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Table S1

Overview on the 23 mixed Norway spruce-European beech observation plots included in this analysis. Explanation of variables: In the column age span the lowest and highest ages for Norway spruce are listed. The age of European beech can deviate from that by some 5–10 y. For explanation of eco-regions see Arbeitskreis Standortskartierung (1985).

Experimental Age span (y) Geographic position Eco-region Elevation Mean annual Annual Substrate
location N-longitude E-latitude a. s. l. (m) Temperature (°C) Precipitation
(mm y−1)
Murten 020, 041 34–98 46° 55′–46° 56′ 7° 09′–7° 10′ Prévondavaux 520–580 7.9–8.5 845–1.028 Loam, sea molasse
Galmwald 21 34–111 46° 54′ 7° 10′–7° 11′ Jeuseck, Galm 580–590 7.9–8.5 845–1.028 Loam, sea molasse
Schongau814 45–120 47° 31′–47° 32′ 10° 28′–10° 31′ Kalkalpine Jungmoräne 785–800 6.8 1.114 Loam, pleistocene
Denklingen 43 71–76 47° 54′ 10° 47′ Kalkalpine Jungmoräne 740 6.8 1.100 Loam, brash
Freising 813 37–120 48° 14′–48° 30′ 11° 23′–11° 31′ Bay. Tertiär-Hügelland 480–515 7.7 814 Loess, molasse
Ehingen 51 34–39 48° 16′ 9° 37′ Schwäbische Alb 635 7.7–8.0 850–900 Marl lime, jurassic
Geislingen 76 27–48 48° 36′ 9° 52′ Schwäbische Alb 650 6.8 1.050 Marl silt, jurassic
Zwiesel 111 59–107 49° 04′ 13° 18′ Innerer Bay. Wald 760 6.2 1.270 Loam, granite
Zwiesel 134 74–93 49° 04′ 13° 15′ Innerer Bay. Wald 710 5.9 1.200 Loam, granite
Zwiesel 135 57–76 49° 04′ 13° 15′ Innerer Bayer. Wald 700 5.9 1,200 Loam, granite
Morbach 1501 80–97 49° 51′ 7° 08′ Hunsrück 640 6.5 950 Loamy sand, quartzite
Mitterteich 101 57–123 49° 57′ 12° 09′ Basaltgebiet Mitterteich 640–650 5.5 900 Loam, basalt
Daun 1206, 1207 32–72 50° 18′ 7° 01′ Östliche Hocheifel 445 7.0 750 Para-brown soil, greywacke
Dillenburg 91/92/93 40–56 50° 44′ 08° 17′ Westerwald 238 8.2 750 Sandy loam, greywacke
Zobten 39 72–82 50° 54′ 16° 45′ Schlesisches Bergland 150 7.5 700–800 Loess-loam, over granite
Uslar 57 48–119 51° 38′ 09° 42′ Solling 340 8.2 770–800 Sandy loam, sand stone
Kupferhütte 11 97–107 51° 38′ 10° 27′ Oberharz 350 7.5 950 Stonyloam, greywacke
Wieda 114 46–103 51° 38′ 10° 34′ Südlicher Mittelharz 480 6.0 1.150 Loam, schist
Neuenheerse 106 59–70 51° 40′ 08° 59′ Rothaargebirge 282 8.0 725–1.000 Loamy sand, sand stone
Knobben 44 69–112 51° 41′ 09° 36′ Solling 257 8.2 770-800 Sandy loam, sand stone