.16* 3.80* 173.52*

ABA 2896.99* 8.74* 69.97* 2.50*

Significance p < 0.05. (–) Variables with no significance effects removed from model.