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Table A

Mean wood density and growth of Prosopis africana evaluated at 13 years in a provenance/progeny test in Niger. Means are given for all trees and separately for each provenance. Provenances are ordered by longitude, from west to eastabc .

(kg/m3) (m) (cm) (cm)
All trees 606.3 3.79 5.4 4.1 1062–1078
28 608.3 3.18 4.2 3.2 28–31
26 589.7 2.87 3.7 2.7 24–28
27 577.9 3.09 3.9 2.8 36
24 590.7 3.11 4.1 3.1 21–23
9 605.3 3.55 4.6 3.5 35–36
6 614.9 3.97 5.8 4.5 62
10 609.7 3.73 5.1 3.9 37–39
1 609.3 4.13 6.5 5.0 26
2 610.4 3.87 5.4 4.2 59
7 618.0 4.24 6.4 5.0 43
5 607.3 3.95 5.6 4.3 55
4 609.4 4.01 5.7 4.4 60
3 598.2 3.45 4.6 3.5 37
11 596.9 3.83 5.2 4.0 64
12 610.1 4.07 6.1 4.6 66
13 632.4 3.96 5.7 4.4 30
15 612.7 3.61 5.1 3.9 27
17 622.8 4.08 5.8 4.4 36
18 606.5 3.81 5.5 4.3 49–50
19 598.0 3.92 5.8 4.5 52–53
20 620.8 4.03 5.9 4.5 61–62
21 605.2 3.86 5.5 4.3 49
22 586.4 3.62 5.4 4.1 50–51
23 601.3 3.69 5.1 3.9 54–55

Provenances 1–23 from Niger and 24–28 from Burkina Faso. Four provenances in Figure 1 (8, 14, 16 and 25) not analyzed due to small sample size (< 20 trees).


Variables: BD = basic wood density at 1.3 m; Height = tree height; DBHOB and DBHUB = stem diameter at 1.3 m over bark and under bark, respectively.


Standard deviations among all trees: BD = 40.0 kg/m3 , Height = 0.85 m, DBHOB = 1.9 cm, DBHUB = 1.6 cm.