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Changes in the epigenome and transcriptome of the poplar shoot apical meristem in response to water availability affect preferentially hormone pathways

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Epigenetic Variance, Performing Cooperative Structure with Genetics, Is Associated with Leaf Shape Traits in Widely Distributed Populations of Ornamental Tree Prunus mume

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Winter-dormant shoot apical meristem in poplar trees shows environmental epigenetic memory

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Chilling‐responsive DEMETER‐LIKE DNA demethylase mediates in poplar bud break

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Maternal effects on phenotype, resistance and the structuring of fungal communities in Eucalyptus grandis

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No consistent daily variation in DNA methylation detected in Populus nigra leaves by methylation-sensitive amplification polymorphism analysis

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Daniel Conde, Mariano Perales, Anne-Laure Le Gac, Christopher Dervinis, Matias Kirst, Stéphane Maury, Pablo González-Melendi and Isabel Allona

Comparative epigenomic and transcriptomic analysis of Populus roots under excess Zn

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Environmental and Experimental Botany 132 16 (2016)

Forest tree genomics: 10 achievements from the past 10 years and future prospects

Christophe Plomion, Catherine Bastien, Marie-Béatrice Bogeat-Triboulot, Laurent Bouffier, Annabelle Déjardin, Sébastien Duplessis, Bruno Fady, Myriam Heuertz, Anne-Laure Le Gac, Grégoire Le Provost, Valérie Legué, Marie-Anne Lelu-Walter, Jean-Charles Leplé, Stéphane Maury, Alexandre Morel, Sylvie Oddou-Muratorio, Gilles Pilate, Léopoldo Sanchez, Ivan Scotti, Caroline Scotti-Saintagne, Vincent Segura, Jean-François Trontin and Corinne Vacher
Annals of Forest Science 73 (1) 77 (2016)

Methylation of microRNA genes regulates gene expression in bisexual flower development in andromonoecious poplar

Yuepeng Song, Min Tian, Dong Ci and Deqiang Zhang
Journal of Experimental Botany 66 (7) 1891 (2015)

Epi-fingerprinting and epi-interventions for improved crop production and food quality

Carlos M. Rodríguez López and Mike J. Wilkinson
Frontiers in Plant Science 6 (2015)

Epigenetic Variability in the Genetically Uniform Forest Tree Species Pinus pinea L

Enrique Sáez-Laguna, María-Ángeles Guevara, Luis-Manuel Díaz, et al.
PLoS ONE 9 (8) e103145 (2014)

Molecular and physiological responses to abiotic stress in forest trees and their relevance to tree improvement

A. Harfouche, R. Meilan and A. Altman
Tree Physiology (2014)

Analysis of the leaf methylomes of parents and their hybrids provides new insight into hybrid vigor in Populus deltoides

Ming Gao, Qinjun Huang, Yanguang Chu, Changjun Ding, Bingyu Zhang and Xiaohua Su
BMC Genetics 15 (S1) (2014)

In search of markers for somatic embryo maturation in hybrid larch (Larix × eurolepis): global DNA methylation and proteomic analyses

Caroline Teyssier, Stéphane Maury, Martine Beaufour, Cécile Grondin, Alain Delaunay, Claire Le Metté, Kevin Ader, Martine Cadene, Philippe Label and Marie‐Anne Lelu‐Walter
Physiologia Plantarum 150 (2) 271 (2014)

Epigenetic regulation of adaptive responses of forest tree species to the environment

Katharina Bräutigam, Kelly J. Vining, Clément Lafon‐Placette, Carl G. Fossdal, Marie Mirouze, José Gutiérrez Marcos, Silvia Fluch, Mario Fernández Fraga, M. Ángeles Guevara, Dolores Abarca, Øystein Johnsen, Stéphane Maury, Steven H. Strauss, Malcolm M. Campbell, Antje Rohde, Carmen Díaz‐Sala and María‐Teresa Cervera
Ecology and Evolution 3 (2) 399 (2013)

Methylome of DNase I sensitive chromatin in Populus trichocarpa shoot apical meristematic cells: a simplified approach revealing characteristics of gene‐body DNA methylation in open chromatin state

Clément Lafon‐Placette, Patricia Faivre‐Rampant, Alain Delaunay, Nathaniel Street, Franck Brignolas and Stéphane Maury
New Phytologist 197 (2) 416 (2013)

Poplars with a PtDDM1-RNAi transgene have reduced DNA methylation and show aberrant post-dormancy morphology

Ruoqing Zhu, Olga Shevchenko, Cathleen Ma, et al.
Planta 237 (6) 1483 (2013)

Dynamic DNA cytosine methylation in the Populus trichocarpa genome: tissue-level variation and relationship to gene expression

Kelly J Vining, Kyle R Pomraning, Larry J Wilhelm, Henry D Priest, Matteo Pellegrini, Todd C Mockler, Michael Freitag and Steven H Strauss
BMC Genomics 13 (1) (2012)

Photosynthetic response to genome methylation affects the growth of Chinese white poplar

Kaifeng Ma, Yuepeng Song, Xibing Jiang, et al.
Tree Genetics & Genomes 8 (6) 1407 (2012)

I. Aranda, E. Gil-Pelegrín, A. Gascó, M. A. Guevara, J. F. Cano, M. De Miguel, J. A. Ramírez-Valiente, J. J. Peguero-Pina, P. Perdiguero, A. Soto, M. T. Cervera and C. Collada
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Genic DNA methylation changes during in vitro organogenesis: organ specificity and conservation between parental lines of epialleles

Stéphane Maury, Marie‐Véronique Trap‐Gentil, Claire Hébrard, Guy Weyens, Alain Delaunay, Steve Barnes, Marc Lefebvre and Claude Joseph
Physiologia Plantarum 146 (3) 321 (2012)

Clone history shapes Populus drought responses

Sherosha Raj, Katharina Bräutigam, Erin T. Hamanishi, Olivia Wilkins, Barb R. Thomas, William Schroeder, Shawn D. Mansfield, Aine L. Plant and Malcolm M. Campbell
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (30) 12521 (2011)

Time course and amplitude of DNA methylation in the shoot apical meristem are critical points for bolting induction in sugar beet and bolting tolerance between genotypes

Marie-Véronique Trap-Gentil, Claire Hébrard, Clément Lafon-Placette, et al.
Journal of Experimental Botany 62 (8) 2585 (2011)