Free Access
Ann. For. Sci.
Volume 67, Number 2, March-April 2010
Article Number 208
Number of page(s) 10
Published online 01 February 2010

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Supplementary figures

thumbnail Figure S1

Relationship (linear correlation) measured on the apex of the six poplar genotypes in well-watered and in water deficit conditions between (A) DNMT activity and amount of DNMT band at 100 kDa (expressed in percentage of total signal, see materials and methods section for details); (B) HDAC activity and the ratio between the amount of HDAC band at 80 kDa (expressed in percentage of total signal, see materials and methods section for details). Regarding the out of range values for Carpaccio, linear correlation was computed only for the five other genotypes.

thumbnail Figure S2

Relationship (linear correlation) between ratio of acetylated histone H3(AcH3) and F2 axis of PCA measured on the apex of the six poplar genotypes (A) in well-watered condition (white circle) and (B) water deficit condition (black circle).

thumbnail Figure S3

Relationship (linear correlation) between ratio of acetylated histone H4 and Height measured on the apex of the six poplar genotypes (A) in well-watered condition (white circle), (B) in water deficit condition (black circle) and (C) Root biomass in water deficit condition (black circle).

© INRA, EDP Sciences, 2010